Book 2 Sneak Peak

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Independence Day

"What are you going to wear?" Ashley asked Bianca as they sat in their robes on her bed.

"Hold on I'll show you it's in my bag I figured it'd be pointless to go all the way home just to change." Bianca told her getting up with her 8 month pregnant belly getting in the way.

"Either this romper or this dress." She said laying down a black, blue, white, and red quarter zip fitted romper and a fitted red dress that was the same style of the romper just solid and a dress.

"Oooo romper is perfect. You know it's festive but not like $5 American flag leggings these bitches can't let go." Ashley said making Bianca laugh with her.

"I hope nobody shows up to the barbecue with any of that flag shit on." Bianca said laughing grabbing lotion off Ashley's dresser and sitting back down handing her the bottle.

"The fuck I'm supposed to do with this." Ashley said.

"Be a doll and help me lotion please." Bianca said smiling sweetly.

"I'm doing this for my god child. Not you." Ashley said helping her lotion her legs.

"Thank you." Bianca said kissing Ashley's cheek.

"Yeah yeah... are you going to talk to your baby daddy?" Ashley asked since Bianca and Dave have been having issues the past couple months.

Bianca looked at her but didn't say anything.

"I have nothing to say really... after Don told me what happened I just can't look at him the same." Bianca mumbled annoyed that it was brought up.

"I'm surprised you even believe Don..." Ashley sighed.

Bianca sat back once Ashley was done.

"I'm sorry I even brought it up... but I've had conversation after conversation with David and I don't believe he ever cheated on you. Especially with Talia. Despite the past I just don't think David would ever touch that girl behind your back. I believe it's just Don wanting to be right when he told you David just wanted to fuck you or whatever." Ashley said making a point.

"But why would Don lie?" She said.

"Think about it B. You and Don haven't been really speaking or had much of a relationship for like 2 years now. He hasn't really tried with you or cared to even after everybody trying to make it work between y'all.
All of a sudden at the gender reveal he decided he just had to tell you David cheated on you while we were in Houston? Yet Boogie didn't know about it? Don left here to go back to Houston before both of them. Artist told me and Ella David refused to help them with anything that even came close to involving Talia that's when he decided to leave here and go back to Houston. It makes no sense." Ashley said.

"You honestly think Don lied?" Bianca asked really not wanting to believe her brother would lie just to break her and David up. But what Ashley was saying was making a lot more sense.

"Not just think. B I know he lied. It just don't add up and Boogie don't have a reason to lie... he's the same one who fought David for hurting you. They may be close now but nobody in this world besides Melody means as much to him as you do, Artist wouldn't lie and he wouldn't have David's back if he even suspected he did something." Ashley said.

"I'm going to talk to Artist and Don again separately later." Bianca said.

Her mind was racing with the thought of Don breaking the news or lie to her of David supposedly cheating on her. He pulled her aside during their gender reveal party and a week later she had moved out of David's and back into her own apartment. Now they were only speaking about baby shopping and appointments. Her baby shower is next week and it was killing her that David wasn't there with her every night she was back to barely getting sleep. To think Don caused all this for no reason killed her just the same.

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