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Iruka's POV

I did some research on Haru's name again, trying to find something. But just like last time, I found nothing. "I don't get it. What's with this girl? Why can't I find her in the records? It's like she doesn't even exist." I mumbled.

I looked out the window to see Haru standing in front of the fence, watching the kids play. Her hands were grasped together in front of her as she had this emotionless gaze on her face like she was observing the kids or remembering something.

She turned her head towards me and I quickly looked the other way to make it look like I wasn't watching her. I glanced at her as she went back to looking at the kids, then turned around, walking away. "There's something definitely strange about that girl." I said.

Haru's POV

While Naruto went outside to hang out with Konohamaru and his friends, I was at a pet store,  looking at some cute puppies and kittens.

I was thinking about buying both of them, but then again, I remember Naruto doesn't like cats, considering how he got scratch on that mission of finding that lost cat, Tora.

A kitten meowed and pawed at the glass it was behind as it saw me. I gave it a closed-eye smiled and waved at it. I turned around and accidentally bumped into someone. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't see you there." I said, giving an apologetic bow without looking at the person I bumped into.

"It's all right, Haru." I lifted my head to find that I had bumped into Kakashi. "Oh! Hello, Kakashi. Fancy meeting you here. Are you looking for a pet?" I asked. I honestly never took him for the animal type.

"Well... Not exactly. I actually came looking for you." Kakashi admitted. "Me?" I repeated. "What for?"

"Well... I, uh..." I raised a brow as Kakashi trailed off while scratching the back of his head. "Hold on... Have you been watching me?" I asked in teasing tone. "What? No! Of course not!" He said, quickly. "You know, some people would call that stalking, Mr. Hatake." I said, giggling.

"I'm not stalking you." He said. I giggled again. "I know. I was just teasing you." I admitted, giving him a cute closed-eye smile. Through his mask, I could see a small blush form on Kakashi's face. 

"Anyway, would you like to go on a walk with me?" Kakashi asked.

"I'd love to, Kakashi, but I have to start buying ingredients for tonight's dinner. I'm still debating whether I should make curry again or sushi? Hmm... Or maybe I should a Pork Cutlet Bowl?" I said, getting sidetracked.

I looked at him, remembering I was talking to him. "I'm sorry, what were we talking about again?" I asked. He went to answer until I heard a kid cry out. I quickly ran out of the pet store and found a little girl on the ground, crying. 

Kakashi's POV

I followed Haru outside with my hands in my pocket as she was by a little girl's side. The little girl was crying her eyes out as she had her hands balled into tight fists, close to her eyes. "What's the matter, little girl? Are you hurt?" Haru asked her. 

The little girl didn't answer as she contined to cry. Haru's eyes went to the little girl's knee, noticing it was scratched as it drew it a bit of blood. "I see. You are hurt." Haru realized. She went into her bag and took out a wipe. 

She gently cleaned the little girl's knee, then placed her hand over the wound. Her hand began to glow green as she started healing the girl. When she was finished, Haru pulled her hand away from the girl's knee. 

"There. All better. It's okay. You don't need to cry anymore. It's all over now." Haru said, gently. The girl stopped crying and sniffled before looking down at her knee, seeing that it was okay. "See? It was only a little cut." Haru said, smiling softly. 

The girl smiled back as if saying 'thank you' to Haru. "Honey!" The mother of the little girl ran over to her and scooped her away from Haru.

Haru smiled at the woman and stood to her feet. "Your child's okay now. She just had a little accident, but I was able to heal her." She explained with a smile. "You stay away from her, you devil!" The mother snapped at Haru. 

"Huh?" Haru looked at the woman with a confused expression. "Never come near us again, you hear! I don't want a demon's mother touching my child!" The mother said before walking away with the little girl in her arms. 

"Devil?" Haru mumbled. "Ah, I see. She's afraid of me."

"Why would she need to be afraid of you? Do you know her?" I asked as I stood behind her. "No," Haru shook he head. "Just about everyone in this village is afraid of me. Ever since I adopted Naruto, they've all changed the way they see me. Because I'm the mother of the demon that once attacked this village, they all despise me... and my son." 

"You don't need to take that, Haru." I said, placing my hand on her shoulder. "It's okay. It doesn't matter to me. Because as long as I have Naruto... I'm happy." Haru said. She turned her head towards me and smiled. 

"Excuse me, but I really must be going now." Haru said. She bowed to me, telling me goodbye, then left. 

I watched her leave as I noticed the villagers glaring at her as she walked by. 

"As I thought. There's no mistaking it. It's really her. She's the same Haru no Hana from back then." I mumbled. "But... it looks like she hasn't changed a bit. Like she hasn't aged at all."

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