Chapter 33 Covert Operations

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You went through another report of the Setsuri and sighed, the message that Ozpin left you started weighing on your mind. But you didn't bother to ask him what it meant.

Thankfully Ruby came in, breaking your train of thought. "Hey you." She said cheerfully

"Hey Ruby, isn't the tournaments on now?" You asked putting down the Pad. "what are you doing here?"

"Well, someone said that you didn't come out of your room all day and i came to check on you."

"Halsey." You grimaced "I swear ever since he was stuck in that bed he has been taking every chance he can get to worm into my business."

"Aww you can't blame him, after all you'll go mad if you're stuck in bed." Ruby chided.

"That doesn't mean he can use the security systems to look into what I'm doing." You argued.

"Alright, alright." She laughed "come on let's go, I think you're succumbing to cabin fever."

"Fine." You grumbled. "Lets go to the Colosseum."

"Oh uh I meant to ask you...where did Lily go?"

"She's been busy, developing her fighting style, weapons and other things, she doesn't actually need much sleep."

"Hey." A female voice spooked the both of you.

"AHHH....oh Lily don't do that!" You scold

"Aww why not?" Lily grinned "it's fun!"

"No it isn't." You disagreed

"Boooo," Lily jeered "ever since you met up with Ozpin and his secret circle, you've been losing your sense of humour."

"Secret circle? You told me you were training!" Ruby yelled.

"I was!" You retaliated. "Why do you think Ozpin looks more and more tired?"

"Oh last night was hilarious!" Lily laughed, pulling up the security records of you constantly getting beaten by Ozpin.

"That looks awfully close to a win." Ruby observed your swift movements in fighting Ozpin your weapon barely missing the headmaster by a few inches.

"Captain Ronsten please report to my office" your combadge sporting what your classmates call your emblem chirp with the headmaster's voice.

"Well" you said setting Lily down. "Duty calls." You kissed Ruby on her forehead and said "ill see you later."

"Come watch me later!" She called out waving you goodbye

Sighing, You guessed that Ozpin might need you to answer questions of the power outages observed throughout the school during your work on the Setsuri. You begin to dream up of several excuses to give to Ozpin that he would find acceptable.

Stepping out of the lift into the spacious office that was trashed by the replicators merely months before you looked at the empty space where his old desk and chair would have resided.

"Mr Ronsten." Ozpin greeted you as his hands continues to execute commands on the holographic screen that you installed for him previously.

"Still no desk?" You grinned like all the other times

"Now's not the time."

"Oh that sounds...bad...what's up?"

"49 minutes ago an intelligence report I receive have me some very disturbing images." Ozpin said pulling out the images for you

"Uhh...what am I looking at?"

"An Atlesian fleet, only it's not from the Atlas military." Ozpin said as he displayed the ships carrying the symbol of the White Fang.

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