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"How y'all expect me to get in there?" I asked as Artist, Don and I sat at my apartment in Jersey nobody else knows about. I got after I got shot.

"I heard the nigga Jameer fucking with Talia now and we know you our shot at getting in there through her. That or shooting the shit up and that's the last thing we need to be doing right now." Don said.

I sighed.

"Talia is nothing but fucking trouble for me yo. And B hates that bitch she don't want me no where near her." I said.

"Plus this is about getting to Rock and all his people not trying to rob somebody else trap." I added.

"So you saying you not going to do it?" Artist asked.

"Man y'all deadass? Talia all part of the reason shit went the way it did between B and I y'all think I'm trying to fuck with that bitch?" I asked.

"Especially at a time like this." I said side eying Artist since he knew what I was talking about.

Only Selena, Artist and I know about B being pregnant and we keeping it that way.

"Would it make you feel better if you told B what was going on?" Don said sarcastically.

He my best friend but at the moment Artist and I are closer and Don just ain't my cup of henny right now.

"I'm not joking nigga and ain't shit funny. You may not care about B but I do and my focus on her and Rock nothing else. Y'all go ahead and shoot that shit up I want no parts of that or Talia." I said.

"How about this? You help us and we get the nigga that beat her ass for all them years? I know when you was with her you hated him. " Don said.

I looked at Artist and then back at Don who was the dumbest nigga in the room for thinking I even give a fuck about anything but killing Rock with my bare hands and Bianca and our child. Bianca and our baby first.

"Are you testing me? I don't give a fuck about robbing mfs and I definitely don't give a fuck about Talia or that nigga Greg. You know how many times I've beat the niggas ass? You're making me an offer I can and will refuse cause I don't give a fuck about nothing but y'all sister and killing Rock. Good luck if y'all go on that mission. I will be here but I will not be infiltrating anybody trap especially through Talia."

Don shook his head and stormed out being a bitch.

I looked over to Artist.

"Ella know you trying to do this right now?" I asked him.

"Do what?" He asked.

"Get yourself killed?" I asked he stayed quiet.

"Don does what Don wants huh?" I asked him.

"You of all people know that." He said sighing.

"Listen hitting Jameer at a time like this is stupid. We don't know where the nigga Rock is or when to expect him. I can't whole heartedly do shit else until that nigga blood on my hands. I'm sorry if y'all feeling betrayed but there's too many things that can go wrong at a time like this. Jameer ain't going without a fight and if Rock hears of anything he'll make plans and we all know it. We have to think smart on this."

"This is the only time we are going to have to hit Jameer it's unfortunate that it's at this time but it has to be done we can't pass this up. Rock will be found." Artist said.

I sighed shaking me head and picking my phone up from my lap that was vibrating .

It's was Bianca.

"Hello?" I said whispering walking away from Artist and Don nodding to them they turned the tv chillin.

"Why you whispering? You get there safe? Send me your location baby! I'm sorry I was mad what's going on where Artist and Don? Are they okay? Are you okay baby? I love you." She said as she started crying.

"Baby girl please calm down everything is okay I wasn't trying to whisper I'm sorry." I said feeling horrible for leaving her.

"D I cant lose you ever okay? I don't even like to think about how it felt when I thought you were dead I can't feel that again." She said crying calmly.
I couldn't think of anything to say. What wasI supposed to say? I made that hurt come to her and I'll never forgive myself for that even if she has.

"Do you remember leaving me a message the night of the shooting after you'd been shot when Keem was with you?"

I knew I had a look of confusion on my face.

I tried my hardest to think back but I couldn't remember anything past getting shot.

"No... wait a voicemail right?" I asked her remembering Keem pressing in my chest so hard it felt like my lungs were about to explode inside my chest.

"Yeah." She answered.

"I called you cause I didn't want to hear nobody else voice but yours. The thought of you kept me alive. I whole heartedly believe that. I meant every thing I said in the message I love you to death B." I told her and she half smiled.

"I love you too." She told me.

"I'm about to be on my way to the airport baby." I told her.

"You're coming back already?" She asked happily.

"Yeah baby I didn't want to stay away too long I know you didn't want me to leave and I'm not trying to get caught up in any bullshit here." I told her pulling into the airport parking lot.

"You there now? She asked me.

"Yeah I'm about to park and head in...." I drifted off seeing Rock a row or two down from where I was at.

"Baby you okay?" She asked looking at me weird.

"Rock is here" I said grabbing my gun out the glove box.

"No." Bianca said as I loaded my gun.

"Bianca call Boogie tell him where I'm at. I love you." I told her.

"I love you too but baby please don't do it. Not there D." She pleaded with sad eyes.

"He probably here getting on the same flight as me to get to y'all. I can't wait." I told her slipping my hoodie over my head.

"David. Listen to me please. You can't afford to go to jail baby you can't shoot him at the airport." She said watching me as I watched Rock and his cousin that's on our side discuss something.

"B call Boogie and tell him where I am right now." I told her hanging up.

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