Nandini thinking

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After reaching home Nandini straight away went to her room. She had vomiting. She started crying sitting on bed. "Today his most rival Malhotra's are proud of your bring up, she saluted, but you doubted on me? Doubted on his own upbringing, why? You didn't even believed amms in my case you was the only one to take care of me and my feelings, emotions, thoughts even about Macho also then why you doubted? How can you doubt on me? You thrown me out of house out of your family? Why?" She ran to washroom had again vomiting,

"What am I now? Till now I was under my Appa, now I am with Macho what am I supposed to be? Just a blind follower? First parents, then hubby, then children? Where is my identity? What I want? I want peace a normal life a common normal life without these bloody tears and this heart break, I want it" her tears are no where to stop.

"Things are changing my heart is adjusting with this new changes means I forgot what happened to me? Whom should I be angry on? Should be angry on Appa? Macho? Shaker chachu? And whole Malhotra's are on my fate? Whom should I??? Why and how? Really do I belong to any family? Murthy family was mine I took birth there but Appa thrown me out, now this Malhotra family? What if they too throw me if any such issues occur then this time where should I go????? What should I do??? He says he loves me, but Appa to love me then??? I can't believe anyone and any relation. What should I do?"

Here thoughts are growing worse again.
"My fate is such, I am cursed that's why I don't get to live with my loved one,"
She was drained away lost her consciousness, and fainted on bed.

It was 7pm Manik came home, he looked for Nandini , he didn't find her, he called Arohi and asked about her, "ma'm went to her room she didn't come down at" replied Arohi
Manik went up opened his room door it dark inside, "still sleeping?" He switched on lights and found Nandini slept in appropriate manner, he sensed something wrong and went near her called her "Chutki"
No response from her made Manik worried he shaked her shoulder still no response he took water from side table sprinkled water for more than three times, tapped her cheeks, she is like life less body, Manik again patted hard she tried to open her eyes but again closed as her eye lids are felt heavier. Manik again shaked her she opened eyes found some one calling her "Chutki"
"Appa" she murmured
Manik got scared, he again called her "Chutki"
She slowly opened her eyes totally. She searched her surroundings she took two minutes to register the surroundings.
Manik gave her water.she drank.

Manik called doctor Inspite of Nandini's refusal. Doctor gave some medicines and asked her to take rest. Everyone in house are around Nandini. They are worried.

Doctor said "Nandini is too weak, she needs proper food, her blood pleasure is low, may be she is suffering with some depression issues. She needed a person always around her to distract her thinking process, Manik take proper care both physically and mentally. Being a doctor I will suggest you something think about it, give her some bodily pleasure, sex has ability to come over some many issues may be its physical and may be its mentally, the pleasure which we experience will lead to relaxation of our mind and stimulates many hormones which makes you feel happy and healthy it's distracts a personal 100percent. So think about it"
Manik nodded

Manik went to kitchen brought some salads, fruit juice and curd. When he came with food all family members went away so that Manik can feed her, Nyeonika is sitting beside her, Manik is sitting infront of her.

"Bacha!!! Why are you not taking care of yourself? You are looking after us but not you? Manik from today on take her wherever you go" Nyeonika ordered

Manik is in deep thinking his mind is occupied with doctors advice, Nyeonika asked again. "I am also thinking the same I will take her" Manik replies
"No no.... no need I will take care of myself " Nandini said in hurry. She don't want Manik to take burden himself

Both mother and son looked at each other smiled "Ok first complete this" Manik is feeding salad.
Nandini without any word completed her food which Manik brought.

After taking to Nandini for some time Nyeonika went to her room. Manik got freshen up, even Nandini too got freshen up. Manik sat besides her took her hand in his "Chutki!!! Why are you upset??? What happen? Talking about your Appa made you upset?" His voice is so smooth and soft
"No!!! It's not that it's just my thoughts nothing more" she is trying to justify herself
"What are those thoughts?"
"Random one nothing important"
"Still share with me I may figure it out"
Nandini looked at him for a while "being a girl should I always depend on one or the other person? Today Appa closed the doors, tomorrow if you to do same then how? What is my place? Where do I stand? Is anything only Nandini posses? Only my surname makes me? I lost faith in myself my relations"
"Shhhhh!!!!!can I suggest you something? Shall we have a child???? If we have one you will be busy with him/her, the child is only yours, totally yours. You will have all rights on her, you can again gain faith in relations"
"I am daughter of Appa na, then why did do so?"
"What he did Chutki???? Think once, he sent you with me, whom he believes as best for his daughter, if he wouldn't have harsh then this rivalry game would have turned too ugly, he cutter all threads with you so that Malhotra's accept you wholeheartedly with out any doubt, if not again and again you should have asked for faith test. He gave you total happens making himself live in hell. You don't know how is your Appa? Do you think he is happy there??? Without you can he live for a moment??? Still he is living happily so that you should be happy. Look at you??? What are you doing????? Always going into same loop again and again, pulling stunts on me, once only once try me, may be your Appa is correct as always for you, I may prove you wrong and make you gain faith? Try me"
"Is it true?? Appa did this for me?" Nandini's eyes sparkled
"Why? You don't think so?"
"You are Appa's first choice, no only choice, he knows that I am madly in love with you, he knows that Aryaman is just my best friend not more than that, he knows Malhotra's won't accept me as bahu, he knows that if I am not murthy then they would have happily accept, he knows that you kidnapped me, he might have thought to fulfill my wish if he throws me out I will be happy you and your family," Nandini was analysing everything but she forgot that she has blurred it out

Nandini stood up "how dare he???? How dare Appa? How could you??? Who gave you right to take such decisions alone? At least you would have given me a hint, I would have died happily than going away from you? No Appa? No you can't? I won't forgive you, never, never in my life" she is walking here and there in anger

Manik is shocked " what???are you insane? Why are you angry on him?"
Nandini looked at Manik in serious look, "Seriously?? What will you do if I leave you, without saying anything not even any hint, and just disappear then what will you do?" She asked him catching his collar

Manik took her hands dragged her to himself held her hair in grip and made her hiss in pain "I will kill you, did you get it clear? I will kill you, when you already tried, by cutting your pulse, for that I want you kill now very hard and very cruelly, you are just and just mine not even you have rights on you. Say it you are mine" he demanded

"I am yours"she said in low voice looking straight into his deep dark brown eyes
"Only mine" he again demanded
"Only yours" Manik is just observing her lips a smile encrypt on his lips, he pussed his soft lips on her, he took her total mouth in his lips sucked them harshly, he took her lower puffy lip and sucked blood out of it, and then entered her mouth started to explore all corners of her mouth, fighting with her tongue, he is dominating, demanding.

Kiss was long almost for ten mins, he felt less of oxygen and left her. She is patting he too
"You are only mine only mine" he is kissing her jaw line and neck softly. He forced himself on her by weight. "Just mine, you don't know how much possessive I am about you, your my oxygen, please Chutki I can't stay away from you, shall we?"

Nandini looked at him with a question mark face
"I want you total you let's do it"
His voice is husky and sexy. Nandini is already drowned in him and his actions, she already surrendered to him, but her voice is ditching her she numb
"I love you Nandini forever humesha"

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