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I lived up to my promise and stayed by Gaara's side until it was his turn to compete. Naruto won his match against Neji, then it was Shikamaru against Temari. She ended up winning since he forfeited the match after her right where he wanted her. 

Some time passed and Sasuke showed up with Kakashi. I placed my hands over Gaara's shoulders from behind as I stared at Sasuke. He's definitely change, and not just his attire. I can tell he's more determined than ever.

"Good luck out there, Gaara." I said to him. Gaara gave me a small smile and used his sand to teleport himself into the arena. 

The fight began and Sasuke and Gaara engaged in battle. I watched intently because I wanted Gaara to win. At one point, Gaara created a sand dome around himself and Sasuke started making hand signs. 

"That's...!" I said with wide eyes. That's Kakashi's Lightning Blade! 

'I can't believe Kakashi actually taught him that move. Even more amazing, Sasuke was able to master it.' I thought, impressed. Sasuke charged at Gaara as sand from the dome dashed at Sasuke in attempt to stop him. 

However, Sasuke was able to dodge the attacks. When he got close to Gaara, he struck through the dome with his Chidori. It was quiet for a second until Gaara yelled out from inside the dome, "BLOOD!!! IT'S MY BLOOD!!!"

I gasped. 'He's hurt! They need to stop the match now!' I thought desperation. Suddenly, I started to see feathers as they gently floated around me. No doubt, this was a genjutsu. "Release!"

Why would someone cast a genjutsu? "Huh?" I turned my head and saw a suspicious figure walking as they were wearing a dark cloak. "Hey! Stop!" I yelled to them. They turned their head towards me, then took off. "Stop!" I began to chase down the cloaked man. 

I have a pretty good feeling he was the one who casted the genjutsu. When I managed to get close to them, I tackled them to the floor and pinned them down. "Who are you? Did you cast that genjutsu? Answer me!" I commanded. 

All they did was laugh in response. I glared at them, then yanked off their mask. "Kabuto... Yakushi?" I said in disbelief before frowning. "Why are you doing this? Who do you work for?" I demanded. 

"End of the line for you, Haru no Hana." Kabuto said, smirking. "What?" I replied, confused. "Ah!" In one swift movement, Kabuto injected me with a syringe right into my neck. He took out the syringe when it was empty and I placed my hand over my neck while falling off of him.

"What... did you do... to me?" I asked with a grunt. 

"Just a poison that will kill you slowly. You won't be able to move in a minute or so." Kabuto explained as he stood up. I attempted to lunge at him, but the poison was working its "magic" and kept me grounded. 

"As much as I'd love to stay and watch you die, I have other things to attend to. Farewell, Haru." Kabuto said before leaving. "K-Kabuto... Damn you!" I cursed. My body felt heavy as I felt sick to my stomach, like I was going to throw up. 

In fact, that's what I did. But that only made it worse. 'It's no use. I'm going to die here. But I can't die here. Naruto and Gaara still need me. I can't... let this be my demise.' I thought in determination.

As if having my prayers answered, my body felt lighter and the sickness went away. I didn't question it and ran back to the arena. Sasuke, Gaara, and his siblings were gone, and the audience was out cold except for Kakashi and Guy.

"Haru, are you all right?" Kakashi called, but I didn't reply as I was focused on looking for Naruto. "Where is he?" I mumbled. I closed my eyes and concentrated on his chakra. He was with Sakura and a dog. One of Kakashi's ninja hounds, possibly. "Naruto!" I tookoff running. 

When I finally located Naruto, I found Sakura pinned to a tree by sand, Sasuke on the ground, and Naruto with Gaara as both of them were on top of their summonings; Gaara on Shukaku and Naruto on Gamabunta.

"Gaara! Naruto!" I called to them. They couldn't hear me because of their battle. Their footsteps made the ground shake, causing some trees to fall down. I struggled to keep my balance as the ground continue to shake with each step either of the summonings made. 

"I've got to get off the ground." I told myself. I began jumping from branch to branch so I could to the toad summoning's head. Finally, I reached the top and was by Naruto's side. "Naruto, are you okay?" I asked. "Mom, what are you doing here?! It isn't safe!" Naruto said. 

"It's your fault..." Gaara said. Naruto and I looked at Gaara as he began to speak. "You're the reason why Nanny went away. You stole her from me... IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!!!" Gaara yelled, angrily. 

Shukaku let out a roar towards us, making Naruto and I shield ourselves as the wind was blasted in our faces. But the wind was too strong for me and caused me to fall off Gamabunta's head while Naruto managed to stay on. "Mom!" Naruto called out in worry.

I fell headfirst into a tree and continued falling as I guarded myself while breaking a few branches in the process until I finally landed on the ground with a rough thud. "Mom, are you all right?!" I heard Naruto call. 

"Ow..." I moaned in pain as I sat up, rubbing my head. I had my eyes closed, trying to get my head to stop spinning while waiting for the pain to subside. "You can't have her! I won't let you take her from me again! She's mine!" Gaara yelled.

I heard Shukaku take a few steps forward, probably attacking Naruto's toad summoning while causing the ground to shake again. "Mom, look out!" Naruto called. "Huh?" I turned my head and my eyes widened when I saw a tree falling in my direction. 

I was too slow to move and I got crushed under the tree. "Ahh!" 



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