All truth

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Manik got up in an hour, even seductive couldn't keep him sleeping for long time. Manik pa came in, Manik took the photos
"This is pendrive we have total video"
Manik took it kept in laptop looked at it, Manik became stiff and his body slightly shivered.
"Sir one more news, Mythal is out of jail"
"Bring them Both home by tomorrow. I need them"
"No sir!!!! Mam needs time, let her compose she needs to give them punishment" Manik looked at him with small smile "everyone loves her except god"
"She is best one, all staff came to meet you please once come out sir"
Manik came out

A lady of late 40s came front hugged him "don't worry my son, she is tigress she will fight back but for her you fight back this gives you strength take it" she gave locket of lord krishna
He took it
All brought bouquets everyone are silent. The girl who was victim in case of Harshad came front cried Manik presses his lips
All went back.

Nandini woke up next day afternoon. All came to hospital. Manik alone is inside room.
Nandini woke up looked at Manik, she smiled. He tried to smile but he couldn't
Nandini rubbed her eyes "Macho I was sleeping for ages why didn't you wake me up? Where are we??? Why are we hear?"
Manik is silent he is scared to death her one question will kill him perck his heart with sillions of small needles at a time. He strongly closed his eyes in fear

Nandini again looked around, she looked at herself, her dress hospital dress, she touched her belly........... she gasped try to get out bed Manik held her tight. She jerked him away tried to stand but she couldn't balance Manik held tightly. She looked at him

Her eyes those eyes are screaming shouting threatening "Macho!!!!" She stopped in middle
He nodded his head in negative
Nandini sat again with thud, Manik eyes are flooding, lips are bitten by teeth she is pale as white cement he panicked
"I saw him"
She turned towards him
"Dark ice cold lifeless.......... I took him in this arms............. his nose ..... chotosa.... your........ mole here.......... mera............ you like this na........ so....... all blood....... my hands.......... shirt......... face....... I........ buried him.....(he is showing her with actions)......... rose petals.......... na..... no mud.......... I did it.......... hands......."
"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"she screamed loudly her lungs came out, everyone got goosebumps outside the room Alya want to go in and stop her but Nyeonika held her wrist tight

Manik sat with her on floor "he left us......... our ....... love..... our ....jammin........left us..." Nandini slapped him tight
"I want him back Macho I want him, bring him back Manik Malhotra I want my son back I want him"
Manik hugged her tight she is hitting his chest hard crying like hell. She fainted. All came in fast.
Murthy gave juice Manik tried to make her drink this time she didn't drink all juice went out Manik broker the glass with force it broker into pieces

He held her tight started kissing her face madly "see me look at me damm it.... Nandini..... we lost our son and you are sleeping get up cry beat me kill me shout at me get up" Manik slapped her she woke up with deep breath

"See me we lost our s..." she again slapped held his collar started sobbing manik didn't move she is breaking bit by bit
"Macho!!!!! I beg you ..... see I will catch your feet ....... kill me..... I can't bare this...... it's pain here..... ( she showed her womb) ....... kill me for god sake ..... Macho....... I beg you" Manik took her in arms, made her sleep in bed dragged everyone out locked the door

She is still begging Manik went near her took her both hands kept on his neck and started pressing hard first she was in trance but when he was held her hands tight she dragged her hands with jerk
"Macho" she went back extreme back so that he can't reach her
"I am killing you Nandini come here let me complete" Manik is coming near
"No no no no" she screamed Manik hugged her tight she this time cried slowly.
"We lost him Nandini but for god sake don't close all the doors from where he will return back we will bring her back again here in this womb and I promise you Nandini this time healthy and safely. Cry today how much you want you can I will not stop from tomorrow not a drop I don't want my son and dad to cry seeing us from there" he showed her up
Nandini kept her head on his chest "all my fault I fighter with you that's why..,"
"Shhhhhhhhhh No no never, you have all rights to fight beat shout scream through tantrums on me as I have on you drink some juice I will bring"
"No Macho I cant"
"Please Chutki little for him"
Nandini got tears again "leave me let me bring" Manik went brought juice all came in she looked at all got tears again she is crying Manik is making her drink juice she took a sip but couldn't gulp them she started crying "No vomiting not today, drink for him" She gulped he got tears she made him drink.

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