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Gaara's POV

"Take Haru to the infirmary." I ordered one of the guards. "But what about you, Lord Kazekage?" He asked. "I'll handle the intruder." I answered. "Yes, sir." He took Haru inside the building and I spotted the intruder from above. 

I used my sand to meet with him and crossed my arms over my chest. "She was pretty strong. I guess the Leaf sent her here because she's the best of the best. Can't say she didn't put up one hell of a fight though, un." He said. 

"Those who hurt the ones closest to me will never be forgiven." I told him. "Ah, so you knew her. Interesting. Who was she, your sister? Mother? Perhaps she was a close relative?" He guessed. 

"Stop toying with me." I said, frowning. Our battle engaged as I threw the first attack with my sand. 


3rd Person's POV

Gaara was captured and both Haru and Kankuro were being hospitalized. Kankuro had been poisoned by Sasori of the Red Sand while healers were doing everything they could to keep him alive. Three days later, Naruto, Kakashi, and Sakura arrived at the village. 

Immediately, they headed into the infirmary when they heard about what happened to Haru and Kankuro.

"She's been unconscious since she fought that Akatsuki member. She's sustained a few injuries, possibly critical. Serious trauma to the head, a couple cracked ribs, and a fractured clavicle. I don't think she's going to make it." Granny Chiyo said.

"But there has to be something we can do!" Naruto said. Before Granny Chiyo could answer, time suddenly froze and Setzoku appeared. He walked past the frozen ninjas, making his way over to Haru. "You're reckless as ever, Haru," He sighed. 

"Something tells me you're going to continue to act like this until you've completed your assignment. Well, I guess it can't be helped." 

The moment he was by her bedside, he took her hand in his. Using his powers, he healed Haru's injuries. Once he was done, he let go of her hand and placed it next to her side. "Next time, I won't be so generous." He said before disappearing. 

As he did so, he unfroze time while unfreezing the ninjas. Haru's eyes slowly opened and glanced at Naruto and the others. "Naruto?" She softly called to him. "Mom!" Naruto ran over to her and hugged her gently. "Are you all right?" He asked. 

"I'm fine. I'm feeling much better actually," Haru answered as she got up from the hospital bed and glanced over at Kankuro. "What happened to him?" 

"He's been poisoned." Granny Chiyo informed. "And Gaara? Where is he?" Haru asked. "He was kidnapped by the Akatsuki." Kakashi informed.

"Then, I'm going after them." She said. She hopped off the bed and started walking towards the door until Kakashi stopped her. "Where do you think you're going, Haru?" He asked. 

"To save Gaara."

"But you're injured."

"Not anymore. I'm feeling fine. Really."

"Even if that's the case, how would you know where the Akatsuki might be?"

"Because I've put a tracker on them. I'll find Gaara and bring him back to the village, safe and sound. I won't fail. I can't," Haru vowed. "In the meantime, do what you can to save Kankuro. I have faith in all of you."

Haru put her Anbu mask over her face and exited through the window, flying off with her hawk summoning.

Haru's POV

My hawk and I flew through the sky as I tracked down the Akatsuki member I planted the tracker on. They're pretty far off, but I think I might know where they are.

After a few minutes, I managed to find the Akatsuki's hideout. "Sealed shut. I figured as much." I mumbled. I looked around, trying to find another way in, but there wasn't one. "If I can't go through it, then I'll have to go under it." I said to myself. 

"Ninja Art: Mole Jutsu."

I now had the abilities of a mole and began digging my way under the base. Once I was in, I hid behind a statue that was in the shape of a hand. "Gaara." I said, spotting him. He was floating in the air as something was being sucked out of him and into the mouth of another statue. 

"How do I get him down?" I whispered to myself. I noticed holographic figures on the statues' fingers, along with Deidara and a massive puppet. "Maybe I can create a diversion, grab Gaara, and get out of here. Yeah... that just might work." I said. 

I waited for the right moment, then threw some smoke bombs into the area. Three seconds later, the smoke was released.  

"Hey! What the hell is going on?!"

"It's an ambush!"

I leaped forward and grabbed Gaara, then landed on the ground. I quickly headed towards the hole I dug through until I was captured. A cry of surprise escaped my throat when a scorpion-like tail wrapped around my body and lifted me off the ground, causing me to drop Gaara. 

I was hung upside down and my mask fell off my face as I was brought over to Deidara and his companion. "The Anbu Ninja from the Sand Village." Deidara realized. "How did you find us?" His companion asked with a frown.

"More importantly, how did she get in?" The holographic figure asked. 'I recognize that voice. It's Kisame Hoshigaki.' I thought. "With the techniques she has, she's too advanced to be a member of the Anbu." Assuming their leader said. "Who are you, really?"

I didn't answer as I frowned at them. "She was hired to protect the One-Tails. She could be the guy's mother or something, but I could be wrong. I'm gonna go on the record and say she's probably his older cousin. There's no way they can be siblings, un." Deidara said.

"Release me." I ordered. "With the situation you're in, you're in no position to be giving orders." Deidara's companion said. I began wriggling my body around, trying to escape from the tail's hold. 

"Struggling is pointless, girl." He mentioned. I frowned at him, then glanced at Gaara. "Why are you doing this? What do you hope to gain by kidnapping the Kazekage? What's your purpose?" I asked. 

"That's none of your concern."

"The hell it isn't." 

"We don't have time for this. Just keep her restrain so we can finish the extraction."

"Yes, sir."

The began the extraction again as I helplessly watched. I struggled to free myself from the tail's hold, but to no avail. "Of course! That's it!" I whispered. I opened my mouth and let out Banshee Screech. 

Deidara grunted and covered his ears with his hands while his partner grunted and let go of me. I flipped my body over and landed on my feet. As Gaara was falling, I leaped forward and caught him. I quickly ran to the hole I dug through to get inside the base and went through it. 

I ran as fast I could as I carried Gaara over my shoulder. I need to get him as far away from here. I must get him somewhere safe and away from the Akatsuki base. "Just hold on, Gaara. You're going to be okay." I said as I ran.

Deidara's POV

"Damn it! Man, I really hate that bitch," I said as I uncovered my ears. Even though the screaming had stopped, I can still hear it and my ears were ringing. "Oh, she'll pay. I'll make sure of that, un." 

I hopped off the fingers of the statue and started walked towards the entrance. "Where do you think you're going, Deidara?" Sasori asked. "To catch that girl and bring back the Jinchuriki, un." I answered. 

"Let her go, Deidara. It doesn't matter, anyway. She's too late. We've already succeeded." Leader said. "But does she know that?" I asked, referring to Haru. "She will soon enough." Sasori answered. 

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