Scary pain

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Manik is sleeping on couch near Nandini's room. "How many day it will take to see smiling again I don't Nandini. I am scared if can't give you back that smile then? Mom what have you done? The broken pieces of truth made you do this and the pain which we three are going to feel is much much more than expected. She don't know how to live without her Appa, you snatch him from her what should I do???"

He saw Nandini slowly walking out. He didn't move.
Nandini silently walked out of room, she found a car parked in front of the house with keys. She closed the main door. Sat in car and started. To her surprise guards opened the gate may be they thought its Alya or Mukthi. She faulty came out of the street found a main road. Checked surroundings.

Nandini traveled for twenty minutes and reached her house. She didn't even bother to close the car door just ran to house and pressed the bell.

Murthy opened the door and came out. Nandini hugged him tightly. "Appa!!!! You are safe right!!!! Thank god!!!!! Thank god!!!!! I was just panicked !!!!! You are safe!!!! I am back!!! See I am fine!!! They didn't do anything, I just cried. Don't panic I am safe" she sobbing and breathing heavily.

Murthy didn't hugged back, his eyes are teary. Face is hard. He want to shout and cry. Hug her tight and protect her from all this pain, but no he can't do. He don't have rights on her

Nandini when didn't feel his hands, she parted "appa!" She called smoothly
"Your appa died, there is no one here, just go away" his words as cold as burning ice in hand.
"Appa???" She gasped with lack of oxygen
"Don't ever try to come back. Because of you I already lost my reputation and pride. Do you want to take my life and kill me by coming back? A girl who is missing from morning and stayed with a young boy, is she pure??? Will this society accepts her?I can't accept you go away and let me at least breathe to live please. I beg you"
"Appa!!!! No no they lied. He didn't touch me. You know me believe me Appa. Promise on antic piece he .....he didn't touch me. You know I won't lie"
"I don't" his words are tearing his own heart
"Appa???" She took steps back and about fall a hard hand held her tight she looked up its Manik. She again looked at her father
" go away both of you, Nandini never show me your face if you want me to alive. If you want to kill me come back to this house"
She is numb.

A silence. Piercing silence. No sounds heard. Brain is numb, even her breath is not in her sense. She is seeing a darkness. No where light available. No hope for life available. It's her Appa, chutki's appa. Am I still alive??? It's not any bad dream, this is real. My Appa throwed me out of his life. He said he won't believe me. He said I am used, my father said I am used. She laughed

Manik is panic. She is totally ice cold. She pweeked two times. Her eyes are open but she not seeing anything listening anything. Manik slapped her twice very hard but she is no where to come to senses. Cabir went out to bring docter. Girls are shouting to make her to look at them. Manik is hurting himself badly druv is making him to understand

Cabir came with doctor . Doctor checked gave her seductive to sleep. She even need fluids so gave her drips. To make her body heat she was covered with blankets.

"Manik her brain want to loose, it's not working taking any orders of body. She really got a very big shock. I don't know what happens next. If her body gains heat then she will servive if not no hope"
"No doctor no, that can't be happened"
"Do one thing give her body heat"
"She is a girl, give warmth of her husband which stimulates her Harmons that makes brain work and she gains conscious"
"But she is unmarried"
"Then I suggest to wait that's it"

All are in hall.
"This hell scary than expected Manik. We made sin. Crime. She will really die. We killed her only pure relation. This is crime" Alya is crying
Manik hand is bleeding. Cabir is hell angry. Druv is not in condition to talk with guilt. Mukthi got up "Manik get up!!! Go to her!!!! Do as doctor said. She has to live. Come on don't waste time"

"Mukthi!!!!!" Manik whispered
"Yes Manik now her life is most important than anything. Don't do that just awake her hormones."
"Shut up Manik react fast are you planning to kill her?" Mukthi screamed
"Yes Manik go"Alya supported
Cabin too signed.
Druv just walked to his room.

Manik with heavy feet walked to her room. "No I can't Mukthi. This is more scary. I can't do this please" he is begging
"Manik go" she shouted.

Manik locked the door. He came near Nandini her body is still ice cold. He removed his shirt. He is crying, dying from inside for this still she has to be alive. He removed his trousers, removed vest.

Took all the blankets from her, removed her clothes with shaky hands, covered both with duvet and hugged her tight. She is so cold. He started kissing her face with tears "sorry!!!!sorry!!!! I thought you will cry, scream but you will be ok, I didn't expect this. If know that you will be so shattered that you stopped your brain means I would have never allowed you to meet your Appa. I am sorry.... please Nandu come back for me"

He is kissing her jaw line, giving her wet kisses, giving her hickeys, when he lost in her beauty he too don't remember. Now he playing with his lips on her body. Kissing, sucking, nubbling. He is pressing her blosomes softly while kissing her lips. He took her lips in mouth and started to suck. She is slightly becoming warm.

Manik is playing with her body since half an hour but he didn't cross the line. Now she is warm. He felt her slightly with high temperature. He made her wear her dress. He too dressed up. Took thermometer and checked temperature. It's 103. He called doctor. He came running. He checked her. Gave some injections. Asked Manik to give her cool water wipes on forehead. He did.

After two days Nandini woke up. Manik took her in bone crush hug. "Thank good you woke up, how much scared I was you can't imagine" he again hugged her. She is silent

Alya and Mukthi too hugged her. They took her to washroom made her to freshen up and take bath. She did. Manik gave her soup. She didn't refuse. But she is silent a wired silence. No expressions, no emotions nothing just silence. A scary silence of pain.

Manik understood her silence. "Today night we will travel to Delhi, tomorrow is our marriage" she just listened

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