Chapter 24✨

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Zena p.o.v

"Zenaaaaaa" I heard somebody lowly slur.

"What the hell somebody just call my name." I said into phone.

"Fuck all that I'm coming to get you. Pack a bag." He said. Putting my phone on speaker I grabbed one of my smaller bags and grabbed my outfit I was going to wear to school which was some jeans, a white T-shirt, my olive green windbreaker, and my Clark's.

Folding my clothes I put them in my bag. Walking to the dresser I grabbed a clean rag, towel and undergarments since I'm not wearing none at the moment. Finally my Tooth Brush and Deodorant.

Going into the closet I grabbed one of my Dad's Sweaters I stole and put it on.

"Alright Peanut I packed all my things." I said sitting on the bed.

"Alright baby I'm on my way I just got the car to warm up." He said. Hearing the pounding even louder I scrunch my face harder.

"Zenaaaaa." The voice slur out then a laugh follow soon after.

The knob on the door started to twist but I guess the person I'm pretty sure is Raymond realize the door was lock and started to yank on the door.

"Why is the door lock? Zena open the door Pleasssseee." He said. Okay why is he stretching his words it's not that serious.

"Baby please hurry up and come get me because I'm not in no mood to fight a drunk man." I said.

"I'm almost there Baby Girl." He said but then I quickly scream when the door was pounded in. Standing up I was prepared to knock Raymond ass out if he really thought he was gonna touch me.

"Raymond what the hell is wrong with you? I dont have time for Nadia's mouth when she see how this door is broken." I said.

"Why did- didn't youuuu open the door?" He asked walking up to me.

"Okay you better back up. I'm not scared to fight you." I said I heard Marcus yelling out for me on the phone but I wasn't taking my eyes off Raymond.

Still walking up he reach out to me and when I pushed his hand away he tried to touch me again so I cock my right back when I swung it connected to his face which cause him to fall down. Grabbing my phone, charger and bag. I quickly walked out the room and down the hallway. Walking past the dinning room I fucked up not looking behind me.

I scream when I felt a hand in my hair pulling me back which cause me to drop all my stuff.

"Let my hair go." I yelled out. I wanted to cry I felt all the strands getting pulled out.

"Where do you think your going? You got me with that little punch in your room woke me up alil." He said laughing shit was funny fuck this.

With both my hands I just started to punch his sides till he decided he wanted to get his fucking hand out my hair. Once he finally let go I started to just throw punches everywhere one thing I don't play about is my hair I hate when people touch it in any way shape or form.

Still fighting him I guess my hits really sober his ass up cause he cock back and hit me in my nose.

"Fuck." I said holding my bleeding nose in my hands the tears started to come down cause the shit hurt.

Not paying attention I was pushed causing me to fall back on the cause which had me flip over. I don't know how we ended in the living room.

"Alright I'm done playing with your lil ass. Your Momma really should have listen to ya Daddy but she didn't so you got two options. I'll let you choose if you want it easy or hard since you put up a good fight." He said walking over to me.

"No." I said.

"No is not an option so pick or I'll pick for you." He said unbuckling his belt and unbuttoning and zipping down his pants. When I saw him do that it was like the reality of the situation really set in. Where the hell is Marcus I don't know if I could keep fighting him ever since I got punch I felt light headed.

"I said No your not touching me and when I leave out the house you better be far the fuck away when I come back with my Daddy cause he's going to murder you and I'll be on the side line cheering him on." I said he grabbed my arm as soon as he raise his arm to hit me there was hard knock on the door. Breathing a sigh of relief.

"Stay your ass right there." He said pointing at me. I smirked watching him walked to the door cause I knew Marcus was going to beat his ass.

Once he open the door Raymond couldn't even get a sentence before he got tackled down. Getting up I walk over and jumped in also. I just put all that built up anger into him I was thinking about all the girls he tried this to and succeeded which problem scarred them. Standing up I started to stomp him.

"Yeah you thought. I told you I was the wrong one to play with. You really thought you was going to rape me you thought." I said continuing to stomp him while Marcus was just straight punching I heard those hits.

Finally getting tired I stood up straight. I step back attending to my nose which was throbbing I don't think it was broke. My head was pounding and mix with this dizzy feeling I was ready to go.

"Come on Peanut that's enough leave the rest to my Daddy. Raymond you think that was bad wait til Daddy come here and Nadia better be here." I said pulling Marcus away.

"Baby can you grab my stuff from out the hallway I can barley think right now. I felt soar as hell but I'm just happy I did something that I haven't done for a while.

I fought...

Heyyyyyyy yalllllll. I feel like I haven't been getting into the book like I have writers block or something. But thankfully I got out of that mindset. Enjoy, Vote, and Comment. Peace✌✌

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