五十一 ; kidnapped

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day 18
5.25 pm
lee haru


the first thing my mind registers
is the fact that we're locked in
some dim basement room
with ropes around our hands
as they're tied behind our backs

beside me, jeongguk stirrs
eyes widening when he realises where we are

"what happened?"
he struggles to get his hands out of the rope
and i squeeze my lips together in panic
trying to free my hands as well but to no avail

the door in front of us open
and in steps three tall boys
teenagers, and by the looks of it
they might probably be still in highschool

"what do you think you're doing?"
i hiss, already frustrated because of the
burning feeling around my wrists
how do i loosen this thing?

the boy in the middle smiles smugly
walking towards and crouching
down in front of me
"you look like you have a lot of money
and i bet your boyfriend has more too"
he grins, and i scoff in disbelief

jeongguk is silent and still
and the teenage boy turns to him
watching in amusement
i realise that we don't have our bags with us

"then take it all, just let us go"
jeongguk tries to negotiate
but i can see how his body is stiffened
and his jaw is clenched
apparently i'm not the only one
who feels frustrated here

"not yet" the boy says, shaking his head
"if we let you go now
you'll be running off to the police"

"then why kidnap us in the first place
where's the logic in that?"
i snap, and the boy looks offended

"we'll come back later"
he stands and walks out
plunging the room into darkness again

"at least loosen the ropes
i don't have time to play with you
i have a life ahead of me!" i shout out
and jeongguk shakes his head

"how can you be so relaxed?"
i question and he shrugs
looking completely normal
as if we didn't just get kidnapped and
locked in a basement
with no guarantee of making it out alive

"i saw that kid's bag" he replies
"it has our logo on it"


"my group's logo"

"and what if he stole that bag too
and they're planning to sell us off for money"

jeongguk's lips purses into a flat line
"then we'll wait"

"for what?"

"for them to come back"

"tsk boys" i say
leaning back in defeat
my wrists hurt from the friction of the tight rope
"don't they have better things to do"

"boys, they're like that"
jeongguk answers as a matter of factly
"but i doubt they'd do
anything brutal to us"

"well if i die here
at least i wouldn't be dying alone
i'd go with a boy with a pretty face
oh, i'm so lucky"


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