二十 ; unfamiliar streets will change you

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day 8
3.50 pm
lee haru

unfamiliar streets will change you

the next day
i find myself returning back to the abandoned buildings
in the corner of cheongju town
the place i called my shelter
during my stay here

after an entire day of
walking around the city
exploring, trying out new things
i don't know why my heart feels heavy
as if it isn't satisfied that i haven't found jeongguk

maybe i was a little too late
i should've recognised him when i
first saw him yesterday

i stop in front of the row of houses
and take careful steps towards the front door

it's not much, but it's good enough for me
i turn the door knob
only to find that the door is already opened

i freeze in my tracks
my blood runs cold
someone is here
what if they're looking for me?
i can't take that risk

i hear several muffled voices from inside
and a set of footsteps coming towards me
i stumble down the path
towards the main road
quickly pulling my hoodie over my head

the door opens
revealing a man
dressed in formal blue uniform
the police

his eyes widen upon seeing me
and for a moment
i am too shocked to move
that is
until the sudden realisation that
i might lose my freedom hits me
and i do the first thing
that comes into my head
i run

i run
and run
and run

faster and faster
not stopping
even when my feet begin to ache

behind me
i can hear them coming
i can't lose my freedom
not now, not yet

as i run
i can't help but think that it's
going to be over
my freedom, my tiny little rebellion
i say a prayer in my head, heart withering away

and then it all happens so quickly
i rush into an alleyway, slip over a plastic bag
in the middle of my path
something grab onto my arm
hoisting me back up

no, not something

the figure pulls me into a tiny room
that smells like soap and detergent
its a janitor room

the said person slaps a hand over my mouth
and i struggle to get out of their grip
but they're too strong for me
the footsteps run past,
they've missed our hiding spot

and before long
the hand around my mouth is gone
as i elbow the owner in the stomach
"o-ouch! hey cut it out!"

jumping out of the janitor's room
i'm about to start running
when my mind fully registers the voice
it's familiar
so very familiar
that it's fresh in the back of my head

i whirl around
my heartbeat taking a pause
my eyes widen
in shock, in relief, in happiness

"the streets really have changed you"
jeongguk says
face scrunched up as he soothes the spot
where i had elbowed him earlier
"i should never underestimate your running skills"

w-what are you doing here?"

it's almost too good to be true

the boy smiles
finally managing to straighten up
after the pain subsides

"well nice to see you too

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