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Haru's POV

Once I got Gaara to a safe location, I gently lied him down on the grass and sat on my knees, then placed my hands over his chest to heal him. 

Some minutes passed, and nothing was happening, so I checked his pulse. My eyes widened in shock when there wasn't one. I started to perform CPR in hopes to revive him. But no matter how hard I try, I couldn't revive him. 

Tears began to form at the brim of my eyes until I lowered them in my eyes. "Gaara... I'm so sorry." I whispered. My body started to tremble as I began to cry. "How could I have let this happen? Why did I let this happen?" I whispered. 

I bent over and hugged him as I cried some more. "This is all my fault. I should've fought harder, and now..." I trailed off as my crying turned into sobs. "You deserved more. You deserved to be happy. This shouldn't have happened to you. If only I had gotten there sooner... Gaara..." 

How will I tell the village? How will I tell Naruto? I failed to protect him. I vowed to bring him back unharmed... and I failed. 

I knew I couldn't stay hidden forever. I have bring Gaara back to his village. I wiped my tears and picked up Gaara's body. Hesitantly, I started to walk forward and rendezvoused with Squad 7, Team Guy, and Lady Chiyo. "Miss Haru, we finally found you! Are you alright?" Rock Lee asked.

I didn't answer as my hair covered my eyes. "Hey, wait... Is that Gaara?" Tenten asked. Once I was near them, I placed Gaara's body on the ground and sat on my knees.  "Gaara is... He's..." I couldn't get my words out as I felt a lump in my throat.

I swallowed the lump down and began to speak clearly. "I tried to save him... I tried reviving him, but I was... I was too late. I'm sorry." I said. "Mom..." Naruto said, quietly. I looked at him as a tear ran down my cheek. 

"I'm so sorry, Naruto." I apologized. "It's not your fault, Haru." Kakashi said. "How is it not? It was my job to protect him! I promised to bring him back alive! So, tell me how this isn't my fault!" I snapped. Kakashi was quiet for a moment before he walked over to me. 

He kneeled down next to me and hugged me. "Because it's not." He answered. 

"Don't do that," I gently pushed him away and frowned at him as I wiped my eyes, feeling the tears forming. "Don't sit there and comfort me, and tell me this isn't my fault when it clearly is. It's all my fault. Just like back then when..."

A sudden flashback came into my mind as I pictured my past. How I babysat for those two kids and how I let them die because I couldn't keep my eyes on them. "How could I let this happen again? Why couldn't I have just saved him?" I said. 

I pressed my hands against my face and started crying again as Naruto began to cry as well. I took my hands off my face when I heard footsteps walking over to us and saw that Granny Chiyo had got on her knees, sitting by Gaara's side. 

"Lady Chiyo...?" I said, quietly, as I looked at her. She placed her hands on Gaara's chest and they started to glow blue. It didn't take me long to realize what she was doing. "Lady Chiyo, you mustn't! You'll...!"

She looked at me and smiled, telling me that it was going to be all right. "I don't understand! What's she doing, Mom?" Naruto said. "Naruto... It will be okay. Lady Chiyo... is bring him back." I said. There was a tense silent as the wind blew.

"She's bring him back?" Naruto repeated. "What are you talking about? I mean, how is that even possible?" 

I looked back at Lady Chiyo and saw her struggling. I placed my hands over hers, in which she looked at me in surprise. "Let me help. You can use my chakra. Take as much as you like in order to bring him back." I offered.

"I want to help, too." Naruto said as he was by my side. Lady Chiyo didn't say anything for a moment until she gave me a nod of agreement. 

"Young lady... What's your name?" Chiyo asked. "Haru. Haru... no Hana. I'm Naruto's mother, and Lord Kazekage..." I looked down at Gaara, then gave a face of determination. "He is also my family." I said. Lady Chiyo looked at me in surprise again.

"In this world of a Shinobi, created by frivolous old people, it's a great comfort to know that new souls like yourself have come along. Up till now, everything I've done in my life has been wrong. But at least here in my final hour, I can finally do something right for a change. The Sand and the Leaf..." Granny Chiyo looked towards the sky and smiled.

"May the future that awaits them be different from the way things were in our time. This special power of yours that Kakashi spoke up... That power will change the future dramatically. Become a Hokage the likes have which have never been seen." She said. 

Gaara's POV


Who is that? Who's... Who's calling me? Who is it?

"Gaara... Come on, Gaara. It's time to go."

That voice... I know that voice...

I know I recognize it from somewhere...

"Gaara! It's time to go back now!"

I looked forward and saw a woman waving me over to her. Her face was blurry, so I couldn't see her face. "It's time go home now, Gaara!" She called. That woman... I think I know her...

She held her hand out to me and smiled.

That smile... I suddenly feel warm inside. Is she making me feel this way? The woman giggled at me. "Let's go home, Gaara."

I slowly reached my hand onto hers and grabbed on.

When I did, I could clearly see her face. I remember her...


Haru's POV

"Gaara..." I smiled as he looked at Naruto and I in shock. "Nanny... and Naruto..." He whispered. He turned his head to find the Sand Village Shinobi that had arrived here shortly. "What is this?" Gaara asked, quietly. 

"They all came running to help you. You've had everyone worried half to death." Naruto explained with a smile. "Lord Gaara! Sir, are you all right?" A Sand kunoichi asked. He nodded slowly to her question. 

The kunoichi smiled a big smile and everyone cheered, happy that their Lord Kazekage was alive. Everyone was happy... However, Granny Chiyo ended up giving her own life to save Gaara. And for that, we are grateful. 

Everyone prayed for her good deed and held a funeral for her. 

"Thank you, Lady Chiyo." I prayed. "You've done such a wonderful thing, and everyone will remember that forever. Rest in peace, Lady Chiyo."

Sorry to end it here, guys. But there will be more. I promise. 

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