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Three years passed since Naruto left with Jiraiya for his training. I heard he was supposed to be coming home today. I was spending time with Kakashi as we were at his house. We were reading on the couch until.... Well, let's just say one thing led to another.

"Kakashi... I-I think we should stop here. Naruto is supposed to be coming back to the village, and if we're late meeting him, Tsunade-"

I was cut off when Kakashi silenced me with his lips. I moaned softly when his tongue roamed my mouth freely. My mind started getting clouded by lust again as I kissed back and wrapped my arms around his neck.

I broke the kiss for air and panted softly as I looked into his eyes. "Kakashi... We have to stop here for now. We're going to be late." I said between pants. "Relax. We'll get there in no time." He replied before kissing my forehead.

"If you say so. But we always get distracted when we're summoned, and you know why." I stated. He chuckled at my comment and cuddled me. I kissed his cheek before getting up from the couch. 

"Let's go before we get a lecture from Tsunade." I said. "Can't we wait a few minutes before going there? I haven't finished my alone time with you." Kakashi stated as he embraced from me behind. He spun me around and pinned me against the wall as he kissed me again.

I closed my eyes and kissed back. 'Damn it. I keep falling under his charm.' I thought. Kakashi went from my lips to my neck and began sucking my soft spot. A soft moan escaped my lips as my hand ran through his hair.  

After some minutes passed, Kakashi and I started walking to the Hokage House, way later than usual. And why? Because we got distracted... again.

"There you two are. What took you guys so long?" Sakura asked. "A black cat crossed our path, so we had to take the long way around." Kakashi lied. "That lie again? You know they're catching onto that one." I mumbled.

I turned my attention to Naruto and smiled at him. "Welcome home, Naruto."

"It's good to be home, Mom. I've missed you." He replied before hugging me. I hugged him back until I noticed something. "Naruto, you've gotten taller. Maybe almost taller than Kakashi." I mentioned. 

"Oh, I doubt that, Haru." Kakashi said. "Your little boy isn't so little anymore, Haru." Jiraiya said. "He's grown, but he's still childish." Sakura mumbled. "So? That's just him having fun," I defended. "Despite him being childish, I'm certain his skills have improved." 

"You bet. You wouldn't believe how many times I had to tug Pervy Sage's ear whenever he got distracted." Naruto joked. "You're still calling him that? Well, I guess some habits never change." I said. "Hey, I've changed, Haru. Honest." Jiraiya pouted. 

"I know you have, Jiraiya. I was just messing with you." I said, smiling at him. "Hey, you look great, Mom. You look like you haven't aged a bit." Naruto commented. "Why, thank you, Naruto. That's so sweet." I replied. 

The only reason why I haven't aged is because I'm stuck in this body. A body that doesn't age. Wait a minute, how old is Naruto? "Naruto, how old are you now?" I asked. "I'm sixteen." He answered. "Sixteen, huh? My, time sure does fly by. Where did my little boy go?" I said.

"He's still here, Mom. I'm just not little anymore, like Jiraiya said." Naruto said. If he sixteen now, does that mean I've failed? Has Setzoku sent my parents to Hell? No. Impossible. He would've summoned me and informed me so. Maybe there's still time. 

"What's the matter, Mom? You look troubled." Naruto noticed. "Huh? Oh, it's nothing. I'm just really happy to have you home." I said, smiling at him. 

Tsunade coughed, grabbing our attention. "Haru, isn't there something you'd like to tell Naruto?" She said. 

"Tell him something? What do you mean?" I asked. "You know... that thing regarding your relationship with you and Kakashi?" She mentioned. "Oh, right... That thing." I said, chuckling nervously.

I've told Tsunade that I was in a relationship with Kakashi a month after Naruto left to train. "Yeah... I guess I should tell him. In fact, I should've told him before he left with Jiraiya." I said. "Hmm? Tell me what?" Naruto asked.

"Well... Naruto, there's something I've been meaning to tell you."

"Like what?"

"Well... Uh... I..."

'Wow, this is a bit tougher than I thought.' I thought. I was hesitant to tell Naruto about Kakashi and I because I wasn't sure how he'll react. "Naruto, I... Well... Maybe it's best if I just whispered it to you." I said.

I walked over to him and whispered what I wanted to say into his ear. When I was finished, I took a step back. Naruto didn't react immediately, but then,  three seconds later...

"Say what?! You and Kakashi?! For real?!"

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