Chapter 7✨

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Zena p.o.v

Arriving to the hospital I was waiting on Marcus to park and we rushed into the reception area. Walking up to the nurse.

"Hello my name is Zena Thompson and I got call that my dad Zion Thompson was immited here. " I said as the nurse was typing things into the computer.

"Yes your father is now responsive and in room 271 which is on the second floor." She said sighing in relief. I thank her and headed to the elevator with Marcus behind me.

Marcus pulled me into a hug.

"I feel so much better knowing that my daddy is okay but not knowing what made him just pass out like that. I just hope it's nothing bad." I said into his chest.

"I'm positive it's something major. Don't worry to bad about it alright." Marcus said I nodded my head.

Arriving on the second floor we began to search for the room number. I started to get frustrated because I couldn't find it.

"Found it." I heard Marcus said from infront of me. Walking up to the room door. I turn to him.

"Marcus can I talk to my dad for few minutes then I'll introduce the two of you." I asked he nodded his head. I knocked on the door and heard a come in. Opening the door and walking into the room I closed the door I saw my dad was sitting up watching some football.

"Daddy. " I said getting his attention he smiled at me and opened his arms out to me. Falling into his arms I started to cry.

"I thought the worst when they called me dad. What happen? Are you sick?" I said still crying in his shoulder.

"Aww my babygirl worried about her old man. I'm okay baby I was feeling dizzy at work and passed out and waked up here the doctor said that it was stressed mixed with me being dehydrated. So I'm taking a few days off of work and just sit home and relax." He said.

"That's it. Stress and Dehydration daddy I tell you to stop working long hours at the office but I don't think that's what stressing you out. My daddy can handle that I think its what happen the yesterday night at the dinner." I said. He sighed.

"It could be that but I don't want to think about all the negative. I just so happy that my number one lady came and see me. " My dad said.

"I was coming regardless dad and does Nana know you in here." I said. I got my answer when he looked down.

"I didn't want them to call her you know she'll flip if she know if one of her kids are in here." He said.

"It's okay dad I'm going to call her but I want you to meet someone." I said opening the door. Motioning Marcus to come in and smiled when he saw my dad.

"Daddy this is Marcus a very good friend of mine Marcus this is my Dad." I said introducing the two.

"How are you feeling Mr. Thompson?" Marcus asked.

"Marcus I'm good this was just a minor setback but off of that your the boy that's been having my baby smiling these past couple of days." He said which is so embarrassing.

"Daddy!" I said man he is so embarrassing.

"Yeah Yeah Yeah go stand in the hallway or something while me and Marcus talk." He said.

"Fine kick me out why don't cha." I mumbled out the door.

Pulling out my phone I saw I had alot of texts but I'll worry about that later. Going to my contacts I called Nana.

Nana🌠: Hey baby girl why are you calling me this early? Shouldn't you be in school?

Me: That's what I wanted to call you about I left school I got a call from the hospital about daddy falling unconscious at work.

Nana🌠: Omg my baby is he okay please tell me nothing bad happen to my son.

Me: He's okay Nana he just was stress and dehydrated and that's not a good combination.

Nana🌠: Oh thank God my baby is fine I'll be on my way what's his room number?

Me: it's 271.

Nana🌠: Alright I'll be there in a few.

Saying our goodbyes. I decided to stay out to and let my dad and Marcus talk longer and wait on my Nana.


"Zena" I heard somebody yell out to me turning in that direction I had the biggest smile on my face when I saw it was my Nana. I gave my granny the biggest hug.

"Aww my grandbaby with her beautiful self." Smiling I looked at her.

"My beautiful grandmother who is the true definition of black don't crack. " I said smirking since it was true..

"Well now you know your grandmother gotta look good for all the men. " She said flipping hair. What she know about flipping hair.

"Well let's go see dad I left him in there with Marcus long enough."

Opening the door I had the biggest smirk on my face. I get to witness my daddy get chewed out by his mother.

"So Zion you wasn't gonna tell me your mother the person who birthed you, fed you, bathed you, and changed that shitty up diaper that you was in the hospital? My Babygirl had to call and tell me. Don't make your stay in this hospital longer cause I had to bust your head in. " Nana said which had me laughing and Marcus was trying hard not to laugh.

"I'm sorry momma I didn't want you to worry about me." Dad said trying pull this innocent act well I guess he got his mother because she pulled him into her arms.

"Oh my baby you know you could of call me and I should still beat your ass if you wasn't feeling good you should of stayed your ass home." Nana said.

Being the Mommas boy that he is just laid on her while she continue to curse him out about his health.

Hearing the door opening again I saw it was Papa.

"Papa. " I said seeing my granddaddy I missed him. He missed thanksgiving because he was out of town.

"My favorite grandchild." He said giving me a hug.

"Your mom shot me a text while I was on my way home telling me you was in the hospital. Boy don't be scaring people like that. " Papa said hugging my dad.

"Papa, Nana I would like for y'all to meet somebody. This is Marcus a very good friend of mine. Marcus this is my Nana and Papa." I said.

"Very good friends my ass. " I heard Papa mumble.

"Baby girl I want you to go back to school me and Papa are not leaving so you don't have to worry about your daddy being lonely." Nana said making me laugh.

"You sure?" I asked.

"Yeah it's fine baby I'll probably be home by then they just wanted to put fluid in me anyway." My daddy said.

"Alright by Mr. Thompsons and Mrs. Thompson. "Marcus said. I laughed how he try to say bye to my Papa and dad.

"Bye Nana and Papa I'll see you at home daddy." I said as we walked out the room.

Heading towards my car I turn my head towards Marcus.

"We going back to the school or you wanna go out?" I said not minding either answer.

"School I got practice after school anyway. " He said nodding my head I got in the passenger seat while he got into the driver seat.

Hey y'all what's good? Enjoy, Vote, and Comment. Peace ✌✌

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