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"See ya later, Mom! I'm off!" Naruto called. He quickly grabbed a piece of bread and stuffed it in his mouth, then ran out the door. "Have a nice day!" I called to him as he closed the door behind him. I took a sip of my tea and gazed out the window as the sun was accompanied by the white clouds. 

"Another beautiful day." I said with a smile before taking another sip of my tea. Adopting Naruto was the best thing that's ever happened to me. I honestly couldn't be happier. Hmm... I wonder what I should do today? Clean the house, maybe? Go food shopping? Buy some gifts for Naruto?

Well, I suppose cleaning the house is my first priority. This place could use some dusting. 

When I was finished with my tea, I got to work and began dusting the places that needed to be dusted. I looked over at the kitchen and noticed the carton of milk Naruto left out. "Oh, Naruto." I said, walking over to it.

I went to put it back in the fridge until I noticed the expiration date. "Uh-oh. This won't end well." I said. I looked at the table again and noticed Naruto forgot his lunch. I better get this to him before he starves.

I grabbed his lunch and ran out the door, heading towards the academy. But when I got there, the classroom was totally empty. "Is it lunchtime already? Wow, time certainly does fly by." I said to myself. I've got to find Naruto and give him his lunch. 

I walked outside the academy, looking for Naruto. "I wonder where he could've gone." I mumbled as I looked around. I spotted a pink-haired girl and an Uchiha as they were talking. That must be Sakura Haruno and Sasuke Uchiha. 

Naruto's always talking about them. He tells me how pretty Sakura is and how big of a showoff Sasuke can be. Maybe they can help me find Naruto. I walked over to them and went to ask them until I heard Sakura talking about Naruto.

"You know why he's so annoying? It's because he wasn't raised right. He doesn't have a mother or father, no one to teach him right from wrong. Think about it. He just does whatever comes into his head,"

My anger boiled the more she talked. "If I did things like Naruto, forget it. I mean, my parents would get mad and I'd get in trouble. So, of course I don't do it. But if you don't have parents to tell you, how would you know? He's selfish and bratty. He's all alone." Sakura said. 

I stomped over to her and gave her a hard smack across the face. The slap was so hard, Sakura fell on her side and held her cheek as it turned red. "You shut your mouth right now, you stupid girl," I said, coldly.

"You have no idea what Naruto goes through, so don't go talking about him like you know him. Someone like you would never understand the pain Naruto goes through." I said. 

I approached Sakura and got down on one knee, then got close to her face as my hair covered my eyes.

"Listen here, stupid girl. Don't you ever talk about my son again. And don't you ever try harming him. Otherwise, I'll kill you. If I ever catch you talking about my son again, I'll show you exactly how it feels to be in Naruto's footsteps. Got it?" I threatened. 

Sakura slowly nodded her head in fear and I rose to my feet. I walked away, resuming my search for Naruto. 

As I was walking, I glanced back, noticing Sasuke was following me. "Are you lost, little boy?" I asked as I continued to walk. "Is it true? Are you really Naruto's mother?" Sasuke asked. "Of course. I never tell a lie," I stated. "Is there any reason you're following me?"

"You're looking for Naruto, aren't you?" He asked. "Yes. In fact, I already know where he is." I said. "How?"

"It's a mother's instinct," I smiled. "Now, what business do you have with my son? Ah, here he is." I said as I spotted Naruto running this way. He skidded to a stop and fell against my chest. "There you are, Naruto. I've been looking everywhere for you." I said, wrapping my arms around him. 

"What are you doing here, Mom?" Naruto asked as he looked up at me. "You forgot your lunch. Here," I said, handing it to him. "Where have you been? I've been looking for you everywhere." 

"Oh... Well..." Naruto laughed sheepishly as he scratched the back of his head. I smiled at him before giving a small giggle. "Up to your old tricks again, I see?" I guessed. "Yeah." Naruto confessed.

"You'll never change. But that's good because I never want you to change. I love you just the way you are." I said, petting his head. Naruto grinned at me, then spotted Sasuke. 

"Sasuke, what are you doing here?! How did you get loose?!" Naruto said. "Get loose?" I repeated. What did he do? "I used the Escape Jutsu. No sweat, it's a very basic technique,"  Sasuke explained. "Why'd you do that? Transform into me?"

"Oh, I'm sure Naruto was just playing. I sure he didn't mean anything by it." I defended. "I thought it'd be fun if I tried out my moves on you, so I did!" Naruto admitted. "See? He was just playing around." I said, smiling. 

"And you're okay with that? Allowing your son to tie up people and transform into them?" Sasuke asked. "Oh, don't be such a drama queen. He was just having a little fun. Hey, if it were me, I'd do it, too." I said. 

"Huh? You really would?" Naruto asked. "Of course. It sounds like fun, as long as nobody's getting hurt. And looking at Sasuke, he doesn't seem to have a scratch on him. So, no harm done." I answered as I looked at him with a closed-eye smile. 

"See, Sasuke? You just need to lighten up!" Naruto said. "But Naruto, you shouldn't have attacked him like that. Something dangerous really could have happened to him." I mentioned. Naruto pouted and lowered his head in shame. 

"Hey, come on now. Don't give me that face," I said, crouching down so I could see him. "What you did wasn't that bad. Let's just leave it as a warning this time, okay?" I said. "Hai..." Naruto mumbled. I smiled and stood to my feet, before kissing the top of his forehead. 

Naruto's eyes went wide and he held his stomach with both hands. "Hmm? What's the matter, Naruto?" I asked. "Bathroom!" He yelled, and ran. "Huh?" He ran into the bathroom and quickly shut the door. "Oh, my." I said. I had a feeling something like this would happen. 

Sasuke's POV

"What are you doing?" I asked as Naruto's mother. She went into the bag she was carrying and took out a small white bottle. "Sasuke, you don't need to be here anymore. You can go now." She said before walking over to the door Naruto went behind. 

"Naruto," The woman said, knocking on the door. "I have something that will help your stomach." 

She placed the bottle down on its side and gently kicked it so it rolled beneath the door, entering the bathroom. "What was that you just gave him?" I asked. "Medicine." She answered as she leaned against the wall, next to the door. 

"Medicine?" I repeated. "Wait, so you knew Naruto would get a stomach ache?" 

"A mother always comes prepared, Sasuke Uchiha." The woman said. She closed her eyes and smiled a calm smile as her hands were grasped together in front of her. "Yahoo!" Naruto burst out of the bathroom with the biggest grin on his face.

"I feel so much better! Believe it!" He cheered. "I'm glad you're feeling better. Would you like to have lunch together, Naruto?" The woman asked. "Yeah! Let's go to Ichiraku's and eat there!" Naruto said.

"You're gonna pick a dessert after you eat your lunch, aren't you."

"Uh-huh! Is that okay?"

"Of course, Naruto. Whatever you want." She said, smiling again. "All right! Let's get going!" Naruto announced, running off. "Hey, wait for me, silly!" The woman laughed before chasing after him. I watched as they left before giving a small frown.

There's no way that can be Naruto's mother. They don't even look alike. How can that be his mother? I just won't believe it...

The Mother He Never HadWhere stories live. Discover now