Manik entry

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Manik went to his place. When ever he feel that he is missing his dad, he will come here. He will sit all alone for hours and return.

Manik lost his dad when he was just four years, all his chachus and mom gave him so much love and care still some times he misses his dad. So Nyonika brought him here

"Manik this is where you can feel your dad talk to him all alone sitting miss him as much as you can but never forget that he loves you a lot and can't see you suffering"

From then on Manik visits this place when ever he gets time or feel alone. Today he want to talk to his father hug him tight and cry

"Why dad why???? Why is this happening???? Why can't my life be normal??? How can I do this??? Mom said those words to me??? Is it true??? She is the one who always gave me morals and values today she is ordering me to do this how???? I love mom but this???? It's sin dad I can't????? I need you dad.

What will I do??? Should I do this?? What is her fault?? Why should she suffer?? Mere thought if this is making me to go so much of pain then when it happens what should I do??? Marrying her is correct desission or not??? Why should I do? Should I leave her like that and live my life??? How pathetic???

Who is she??? How is she?? She might be very happy I am going to ruin all her happiness, if she loves him??? What should I do??? I don't know her, how will I make her get married to me??? Does we have any choice??? No no big no

She will hate me all her life she will cry o god help me please. Help her. Save her from me, please I beg you

What is her name?? Nandini Murthy!!!!" Manik started to search for her in social media

What is her name?? Nandini Murthy!!!!" Manik started to search for her in social media

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Seeing her this photo Manik is awestruck. "God must be crazy" were the words came from his mouth

"So Nandini Murthy!!!! You are the one who is going to suffer, who is going to hate me life long, who is going to be my wife. So You are the one Nandini Manik Malhotra. Welcome to my life"

Manik came home late night. Early morning there was a flight to Mumbai. He slept
Nyo came to see him, he is sleeping like a baby. She kissed his fore head "sorry bacha I love you" she went back to her room

Early morning by6am Fab 5 reached Mumbai
Alya made Manik make up in such a way that no one can recognise him. She even kept mustachios.
"Manik! Not even you can recognise yourself" she said with winning smile
"Let's test first" Manik came out of her room went out without any guards. As fab5 they have international fame so they all always have guards

Manik walked in a college area as his fans mostly young ones. No body recognised so walked to a coffee shop which is very much crowded ordered a capo chino for him

He took a middle table and just scrolling his mobile a girl of early 20 came there "excuse me Can I have seat as no table is vacant"
Manik got nervous but composed himself and said yes

She and her friend took the seats.
Manik is seriously checking his mails.
"Mamz why don't you travel to Delhi to find them" the one who asked permission asked the other girl
"Dad is not giving permission, you know the news says that they are coming to Mumbai if it's true I will see them mostly my man" the other girl in dreamy voice
"Oooo dumbo land on ...... they are not that easy to meet you? It's not easy that one lucky morning you are sitting with Manik Malhotra besides you and having your chocolate milk shake with extra cream like this guy, so..... hang on..... come to earth" next one said
Manik chocked at that sentence, he was checking his dates as in this mess he need to cancel next ten days programmes. When he listened his name he is shocked. Looked at all of them and took deep breath and smiled for his achievement
"That May happen you never no, this man might turn into Manu my Manu" She is still dreaming
Again Manik got tensed "are they playing with me?" He is now curious
"Mamz please yaar!!!!!come out of dream and get a best plan to meet fab5 I want to meet that hot sexy sizzling man Manik Malhotra"
"He is only my man got it?" Mamz shouted
"Ok ok don't get furious plan first"
"We will sneak into their hotel to meet him"
"Ha ha ha!!!! They have high security"
"Arey yaar kiss one the others get attracted to that we will go in to meet him"
"What???? Why me??? You kiss we will go in?" The first one spoke
"Ok.... try hot dresses to please the guards and seductively ask them to leave us in"
"This is best, I will wear strapless frock"
"Me sexy saree"
"I will wear shots and single top no inners"
"Stop it!!!!" Manik screamed "disgusting" he shouted and walked outside

He came to hotel narrated all happened in coffee shop all bursted into laugh
"Manik!!!! This is truely disgusting, how can people be so stupid?" Mukthi complained
"Manik's charm" Druv winked
All again laughed
Cabir who went to Murthy mansion called Manik
"Manik work done"
"Cabir come back me and druv are ready we will reach there in half an hour" Manik answered
"Manik She is so attached to family, are you sure you can do it???" Cabir's voice shaked a little
"It's our fate, she has to hate me and I have bear this. Don't think much come back" Manik voice had a pain. He hanged up the call
"Druv come lets go"
All hugged in group hug "guys!!!! Take care of yourselves and try to save her from us" Alya said
"Chalo!!!! Bye" both walked out

Murthy mansion is filled with laughs. Raghav and Naren are dressed up in sarees trying to do some acting. All are laughing like manic

Manik when entered the longue they are still laughing. Manik eyes fell on Nandini she is besides her father laughing hard her hair are flying in air cheeks are red she looked so beautiful.

"Beautiful" Manik exclaimed
"They are so happy Manik, we can't do this" Druv said in pain
Manik striked with reality, his eyes became red and jaw went gritting
All both tried to walk back Murthy called them

"You are?"
"We are wedding planners we came for planning" Manik said
Murthy looked at Manik for few mins then "ummmm So you came"
"Yes sir shall we start our work?" Druv insisted
"Ok......... you ...... go on!!!! But......"
"Papa who are they?" Nandini came to Murthy as his face became worried and painful
"Wedding planners ma'm" Druv introduced
"They are planners" Murthy exclaimed
"Why are so stressed papa?"She is worried
"You are going away from me" he hugged her tight tears bloomed
"Papa!!!!! Look at me, shall we post pone it??"
"No no ........ now I can't...... you have to go to them........ your family...... my all these years...... I have to send........ don't worry........ they ..."
"Murthy ji!!!!!! What is this??? What happened???? Come with me" Mrs.Murthy dragged him to room
All at once became tensed
Manik and Druv became stiff both are expressionless

After ten mins both came back
"Please go head!!" Murthy without looking at them ordered
"Rishib will guide you all" he again said
"Ok sir" Druv replied
"Your names?" Rishib asked
"I am Druv, he is."
"Cabir Dhawan" Manik introduced himself

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