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Haru's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night because I couldn't sleep. Something was hindering from falling asleep and I don't know what. I went to the kitchen and made myself soem tea. Once it was made, I sat at the table and drank my cup of tea, giving a small sigh of relaxation.

I continued to sip my tea until I heard a scream come from Naruto's room. I quickly ran to his room and opened the door as I found Naruto sitting up in bed. He was panting whiel beads of sweat rolled down the sides of his head. 

"Naruto, what's the matter?" I asked, rushing over to his side. "I'm fine, Mom. I just... had a nightmare." Naruto said as she stared wide eyed at his bedsheets. "It's okay. You're okay." I assured him as I pulled his head to his chest. 

I gently stroked his hair as Naruto found it comfortable and closed his eyes. I softly smiled down at him and continued to hold him.

'Naruto... I made a promise that I'd always protect you. I intend to keep that promise and live up to it. I swear, I'm not going to let anything happen to you.' I thought as I closed my eyes. 


"Bye, Mom! I'll see ya later!" Naruto called. "Naruto, clear your place at the table!" I called back as he exited through the window. But he was already gone. I sighed and shook my head with a smile. "You'll never change, my darling boy." I said. 

I cleared Naruto's plate and began washing the dishes. After the kitchen was cleaned, I watered my plants in the living room, then heated myself some tea. I sadly stared at the tea kettle as I waited for the water to heat up.

I wasn't feeling my usual happy and smiling self because of what Aoi Tori informed me when he returned to me from the Land of Waves; He returned the same time Naruto returned. He told me that Zabuza and Haku had died by the hands of a madman named Gato.

I wanted to get revenge on him, but Aoi Tori also informed me that Zabuza took him down with the remaining strength he had. I couldn't help but feel guilty. I'm the ones who asked them to watch over Naruto, and I go them killed.

When I can, I'll go to their graves and pay my respects. This is all my fault. 

When the water was ready, I made myself some tea and sat down on the couch, reading a book. As I turned the page and gave a sip of my tea, I heard a loud and annoying voice yell, "As if!" 

I looked towards the window, then got up to investigate what the commotion was. I spotted Naruto on the ground with blood running down his chin while Sakura had steam coming out of her fist. "Just what kind of a girlfriend are you?!" Konohamaru yelled at her.

I sighed. "I see. So, that's what this is. I warned you, Sakura." I said as I stared at her with a deadly gaze. I vanished behind her and hit her over the head, making her hit the ground hard while making a hard thud.

Konohamaru and his friends stared at me in shock as their jaws were dropped open. Okay, I'll admit. I don't know my own strength. "Hey, what was that for?!" Sakura yelled. "Doesn't feel too good being hit, does it, Sakura?" I said. 

"What the hell are you talking about?! What gives you the right to just me like that?! I didn't do anything!" She said as she stood up. 

"Oh? So, you're saying you didn't hit my son just now?"

"But he-!"

I interrupted her by slapping her across the face. Her cheek turned red as she stared at me with wide eyes. "For every time you hit my son, I'll hit you. Got it?" I said.

"But you can't do that! That's child abuse!" Sakura yelled. "Then, stop assaulting my son." I commanded, crossing my arms over his chest. "You just can't go hitting people like that for every little thing they do!" She said.

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