四十四 ; goodbye andong

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day 17
12.22 pm
lee haru

goodbye, andong

"i'm starting to think that tradition
isn't really my cup of tea"
i heave a tired sigh
after the long morning of touring the old folk town

jeongguk seems to have had fun himself
and unlike me, he looks like he didn't
even lose a drop of sweat
i, on the other hand
am exhausted

maybe it's the result of sleeping at 2
(jeongguk suggested we watch the
old korean movie playing on TV after midnight)
and waking up at 5 in the morning
(before dawn so we can watch
the sunrise again)

and let me tell you
it has to be at least
a negative hundred degrees outside
it is absolutely freezing

we decide to leave the town by noon
after getting a couple snacks and food stocks
from the convenience store nearby our rover

and turns out
our shopping isn't as peaceful as we
thought it would be
that's right; more fans to run away from

"you're lucky it was just a fanboy"
i say as jeongguk drives out into the highway
"otherwise your immaculate shirt would be
ripped off you in a heartbeat"

jeongguk's forehead creases in disbelief
"i saw him, he clearly pointed at me and said
'it's you! jeon jeongguk from BTS!'
out loud!
i was terrified i swear my heart stopped
for a minute there"
he's saying it as if he hasn't had boys
freaking out over seeing him beforr

"even boys are crazy over you
i wonder how and why"

"maybe because i'm too cool and
visually outstanding for a man"
he pats his own chest proudly
earning himself a smack on the arm

you have to admit it i'm—"


he stills at my reply
and it takes me awhile to realise what i just said
oh god did i say that out loud?!

i clasp my palm over my mouth in shock
"i-i didn't mean that

jeongguk tosses me a grin and winks
"see, even you can't handle me"

"i wonder why i'm still stuck with some narcissist whose head is so full of himself"

he sticks out his tongue
"and i'm wondering what
i did in my past life
to get the chance to travel to my hometown
with a beautiful young lady by my side"

my cheeks heat up
and i have to lower my head to
keep him from noticing
but not before returning his "compliment"
with an eyeroll

"you're blushing again"
he noticed anyway

"i'm not"

"you are!"

"it's just... hot in here"
you fanned yourself with your
hands to prove your point

"5 minutes ago you complained that
it felt like a negative hundred degrees
that's colder than the north pole"

i toss him a glare
and he emits a cheerful laugh
before breaking down into a fit of coughs again

after observing him the night before
his coughs aren't frequent
but everytime it happens
it sounds like something inside of him is breaking
like a glass bottle crashing to the ground
and it makes me worried sick

he rejects the bottle of water
that i offer him
telling me that he's fine
before placing a hanky over his mouth

"first snow"
i check off the empty space beside
the #9 on my bucketlist

jeongguk smiles
eyes occasionally darting back and forth
between me and the road
"next stop?"

"colourful daegu"
i let out a satisfying sigh
leaning back against my seat

jeongguk hums
"well daegu here we go"

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