Chapter 19✨

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Zena p.o.v

"Babygirl Babygirl wake up." I heard my dad say gently shaking me awake.

"Goodmorning Daddy." I said. Sitting up he helped me off the bed so I could  use the bathroom and brush my teeth and wash my face.

Walking out the bathroom dad was sitting on the chair and he had some food. He got up and helped me back into the bed.

He gave me some apple juice and got me a sausage biscuit from Burger King.

"Thank You Daddy." I said. He said your welcome.

We ate in silence and dad threw away the trash.

"Mom came here yesterday." I said which made my dad scrunch his face up.

"Mm I haven't seen her ass since Monday and when I do see her im going to choke the life out her eyes." He said. I chuckled because I believe him one thing he don't play about is his child.

"Dad it's okay if you forgive her and y'all get back together I know y'all love each other or whatever but I just don't want her around me." I said.

"Well if I choke her and she don't die I might think about a relationship but now it's fuck her. She lucky you turning 18 soon I was gonna get full custody." He said. I smiled because today is December 10th and that makes exactly one month till I turn 18.

"Dad do you feel old now that I'm about to turn eighteen." I asked smirking.

"Child bye I'll forever be young. Your dad can still get all the ladies." He said  doing some dance which made me bust out laughing. I swear my daddy trips me out I think something is wrong with him.

"Dad please." I said still laughing . He stopped laughing and stared at me smiling.

"But seriously I'm so proud of you. My baby about to turn eighteen and graduate highschool. I'm a little sad because my baby is growing up." He said sighing.

"Old man we already talked about this I all be your baby no matter how old we get. Plus I was thinking of Spelman I'll go to the University of Texas if Spelman doesn't work out." I said. He smirked University of Texas is where he graduated from until he went to law school.

"You know what Zena you never told me what you wanted to go to school for." He said.

"Well I want to be a Pharmacist and become a business owner." I said it was a dream to become a Pharmacist I just love helping people it makes me happy.

"Well you know I support you next month you have to start applying for colleges you been putting them on the back burner." He said I nodded my head agreeing with him.

"Dad did they say when I could go home I'm ready to go." I asked.

"They say you could leave on Monday but you can't go back to school until the next week or two all depends on how your ribs heal." He said which made me sigh. My dad grab my hand rubbing my knuckle.

"On Monday we can go to the school so we could see what your options are okay. I know you did all your work you missed so all we got to do is turn that in. Okay." He said making me nod my head.

"Okay we'll at least I know I can exempt my exams due to my grades. Off of that I have to tell you something." I said referring to me and Marcus.

"Okay what is it you know you can tell me anything." He said.

"Well that night I was sent to the hospital me and Marcus dropped me off home from a date we had at the carnival and he asked me out I said yes we are taking things slow. I really like him dad but I'm scared he'll leave me when things get hard like mom did. It's just so hard for me to put my all into people. I just.. I dont know dad." I said looking down at the bed.

"Hey Hey don't let what your mother did to us ruin something that could be the best thing in your life. Yeah people come and go but those who left when things got tough never been in your corner so don't take them as a loss take them as a lesson." He said. I nodded my head.

Hearing a knock on the door. We saw it was my Doctor.

"Well hello Ms. Thompson. How are you this wonderful morning?" She asked.

"I'm doing well. How are you?" I asked smiling. She smiled saying fine.

"Okay I came in to see how you've been doing to see if there is any pain and check the injured rib. " She said.

"Well I'm not in any pain really just soar like crazy." I told her. She greeted my dad then asked me to lift my gown some so she could check it. When she pressed on the rib gently it didn't really hurt. I could see a bruise and stitches.

"Everything is looking good. So you could leave today but if you do you have to be extra careful. I would like for you to stay back on bed rest until the next semester starts at school so you can start back on time." She said which me happy.

"Omg thank you." I said happy her and my dad laugh.

"Well let me get your paper so you could be check out. I would like for you to come back for a follow up in two weeks cause we have to make sure there is no infections or anything of that nature." She said. Walking out the room I started to cheer which made my Dad laugh.

"I see someone's happy." He said.

"Yes I'm ready to lay back in my bed. I never missed something so much in my life." I said sighing happily. Grabbing my phone since my dad went to call my grandparents to tell them the news.

I went to my messages to text Marcus.

Me: They told me I could leave today. Your probably sleeping knowing you so by the time you read this I might be home just call me whenever you wake up🙄🙄
                                           Sent 9:57 a.m.

I off my messages and went on instagram liking people pictures.

"Your grandparents are on their way." I started to cheer again Nana and Pops are on the way that made me happy.

Hey Hey Hey I wanted to leave the chapter here because I want it to be a time skip. Comment, Enjoy, and Vote. Peace✌✌

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