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1 month later


"You want anything to eat?" Rock asked as I sat on my bed finally back home after all of this.

I shook my head.

"You sure? I don't know if it's good to be taking your medicine on an empty stomach." He said reading the pill bottles.

"I'm fine I'm not hungry." I told him.

"Okay do you want to ride with me?" He asked grabbing his keys.

I shook my head once again.

"You sure? You don't need some fresh air?" He asked.

"I'm fine here." I said.

"Okay baby I love you." He said coming over to kiss me.

"I love you too." I mumbled.

He sighed walking out the room I heard the front door slam as he left.

I can tell Rock is trying to have as much patience with me as he can.

How has this month been?

Shit I don't know where to start... I can't sleep I barely eat, I'm still experiencing a horrible amount of pain which is why I'm still on pain meds. I only get a little bit of sleep when I take them but I also have nightmares so it doesn't really help unless I take more than I'm supposed to.

Dave has been M.I.A again after what happened between him and Ash at the hospital I saw him once later that day like he promised but then he never showed back up. Artist says he just distanced himself from everybody including Don. He talks to Eli a lot though and so do I.

I haven't been too social lately I just don't feel like being around people too much anymore but I talk to Ash, Boog, and Eli obviously Rock too, a lot that's pretty much it. I'm just not feeling Don and Ella I haven't been for a while so that's no surprise. They just aren't people I'm very fond of so I rather stay away from them. All the drama I have with them on top of them knowing David was alive just completely turns me off from fucking with them anymore. Even though Don and I don't speak or have much of an relationship Selena checks on me though and I appreciate that. She's never inserted herself into our problems whether or not Don and I are good terms she still looks out for me. She's  very quiet and laid back unlike the rest of us but everybody likes her. I like her a lot especially since she has checked on me wayyyy more than Don has.

Elijah has became like another brother to me. Him and Ash have something going on that they don't really speak on but they're a good fit for each other everybody can see it. He's how I keep up with Dave just making sure he's good even though he doesn't talk to any of us.

I've tried to get Ashley to talk to him and apologize but she still feels how she feels so I gave up. I feel bad that she made David feel so horrible about the whole thing the look on his face when he left the hospital room that day was honestly heart breaking. I just wish he'd come around and realize we all love him no matter what.

He has no family but us so I know he was hurt by what Ashley said to him.

I just miss him. He's my best friend you know? I kind of just would like if he was here to help me bounce back but I understand why he's staying away from us.

A knock on my door broke my thoughts so I got up slowly and carefully. My leg is broken so I have to walk around with this fucking boot on.

"Who is it?" I yelled going down the stairs slowly.

"It's me and Eli!" I heard Ashley say.

"I'm coming just give me a minute!" I yelled wincing from the pain shooting threw my leg.

Make It Right (Dave East)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz