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"Baby please come here I'm in so much pain." Bianca hollered from her bedroom.

"I'm coming!" I yelled taking the steps two by two upstairs to get to her.

I got to the room and she was curled in a ball crying.

"Baby tell me what's wrong so I can help you." I told her sitting on the bed with her.

"My stomach hurts so bad." She cried out.

"Come on babe we gotta get you to the hospital it could be the baby." I told her grabbing my hoodie off the chair and helping her put it on.

She helped me as I got her up while still crying.

I knew she had to be in a lot of pain for her to be crying. Her pain tolerance is so high it's crazy.

"Can you walk B?" I asked her as she slipped her slides on.

She shook her head fast "Please carry me." She said sobbing.

"Okay baby I got you come on." I picked her up bridal style and walked us downstairs and out to my car.

I sat her in the back seat so she could lay down and ran to my side and pulled off.

I watched her through the rear view mirror to make sure she was alright. She was breathing hard and kept clinching her stomach.

I looked up as the light at the end of her street changed and went to the e-way so I could get us to the hospital quick.

"Cam." She whimpered crying.

"Yes baby." I said paying attention to the road.

"Theres a lot of blood." She cried out.

I looked back and saw the blood was coming from her vagina it leaked through her pants.

Oh god.

"We almost there baby I promise just hold on." I told her.

"I can't lose my baby." She cried sobbing into her hands.

Man this is killing me. That's not my child but that's my girl and I hate seeing her like this. We just went shopping for the baby too bought just the basics but I knew it meant a lot to her so for this to be happening I knew it hurt her.

I watched through the rear view as I saw her trying to call Dave.

"He's not answering" She cried out.

"Why isn't he answering!" She cried holding herself in the fetal position.

She kept trying to reach him until we finally pulled up to the hospital.

I pulled up to the emergency door and got out immediately picking her up and running into the hospital.

"We need help my girlfriend is pregnant and she's bleeding really badly." I yelled catching the attention of one of the nurse who ran over to us.

"She's passed out we need a gurney." The nurse yelled.

I looked down and saw Bianca out cold.

"Is she alright?" I panicked.

"She just went into shock." She said as I laid her down on the gurney another person brought over.

"Can I go with her?" I asked.

"Not right now sweety I promise I will come get you as soon as I can okay?" She said as the other person rolled Bianca back through some double doors.

I nodded and ran my hand down my face as she ran back in the direction they went.

Do I call her brothers and Dave or not? Don & Artist don't even know she's pregnant so I don't think she would want me to.

I tried calling Dave again from her phone and he just isn't answering she called him so many times back in the car.

I sat down with my head in my hands. Bianca told me what happened with her and Dave and how things went left but she ended up pregnant I was mad at first but there's nothing I could really be mad about and I love her so I'm willing to accept her baby and move on with our future together.

If she loses this baby I know she won't be the same. I mean she's 4 and a half months pregnant now. She had been talking about the baby a lot lately every time we are out somewhere she'll find some baby thing to buy I can tell she loves her child unborn or not but I guess that's just a connection women have with their children but it made me excited even though it's not my baby I can't wait to have kids with her.

-Hours Later

"Honey you can come see her." The nurse from earlier shook me waking me up.

I hopped up fast and followed behind her down the hall and to the elevator to get to whatever room they put her in.

"She's right here. She might be a little drowsy from the medicine but that's about it." She told me rubbing my back.

"Thank you." I said to her and walked in.

Bianca was on her side turned away from the door.

"Baby?" I said walking to her bed.

"Hmm." She said clearing her throat.

"Tell me wassup the nurse didn't tell me anything." I said sitting in the chair looking at her but she didn't look at me.

"He's gone." She whispered as tears came to her eyes.

The baby was a boy. That's what she was hoping for but she wanted the whole gender reveal party and all that so at her last appointment when they could tell she told them she didn't want to know yet.

"I'm so sorry baby." I said hugging her.

She just cried into my chest.


"I think they're together or about to be again I'm pretty sure." Ella said to me as we sat outside it was her, Artist,Don and I just talking.

I sighed along with Artist.

"What's y'all issue with it? They were bound to get back together eventually love don't just stop overnight." Ella said.

My phone rang again for the hundredth time Bianca's face again I just silenced it.

"Tuh don't I know it." I mumbled lighting my blunt.

"That with you and Bianca done ain't it?" Don asked.

I shrugged "Guess so."

"How'd that even happen?" Don asked.

"It's no disrespect towards you bro but I really don't want to talk about that shit. To be honest I don't want to talk about Bianca at all especially if it got something to do with that nigga Cameron." I told him.

"I know you don't like him but why? I know he hurt Bianca but you hurt her too." Ella said.

I just shrugged. "Long story." I said simply.

"Man that nigga just ain't right." Artist said shaking his head.

"Well since Dave don't want to tell us what the problem is why don't you like Cam?" Ella asked him.

He just shook his head and said "I just don't."

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