Chapter 36✨

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(A/N: Before I start this Chapter I would like to say them two chapters a week shit dead asf. That's just too much. So I'm going back to one a week.)

Zena p.o.v

I honestly was not in the mood to be bothered with. I gave Dexter his food in first period and just put my head down about to go to sleep since we wasn't doing anything in art. Mr. Ellis wanted us to watch a movie on Vincent Van Gogh.

"Best you alright?" Dexter asked.

"No I'm not. I'm just tired and I'm not feeling like myself right now." I said.

"Wait hold up. Not feeling like yourself? One of my sisters said that and was pregnant so I hope you ain't pregnant." He said I just roll my eyes trying not smile at his foolishness.

"No boy I'm not pregnant. You have to have sex in order to have sex and I ain't never had sex before so...." I said laying on my book bag with my close.

Ending up drifting asleep I was jumped awake when the bell rung.

Sitting up I grabbed my phone and put my bookbag on. I got up and stretched. Walking out the room I just headed to my next class.

Once lunch rolled around my mood shifted into a much happier one. I think those naps I was taking helped alot.

I was laughing at something Quan said.

"That's not funny Quan." Tiana said hitting his shoulder which made me laugh.

"Yes it is that's why I told the joke tf." He said doing the hand motion and everything. At this point I couldn't take either of their foolishness.

"Man I can't with either of y'all." I said laughing leaning on Taylor shoulder. He mushed me off which made me mug him.

"Okay fuck was that for I didn't do nothing to you." I said mushing him back.

"I don't won't your heavy ass head on my shoulder nobody got time for that shit." He said.

"Okay you didn't have to be rude to me about all you had to ask was for me to get off your shoulder. That just piss me off. You need to keep ya hands to ya fucking self." I said getting up and moving by Marcus since he had a seat next to him.

Taylor gets on my nerve always picking with someone then when I hit his ass I'm in the wrong.

"Yeah Yeah whatever be mad." Taylor said.

"You right I'll be mad but when I call Granny and tell her you keep messing with me you'll be the mad one." I said shrugging my shoulders. I took out my headphones and turnt on my music.

For the remainder of lunch I listen to music until the bell rung and I had to go to the guidance office.

"Hey Mrs. Ellis." I created the my Art teacher's wife who was the guidance counselor.

"Hey Zena. How was your day so far?" She asked giving me some paper she wanted me to separate.

"It started off horrible but I'm pushing through." I said smiling.

"Okay Babygirl as long as your good we straight." She said making me laugh. Mr. Ellis should be lucky to have her cause Mrs. Ellis is about her shit.

"So all I need you today is just separate these papers and send these envelopes to a couple of teachers and the rest of the period is yours." She said. I nodded my head and began to separate the papers while talking to her.

Once doing that I grabbed the envelopes which had all the teachers I had to give it too.

"Oh Zena before you leave go to my husband's class and tell his ass if he don't answer my text I'm going to slap the shit out him." Mrs. Ellis said which made me laugh. She really with the shit.

"Alright. I got you." I said laughing.

Since Mr. Ellis class was a couple of classes down from The Guidance Office I went there first. Knocking on his door a student open the door. They where making stuff on clay which made me alil salty I wanted to do that.

"Ellis the Mrs. is mad at you better read those texts before you get slap her words not mine." I said laughing when he suck his teeth.

"Well tell the Mrs. she don't put fear in my heart." He said which had me dying by the way he said it.

I told him okay and began to deliver to all the classes last place I had to go to was the Gym. Open the gym doors it was a basketball game going on. Looking around until I found the Gym teacher who was sitting on bleachers.

"Hey Coach Greg Mrs. Ellis wanted me to give this to you." I said handing him the envelope.

"Alright Thank You Sweetheart." He said smiling I walked away until I heard Dexter loud ass.

"BESTOOOOOO." he yelled out it wasn't that serious. Rolling my eyes I walk over to him.

"What's up with all that yelling?" I asked.

"Nothing but it's funny fucking with you. It's entertaining." He said.

"Whatever I got to go bye bestie I'll talk to you later." I said giving him a hug. I was walking out till I was gently pulled back.

"Hey Marcus." I said looking up at him.

"Zena I miss you." He said I could tell but that's none of my business.

"Well I miss you too I won't front but this is a good thing because you need to figure out what the hell you want." I said looking at time on my phone.

"I do know who I want it was you always you. I would never play you like that." He said.

"But you did. Look Marcus I still love you and I want us to get back to where we use to be at but it'll take some time. Okay." I said.

"Okay. Well can I start off by asking if I could take you out this weekend?" He asked now holding my hand.

Looking up at him I smiled.

"Yes I would like that very much." I said.

I couldn't help it I miss his stupid ass.

Hey y'all happy Sunday. I would like to start off by saying thanks for the love y'all show this book I will forever appreciate that. Comment, Vote, and Enjoy. Peace✌✌

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