六十五 ; final destination

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day 21
8.52 am
lee haru

final destination

as soon as the we pass the large sign
with the bold words of
on the long highway
my heart leaps with joy

jeongguk's must've too
because he doesn't only look happy and excited
he's thrilled
and he's saying "ahh it's my hometown!"
like a child coming home after years of being away

we enter the city
tall cookie-cutted buildings
and beautiful monuments
greeting us along the way

compared to the boring streets of seoul
that i'm used to be seeing
busan is just

"were you from here?" jeongguk asks
and i give him a nod

"my parents moved to seoul after
sorting out their business
i was a kid when we left" i let out a sigh
"it's just as i remember it"

jeongguk smiles and leans back
looking out the window as we continue to drive
"do you have any relatives here?"
he suddenly asks

"none that i know of
most of them moved to seoul"
i see the familiar park
with the dancing fountain
that mom and i used to go when i was a kid
back when she wasn't so busy
back when she still offered me her
endless love and attention

not much of this place has changed
and maybe i'm grateful for that

jeongguk hums lowly
as if he's thinking of something

i realise that we havent exactly planned
what we were going to do in busan
besides watching the flying lanterns
we haven't even planned on where to spend the night

unless it's another hotel
can't say i'm not up for that
but doesn't he have other plans now that
we're in our hometowns

"so" i begin
giving him a quick glance as
i slow down the car
"where to now?"

jeongguk turns back to me
"let me take the wheel"
he says in determination

and i nearly consider that
until he starts coughing up again
i glance back again worriedly


"i'm taking the wheel
you can point me the directions
and then we'll have to stop by a clinic or something"
i notice him scrunching his nose
"this is getting out of hand
we have to get you checked"

he looks bewildered
"n-no i swear i'm fine"

"don't you dare lie to me
you literally threw up last night
and i'm sure it isn't just because
of a simple nausea"

he doesn't seem to agree with me
because he's downright protesting
"no clinics or hospitals for that matter
something else can treat me"

i raise an eyebrow "what?"

he leans forward and gestures at the road
"take a left"

"may i know where exactly we're heading?"

he smiles
he says
"that is my cure"

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