Chapter 26 Dance The Night Away 2

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Outside the CCT The cat burgler (Common you guys know who it is) stealthily approaches an armed guard. She knife-hands the back of his head, rendering him unconscious with a stunned grin on his face. She drags them behind some bushes leaving parts of them sticking out before entering the tower. Gabriel, lagging behind for fear of being seen, found the bodies of the guards and immediately put the pieces together, with a hurry, he tried to call you but your badge did not respond due to you putting it under maintaince. Sighing he raised his right arm in an attempt to summon his weapon only to be met with bleeps and flashing red line on his watch. Groaning he decided to do something important first. "Computer, open a secure link to my terminal" he orders

"Working" his badge chripped "secure link established"

"Encrypt all file regarding project Setsuri and other equipment under development under binary 9 sigma encryption."

"Voice print and authorisation required."

"Autorisation Halsey-omega-396-xenon"

"Autorisation accepted, files locked and encrypted."

'Excellent' He thought flicking his wrist 'now to pick myself a weapon' scrolling through the weapons storage
He found a rather oversized gardening tool attached to a gun. 'Ah screw it, Ruby wouldn't mind if I used her weapon for a bit.'

Tapping on the option, a metal locker crashed beside him as the door opened and ejected the hot red weapon with a mysterious blue glow.  'Guess I'll figure out how and what (Y/N) gave Ruby later' He thought as he entered the building after the intruder.


Ruby walks into the elevator and tapped her scroll onto the reader of the lift, to her surprise a small button popped out from the wall and said "override accepted, welcome miss rose" before giving a slight jerk, descending swiftly to the basement level of the school. She looked on curiously as the lift stopped at it's destination and its doors slid open, revealing a rather strange looking ship. Reminiscent of the ancient sailing ships that are still operational, ferrying people to the lands of menagerie. Yet the 4 flat towers housing 3 long thin barrels each jutting out of it appeared odd to Ruby.

(Before you guys say anything yes, I ripped it off the I-401 from Ars Nova)

Gasping at the sight of the mysterious blue ship she fails to norice you walking towards her. "Ruby?" You said with a voice of suspicion "what are you doing here?"

"(Y/N)!" She says as she tears herself away from the ship. "What is it?"

"This?" You pointed to it "it's a ship"

"What's that on the deck of it?" She asked as her eyes shined

"Those are 15 inch- nevermind them, what are you doing here?"

"Well, I wondered why didn't you want to come for the dance." She said with an innocent smile

"Well I don't know, I was busy it slipped my mind and-"

"(Y/N)" she cut you off, her smile changing to a grin "I know you're bad at big events."

"Gabriel." You said with your jaws clenched.

"It's ok" Ruby smiles "he meant well,"

"You probably heard the story about the tarkalian ambassador." You moaned as you fell into her lap

"That was funny" she laughed "But I can't believe you convinced the ambassador that it was part of the dance."

"Well you know me" you said "I'm stubborn."

"I know" she smiles as she strokes your hair.

"How about this?" You began breaking Ruby from her thoughts "For not turning up today I'll take you out tomorrow, how does that sound?"

"O-ok" she squeaked.

"Great!" You said excitedly getting up. "I'll see you first thing in the morning."

"Alright" she yawned "good night (Y/N)"

"Good night ruby"


Cinder walks out of the elevator and toward the control consoles nearby to begin her task when Gabriel dropped in unexpectedly. Causing her to dive under a table. 'Damn it' she thought 'why didn't mercury see him leave the ball?'

"come out, come out, where ever you are." A voice softly crooned.

"tsh" cinder thought 'he's mocking me'

"gotcha" Gabriel said as he pulled the trigger allowing cinder to barely escape the beam "What the- why would you put this in (Y/N)?"

pulling out 3 dust crystals Cinder threw them down in a attempt to create a smokescreen to create a diversion

With the screen coming up Gabriel grinned and activated a copper coated device, with slight crackle and spits of electricity, the screen drop allowing him to fire another beam causing the door to collapse, blocking her escape.

"How?" She spat in anger

"Well basically I used electricity to absorb your smokescreen rendering it useless." Gabriel said

frustration mounts as she crossed her weapon against Gabriel who although was bumbling through the functions of Crescent Rose 2.0 managed to parry her strokes. "why is there a spear function on this thing? She doesn't need a spear!" Gabriel said in exasperation.  'this isn't even his weapon and yet he's managing to keep up with me' Cinder thought 'i guess the boy who blew up the base is going to be harder to beat.'

"-And what does this button Do?" Gabriel's voice interrupted her thoughts. With a press of the button the top split open and revealed an engine rocket and the barrel split open into 4 perfect sections with the middle housing a orange barrel, the scythe anchored itself into the ground before energy started charging. "ooohhhh" Gabriel exhaled in realisation before grinning at Cinder's horrified face.

Using the last of her witts Cinder jumped out of the room though the window as the beam of light barely missed her head and singed her hair. frustrated at the encounter with Gabriel, she began working her way back to the prom. Gabriel was about to go after her when a robotic arm reached out to hold him back, looking back he found General Ironwood who shook his head indicating his wish that he stopped his pursuit of the mysterious villain.


"So you not only lost the villain, you took a prototype weapon from Ruby's storage locker and damage it, you also wrecked the CCT?" You summarised

"yeah, but to be fair she started it, taking down the guards at the front." Gabriel protested.

"Right, did you find out what she was after?" Ozpin asked calmly

"" Gabriel said hanging his head

"Alright then I guess this is it." You said "Right now our biggest problem is the repairs which, I'll get started on if you gentlemen don't mind."

"It's alright (Y/N)" Ozpin assures "the repairs can be done by other people right now I just need you to get back to class and go about your day without any hint of this thing happening understood?"

"thank you professor" you said as you walked out with Gabriel in tow.

"Those boys really have a penchant for causing destruction don't they?" Ironwood smiled as they left

"they remind you of someone?" Ozpin remarked grinning at the General.

"let's just not get into it now" Ironwood said as he attenoted to change the subject.

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