Again in pain

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Manik is very happy with his gift. Nyeonika hugged Nandini "your best happened to Manik. I am happy. Very happy"
Manik hugged both.

Fab5 surrounded Nandini they are just showing their love towards. "Nandu!!!! You don't know how ashamed we are that we were the reason for snatching your Appa from you, and here you are giving us gifts, what I have say or feel is two contradictory statements, and feelings bottom of line is we are sorry and we are very much happy for you and you both, thank you for forgiving, accepting,caring. We love you Nandini" Druv said all hugged her.

When Nandini has a good amount of sorry and thank you session she looked for Manik. From five minutes he is missing. She realised when she completed the fab4session.

She looked around, Manik is not seen anywhere, she searched for Nyeonika she is also missing. Nandini forehead frowned. She excused herself from friends and started searching for both smother and son.

When she is searching for Manik she heard some one taking her name out of curiosity she stopped and listened

"Manik!!!!! Don't get carried away in emotions and guilt, I am your daddy's friend when that murthy's killed your father sent lifeless body of Arnav I was the one who took his body. I could never forget or forgive those murthy's, here you are blindly trusting that girl, don't be fool Manik. You took revenge, now get out of this loop. She is venom, can't do anything that killing either physical or emotional. Here you are giving her total axis to do so. Keep her in a corner, make her to just live as if she is a furniture, donot make things complicated, she may take revenge in any ways. Playing financially can be recovered but playing emotionally can't be recovered she is playing such game which you and your family are ignoring due to your guilt and goodness. Face the reality, divorce her, I will make you marry with my daughter, she will take care you and your mom very well. Send her away. If you have sympathy then make her stay with you she will work in house for you guys, what do you say?" It's Sinha

"How dare you to speak such words??? Don't forget Mr.sinha she is my daughter, not daughter in law, she is pride of my family. Not even a single word again if you do so you will see the consequences it's Nyeonika promise I will make your life hell" nyeonika said in anger

"Just get out of my sight, my respect as my fathers friend is vanished, now as human being before I loose my humanity get lost. If she even give me emotional or financial break up I will be happy at least she tried to fight back not that I will feel she took revenge. I am in love with her irrecoverably. Even god can't separate her from me, not even she can do so. She is mine only mine my love my life my everything. So Mr.sinha get out" Manik shouted

Sinha "think once you cooled guys, you will find how much I am right" said and left.

When both mother and son was looking sinha going out they found Nandini standing their with pale face.
Manik came running hugged her, she released herself from his arms and walked away without any word

Nyeonika and Manik came running back of her. "Nandu!!!! Listen!!!! Don't listen to him, he is outsider, don't think it, look at us, see Manik once Bacha!!!!! Please listen"
She is silent.
Manik turned her and hugged tightly "Nandini!!!! See you know how much I love you???? See please don't think just breath"
Nandini didn't react, nor hugged him took a word she just walked away.

Manik and Nyeonika is coming back of her, they reached party still she is numb so lost. Manik is talking, shouting, screaming still she is numb. Nyeonika called off the party.
Fab4 came running to Nandini
Everyone are talking to her, but not a single word is reaching her ears. She is shocked numb, nothing is registering in her mind she is not even blinking her eyes.

Manik took her shoulders shaker her, "Nandini listen"
She turned her face towards Manik slowly, blinked her eyes, took deep breath which made a heavy sound in the hall. She looked at all again looked at Manik, she now got all things in her mind got tears, she is hiccuping now, Manik gave water, Mukthi held glass and made her sip water

"Macho!!!!! Please...... hug me tight"she asked with a tears eyes and pleading tone, she is literally begging him. Manik immediately hugged her tight. Kissed her on head "I love you. Shona!!!! You are my pride jaan!!!! I love you" he too got tears
"Can we go home????" She asked in between hiccups
"Yes Bacha!!!! You go Manik take her home" Nyeonika said
When she Nandini looked at her and took a step back but Manik held more tight. He took her in side hug and took her to car. Made her sit and he took seat side by her, driver started car. Manik took Nandini in his lap and hugged her, she kept her face in his crook

When they reached home, Manik took Nandini directly to room. Nandini without giving any chance dragged Manik down to his height and pressed her lips on his and started to suck them. Manik took back for a moment by her sudden reaction. When he came to know that she want to kiss him, he took lips softly but she is aggressive and dominating. He let her to do what she want.

Nandini when felt lack of oxygen, she couldn't breath but she didn't want to leave him. She want to feel his presence and register it in her mind for eternity

Manik forcefully got out of her, but Nandini is not in a mood to leave him, she is kissing him again and unbuttoning his shirt, she is showing all the frustration in removing his shirt. When she succeeded she started kissing his neck, "Macho!!!! Make me yours, I need you inside me, mark me again, be hard on I want to feel you" her words are as harsh as her actions. She is piercing her teeth on his neck, Manik hissed in pain

Manik knows what exact state she is, she want to feel him, believe that he is only her property, she is scared, impulsive, she is not trusting her own fate now. Manik took her in arms placed her in bed started kissing her forehead, eyes, cheeks, lips, chin, neck, cleavage. Cupped her face with his long palms.
"Nandini!!!! I am dying to make love with you but you are not in state to do so. Look at me I am only yours always yours. No body I mean it no body can take me away from you. Be clear I love you. For this life time I am only yours" he kissed her cheeks

Nandini felt betrayed, frustrated, irritated and angry she looked at Manik with anger "so you say that now you won't make love with me? Vaisa tho all day you roam all around me romancing and make me naked now what happened? I am not tempting enough? See I am wearing your favourite red saree. Wait let me show you my skin may be then you will mark me, let me" she removed her saree and blouse so fast that Manik gasped.

"Macho plz make love I want it badly" Manik maintaining gap making her restless. Now she is begging
Manik got tears, for first time she is asking, demanding, begging but he is unable to do so. He knows she is in fear,scared she needs assurance which is not like this, she need to get out of this mood talk about it then he will do what she want. He is in terrible state.

Every time he want Nandini happy, same time some or the other things happy making things worst. He is dam pissed off. Angry on himself, he want to kill himself for all this happening to her, for not stopping them to reach her.

Nandini couldn't wait more, she walked to him started kissing his neck madly. Manik came out of his thinking, took her in hug to make her calm.
"Chutki!!!! Calm down nothing happens, I am here with you I will never leave you alone" his words are smooth and soft

"Machoooo please!!!! I want it now. I am feeling empty" she is sobbing
"Shhhhh!!!! Just calm down I am here na!!!! My baby needs me I know see I am with you, come with have shower"
"No I want you" She is adamant
Manik smiled for her stubbornness, if it was not this situation and Nandini asked it Manik would have been in ninth cloud, and made her scream and moan on her top voice. Now situation is different. She need to heal

Manik took her in arm and kept her under shower, he too drenched. After ten minutes in shower. Cool water flowing on skin making her to shiver and calm herself from her trauma. Nandini closed shower water knob looked at Manik and asked "why Macho everyone what to make me a material and stab my back? Just because my Appa left me? Why Macho???? Why only me? Why they all want to me get out if your life? Am I that bad? Am I that disgusting?"

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