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"Why he not coming?" Rock asked me as we sat in his living room.

"Because he had a lay over in Chicago and ended up meeting up with some connects down there that he talked to Don about." I said.

Cameron was supposed to be coming home today but he said he's going to be in Chicago for a couple days instead to take care of some business.

I wasn't too happy about it but I didn't really care I knew he'd have to go over there eventually so why not on his way home since he was already gone.

"Oh alright." He said texting away on his phone.

"Ra." I said to him to get his attention.

"Rakim?" I said again.

"Rock." I said now shoving him.

"Wassup?" He asked looking at me.

"I was talking to you. What got you so into your phone?" I asked him.

"Nothing my bad." He said locking it and putting it in his hoodie pocket.

"It's okay... but what you been up to?"I asked him getting comfortable.

He looked at me licking his lips but I acted like I didn't see it.

"Nothing same old shit. Boogie told me what Don said to you." He said.

I shrugged. "I don't even care anymore I'm used to it with him." I said.

"That don't make it okay. You want me to talk to him?" He asked me.

I shook my head. "It's okay I don't even want to deal with that anymore." I said as my phone vibrated in my hand multiple times.

"What the fuck?" I mumbled opening the multiple messages I just got.

They were all pictures of Jayla with Cameron.

I couldn't tell when it was but I knew it wasn't within the last few months.

That didn't make me any less mad because it had to be back when we were together.

I scrolled through the pictures and they were all on each other kissing in some of them.

Jayla been out to get me since the beginning and I should've known by how funny she would always act.

I sent the pictures to Ella, Ashley and my group chat shaking my head.

I didn't want to cry but I felt the tears well in my eyes.

I sniffed and Rock asked "What's wrong?"

I showed him my phone and he looked through the pictures.

Some unknown person sent them but it was clear as day.

I was feeling the hurt from being cheated on by him all over again and I didn't like it.

First Cam and then Dave.

I wasn't mad about Dave but fucking Cameron someone she KNEW I was with for years she was supposed to be my bestfriend and she did the unthinkable I can't believe she did something that shady.

I had my head in my hands by now just crying and I hated ever letting people see me like this.

"I'm sorry." I apologized to Rock.

"For what? Ya ain't do nothin. You gotta stop trying to be so strong all the time. It's okay to let out what you're feeling. That's what you need to do you always hold shit in and then blow up beating somebody ass or something. I'm so happy Boogie took your gun privileges away." He said rubbing his shoulder where I shot him like 3 years ago.

I laughed remembering.

Back then Boogie was letting Ashley and I hit licks with him and Rock.

Don ain't know and still don't thankfully. Anyways we were in the car and somebody started shooting at us one night.

Boogie ended up getting shot and Rock and I  shot whoever was riding in the other car while Ashley tended to Boogie.

We got back got to the house and somehow Rock and I got into an argument over something petty that happened that day. It got heated until Boogie and Ashley came back from the hospital and they stopped the argument. The next day I heard he was talking shit to some people about me we argued and I shot him in the shoulder.

Boogie took away my gun for a while until he finally gave it back to me for protection I still have it I just don't shoot people anymore unless I have to.

"Sorry about that." I laughed and he laughed too.

"It's cool." He said.

I stared at him for a long time and I knew I was but didn't stop.

"What?" He asked chuckling awkwardly.

"Hm? Nothing." I shrugged .

My mind went back to Jayla and Cameron and it made me angry.

I called Cam face timing him.

"Hey- why you been crying?" He asked answering.

"If I ask you something can you please promise me you won't lie." I asked.

"Of course I promise baby Wassup?" He said.

"Did you cheat with Jayla?" I asked him straight out.

He sighed running his hand over his face and I knew what the answer was.

He looked me in my eyes as tears ran down my face.

"Yeah I did." He answered.

For some reason I felt like I was back in the situation when I found out he got Serena pregnant. Except this time it hurt more because Jayla was like a sister to me. There was a time I was closer to her than Ashley a long time actually and to know she betrayed the way she did killed me.

I told Cameron I would move pass everything and start new but the fact that he fucked with Jayla of all people behind my back hurt me all over again. There's been too much going on with me and I just need a second to breath it seems like I can't get a break.

"Can you say something B?" He said uneasy.

"I don't have much to say to you right now if you want me to be real." I told him shifting uncomfortably on the couch as Rock observed my actions.

"You said we were moving pass this shit B." He said.

"Yeah well that was before you cheated with someone who was basically like my sister and you fucking knew that Cameron. And not once not twice but MULTIPLE FUCKING TIMES. Right in my fucking face how do you think that makes me feel? I had that bitch smiling in my fucking face everyday like she gave a fuck about what I was going through with you when in reality she was riding your dick as much as the rest of those hoes were. How do you fucking expect me to feel." I spat.

"You been so sad lately and to be honest I wanted to tell you since I knew we been working on us but I didn't want to put anymore on you than you already got going on. I've sat with you watching you be sad I'm sorry i caused you more sadness but it wasn't my intentions. And I definitely didn't want you finding out how you did but all I can do is say sorry and hope somehow you can forgive me." He said.

"Im not sad I'm fucking angry. I'm tired of going through the same hurt over and over again. I'm just fucking done." I said.


"I'll talk to you when you get home maybe. Probably not I gotta go." I said hanging up not letting him get another word in.

"Sorry I just had to know." I said.

"It's alright B I understand."

" You good?" He asked looking at me concerned.

I shrugged. "No." I mumbled.

He pulled me into him hugging me tightly and I held on to his arm as he rocked us back and forth and tears flowed down my cheeks.

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