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"I'm giving you a second chance to make up for what you've done. Until I decide you have repaid your debt, your parents shall stay between the border of Heaven and Hell, within my grasp. Now go... and live again, Haru no Hana."

I opened my eyes and found myself lying on the ground. I looked around to find myself in the woods, just a few miles from my clan. "Mother. Father.... Just hang on. I'll get you out. I promise." I said.

I stood up and began walking forward, in the direction of my clan. It was painful walking in there, knowing what I did was wrong. The sight alone made me feel even more guilty. "What have I done?" I whispered in regret. I packed a few things in my small bag, then left the clan.

For a while, I didn't know where I was walking to until I found an ANBU member on the ground. His messy gray hair covered his eyes as he was on his knees, holding his shoulder in agony.

He looked out of breath as he sat there. I quickly went over to him and kneeled down by his side. "Are you all right?" I asked. He lifted his head and looked at me. I could only see part of his face because his mask covered his mouth and nose.

But what caught my attention was the activated Sharingan in his right eye. "Are you okay?" I repeated. He didn't answer as he stared at me, still panting. I looked at his shoulder, seeing how there was blood on it.

"You're hurt," I stated. I went into my bag and got out some medicine. "Here, this should help with the pain."

The ANBU member frowned at me and pushed my hand away. "I'm fine. I don't need your help." He said. "Don't be stubborn. If you don't take this, you'll die." I said, insistently. I'm persistent on saving this man, whether or not he wanted my help.

"Just take it." I said, handing him the small bottle of medicine. Hesitantly and stubbornly, he snatched the bottle from me and drank it down. While he was doing that, I went back in my bag for more stuff for his shoulder.

"Take a deep breath." I said after he was done drinking the medicine. He did as I said and I poured the alcohol over his wound. The ANBU member grunted as he endured the pain.

"Hard parts over." I told him, and began wrapping his shoulder in bandages. "Who are you?" He asked, grunting slightly. "Right now, you're savior." I answered.

Once I was done, I put my supplies away. "I've done what I could. But you should rest a bit before being able to use your shoulder again." I advised. He stayed quiet for a moment before muttering, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." I replied. I gasped when the ANBU member suddenly collapsed. "Oh no!" I quickly checked his pulse and sighed in relief when I he was still breathing; He just blacked out. I need to take him to the nearest hospital.

I picked up the unconscious boy and placed him on my back before looking around. "He came from the Leaf Village, right? That means it has to be nearby." I mumbled. I gave a nod of determination, then walked forward with the boy on my back.

I walked for about a mile until I finally found the Leaf Village. Once I found the hospital, I went in and checked the boy in for treatment. Once that was done, I waited in the lobby for results. After a while, a nurse came over to me. 

"Excuse me, ma'am. Are you the one who brought in that injured ANBU member?" She asked. "Yes, how is he?" I asked, standing up from the chair. "He's doing fine. You got him here just in time. Would you like to see him?" She asked. 

"Sure." I said with a nod. The nurse lead me to the ANBU's room and saw him sound asleep in the hospital bed. I walked over to him and stood by his side.

'I just did a good deed, right? Shouldn't Setzoku have let my parents go? No, then he would've informed me about it. I guess there's more to do.' I thought.

"I wish there was more I could do for you, but I must be going. I do hope you feel better," I whispered to the unconscious boy while placing my hand over his. "Maybe somewhere along the way, we'll run into each other again."

I gently ran my hand through his hair before leaving the hospital and the village.

(End of Flashback)

"When I woke up, I found myself in the hospital. The nurse told me that you carried me there. I wanted to thank you fro saving my life, but you were gone, so I never got a chance to say thank you. Ever since that day, I've never forgotten about you, Haru." Kakashi said. 

"I don't know what to say." I said, hesitantly. I gazed down at the ground, unsure what else to say as I heard Kakashi walk towards me. He gently took my chin and made me look at him before pressing his lips against mine. 

When did he take off his mask? Probably as he was walking over to me. 

When Kakashi broke the kiss, he embraced me. "I love you, Haru." He whispered. "Kakashi..." I gently hugged him as my head rested on his chest. "Kakashi, I love you, too... but we can't be together." I said.

"Why?" He asked, sounding disappointment. "Because I agree to be with you, then I'm afraid I might lose you... just like how I lost my parents," I said. "It will happen again, and when it does, I'll never be able to love again because of the fear of losing someone dear to me again."

"You're not going to lose me." Kakashi said. "Yes... I will, and I don't want that." I replied as tears formed at the brim of my eyes. "Then, take a chance with me," He said, lifting my chin to look at him. "As long as we're together, nothing will ever happen to us. I promise."

I sniffled as Kakashi wiped a tear that had escaped my left eye. "Kakashi, I-"

"Just take a chance with me." He repeated. I looked into his eyes as I thought about my decision. "Okay, Kakashi. I'll take my chances with you." I said. I gently kissed him as my hands were placed on his chest. Kakashi kissed back and wrapped his arms around my waist. "

"I love you, Kakashi."

"I love you, too, Haru."

The Mother He Never HadWhere stories live. Discover now