Chapter 37 Showdown

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Knocking on the door, you activated your tricorder and said nicely "hi, I'm (Y/N) im here to check on mercury."

"what are the chances they would believe you?" Aria said through a concealed channel, sounds of rustling was heard from the other side as you set your weapon to stun.

"well it's a long shot, but if you run a scan through their scrolls and if we find some interesting things then you owe me." you whispered harshly.

The door freaked open as cinder smiles and says "yyyess?"

"hi I heard that there was an...incident, and I'd like to see if I can help mercury." you returned the fake smile and held up a medical kit.

"it's alright, I have tended to his injuries and...he's resting."

With close proximity to cinder a warning sign flash on your cybernetic eyes and you drew the force lance out and aimed it at her.

matching your speed the fall maiden blasted you with a face full of fire and slammed you into the wall.

letting lose 3 shots of high energy plasma shots to no avail, you quickly switched settings and fired a Ion blast, temporarily knocking her back.

"Do you think I'm so stupid?" you shouted angrily at cinder. "Where is my counterpart!"

"somewhere where he can cause most damage, without your intervention."she grinned.

It was at that moment you understood the meaning of the sign.

It was nuclear.


A few grams of antimatter, that's all it takes to level beacon, far more powerful then earth's ancient nuclear weapons, it would be enough to turn every structure into ash as soon as it is detonated.

Samuel knew this well, he knew that his counterpart would be drawn in by Emerald's deception, he knew that you would have come looking for answers. He knew that he would not have long to find the relic and destroy the school, and so he moved quickly to fulfil his objectives.

Setting the charge on the load bearing columns of the great hall he quickly concealed the weapon and moved to his next location.

Probing through the programs for the lift a strange code pops up on his terminal, revealing a activation sequence with a recent usage, 'A secret entrance embedded in the lift's controls?' Samuel thought smiling at his own genius, 'don't mind if I do.' he tapped into the controls as the lift slips into the bowels of the earth.

Stopping at the appropriate level the boy slips out of the elevator and was immidately met with a soft blue glow of a armed force lance. "Hello..." the girl grins.

"Who're you?" Samuel frowns this girl looked exactly like that red hooded girl, that little red riding hood, only this time, she was fully decked in blue.

"Oh you won't know," Lily grins "but not for long." With a flick of her wrist she emptied her weapon on Samuel, leaving a hole in his chest, which was quickly taken care of.

"pretty feisty for someone so petite." he said brushing at the impact area

"yeah well i'm not in a very good mood." Lily grimaces.

Forming his hands into a blades he quickly attempted to flank Lily and stab her, only, she was faster. with the activation of her semblance, The Time Fracture system. she skillfully weaved her way out of harm and repositioning herself for a retaliatory strike. Dropping her force lance and whipping out a M9 and begins putting holes in him, a futile action that may only buy her a few seconds as she begins to run to the ship's armoury.

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