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"You're going out with Kakashi?! That's wonderful! Congratulations, Haru!" Jiraiya cheered. "Thank you, Jiraiya." I smiled.

Jiraiya and I were at the Leaf Village's dumpling shop, chatting. He was telling about he's got some more inspiration for his new book. "How's Naruto's training going?" I asked. 

"The boy's certainly improving. Where is he, by the way?" Jiraiya asked. "I think he and Sakura went to the hospital to check on Sasuke. I heard he was injured pretty badly during their Land of Tea mission." I informed. 

I looked towards the sky a I saw a hawk soaring through the sky. I gasped slightly when the hawk morphed into a raven. No doubt that's Setzoku. Is he informing me that something bad has happened?

"Excuse me, Jiraiya. But I fear something may be wrong." I said. I left the dumpling shop and ran off, flowing Setzoku. Where is he leading me?

I went from running to leaping off rooftops until I stopped at the roof of the hospital. Setzoku perched himself on a tree branch and squawked. Why did he lead me here? I turned my head to see Naruto and Sasuke about to clash with attacks; Rasengan and Chidori.

"Naruto!" I called to him, but he didn't hear me. Before I could prevent them from clashing, Kakashi took the initiative and threw both of them into water two water towers. 

I quickly ran over to Naruto to check on him. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Mom? Uh, yeah. I'm fine. But what are you doing here?" He asked. "I had feeling something might be wrong." I lied when it was really Setzoku who lead me here.

Sasuke ran off and Naruto was about to go after him until I stopped him. "Let him go, Naruto. He needs time to himself," I said. I gently grabbed under his face and examined it. "He did quite a number on you. Come on, let's go back to the house to get you fixed up."

Naruto nodded in agreement and I took him back to the house. I cleaned him up, but I didn't really have to do much since most of his wounds healed due tot he Nine-Tails. "Why were you fighting Naruto when you know he's healing?" I asked. 

"He's the one who challenged me!" Naruto objected. "He did?" I asked, in which he nodded. "Oh, now I see."

"You see what?"

"It's nothing. Don't worry your head about it."

Naruto pouted as I petted his head. 'Sasuke's clearly jealous of Naruto's power, and he wants to get stronger. However, fighting Naruto while Sasuke's still healing wasn't a smart move. He probably hasn't fully recovered.' I thought. 

"Come on, let's go for a walk." I said. "Sure!" Naruto agreed. 

We walked around the village for a bit until we found Sakura waiting outside her house. "Hello, Sakura. Is something the matter?" I asked. "Uh... Not really. Naruto, I was just wondering... if you still wanted to go on that date..." Sakura said, hesitantly. 

"A date? For real?" Naruto asked. "Um, Sakura. Naruto... is going out with Hinata." I informed.  "Say what?!" Sakura said, dumfounded. "It's true. We've been going out for a while now. I'm sorry... I thought you knew." Naruto apologized.

"Excuse us." I said, and Naruto and I walked away. As we walked, I could feel Setzoku's presence nearby. "Naruto, can I ask you something?" I asked. "Sure." He said. "Would you still like me if I was different?" I asked. 

"What do you mean?"

"Well... What if I had a secret that made you see me as someone else?"

"Mom, I'm always going to like you for who you are."

"Even if that secret may end up hurting you one day?"

"It'll never happen."

"And if it does?"

"It won't. I know it won't."

I gave a small smile before hugging him close to me. "You're so kind, Naruto." I said. Naruto grinned and hugged me back. 


The next day, we were informed that Sasuke had left the village. The reason was unknown, but I have a pretty good idea why. "I'm going to get him back. Whatever it takes." Naruto said. 

I spotted a footprint on the ground, so I kneeled down and rubbed my fingers against it. "The tracks are still a bit fresh. He must've left late during the night. "Yo." We both turned around and I smiled when it was Shikamaru, Choji, Neji, Kiba, and Akamaru. 

"What are you guys doing here?" Naruto asked. "I asked them to come. They're Sasuke's friends, too, y'know?" I informed. "All right. Let's go." Shikamaru said. Sakura came walking over to us, but she didn't say anything. 

"Naruto... Please... Please, bring Sasuke back to me.." She said as she started to cry. "You have my word. I'll do whatever it takes." Naruto said. "Come on, let's move out." I said. "Right." They all agreed. 

I began leading the way as we started leaping through the trees. "How much further, Miss Haru?" Choji asked. "We're getting close now." I informed. I gasped when a bit fat guy grabbed my neck while tackling me off the tree. 

I gasped when my back roughly made impact with the ground. "Mom/Miss Haru!" I head everyone call. The fat guy lifted me from my neck and held me in the air while taking the life out of me. "Take another step and I snap her neck." He threatened. 

"Naruto... Everyone... Forget about me... Just go rescue Sasuke..." I said as I clawed at the man's hand. "No! We're not leaving you!" Naruto said. "Saving Sasuke is the mission! You need to go! Now!" I choked out. 

I gasped for air as my throat was being squeezed tighter. "Hurry... Go..." I told them in a whisper. Just as I was about to black out, I heard, "Human Boulder!"

My throat was released and I fell to the ground, coughing violently as I held my throat with one hand. "Mom! Are you all right?" Naruto asked as he and others huddled around me. "I'm fine." I said, once I could speak again. 

"Miss Haru! Everyone! Go and save Sasuke! I'll handle him!" Choji called. "Choji, no! We're not leaving you!" I argued. "There's no time! Now go!" He said. 

I hesitated before telling the group to run. We ran forward, but it wasn't long until we ran into more trouble. One by one, a comrade was left behind to fight someone. At this rate, I wasn't sure if we had a chance in saving Sasuke. 

But we couldn't give up hope. Not yet. Finally, Naruto and I were the only ones who had come across Sasuke. He was different. His curse mark was activated and he had a dark look in his eye. "You need to come back Sasuke. Don't you see? Orochimaru is just using you." I said.

"Everyone risked their lives! And why? To save you!" Naruto said. "Well, wasn't that nice of them?" Sasuke said, carelessly. Sasuke's words caused Naruto to snap and lunge at him. 

Soon, a battle engaged between the two of them as I helped out in any way that I could. But just as I was about to use my Time Manipulation Jutsu, my body froze. 'What's happening? My body... I can't move...' I thought. "You're grounded, Haru,"

I glanced back as Setzoku walked out in front of me. I frowned at him as he watched the fight between Sasuke and Naruto. "What did you do to me? Release me, Setzoku!" I commanded. "I think not," He said. "I've shut down your body, so it useless to struggle."

"But why?! Why are you doing this?!" I asked, demanding for an answer. "Because this isn't your fight. This is between Naruto and Sasuke. You have nothing to do with this." He said, calmly. I tried struggling, but I couldn't move a muscle. 

"Let me go, Setzoku! Don't do this! I have to help him! I have to help Naruto!" I yelled. "You need to learn that you can't save everyone, Haru." Setzoku said as he continued to watch Naruto and Sasuke battle. 


I didn't get to finish my sentence when Setzoku snapped his fingers and I collapsed to the ground. My body felt heavy and I couldn't move. My eyes were forced to close as all I could do was lay there and let darkness take over. 

Why... Why would Setzoku do this? Even if this isn't my battle, I should still be able to help. Sasuke could end up killing him. 

Why won't he let me save him?

The Mother He Never HadWhere stories live. Discover now