Chapter 32 Trial By Combat

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You stepped into the auditorium for the first time since admission day breathing in the air of excitement sirrounding the many students huddling in teams and picking the mission of their choice.

"Why do we have to be here." Gabriel complained

"Well we do have to act as part of the school don't we?" You reasoned "And that includes joining in the school's activities."

"I hate you" Gabriel grumbled

"well if you focused on getting to the ship we wouldn't be stuck here" you commented.

"Captain." Ozpin said stepping in your path.

"Ah...professor, can i help you?" You asked.

"I was just about to find you. I realise that I have not fully seen the extent of your capabilities." Ozpin said.

"And you decided that today wpuld be a good day to test me as most of the students will be out with teachers." You summerised

"Indeed" he smiled.

"Alright, you have a place in mind?"

"Amity Colosseum"

"Alright!" Gabriel cheered. "Wait what about me?"

"You will follow us Mr Halsey."

"Oh...I'm included" Gabriel muttered

"Come on now." Ozpin beckoned to him.


The arena was an enormous airborne colosseum with an inverted cone shape. The base of the structure is a very large Dust crystal that tapers to a point. You and Gabriel gaped at the sight of the technological marvel as Ozpin grinned at your child like amazement.

"I bet commander Zera would have given anything to look at the technology on that." Gabriel said.

"Yeah." You agreed

"The Amity colosseum, built after the great war of Remnant to support the Vytal Festival that serve as a celebration of peace between the Kingdoms. Every two years, a Kingdom would be chosen to open its doors to the world, allowing citizens from every corner of Remnant to meet and indulge in one another's cultures." Ozpin monologed

"That sounds like a brillant idea" you marvelled

"Like the olympic games back home" Gabriel added in.

"So what are the facilitied like?" You questioned Ozpin.

"Oh we create different biomes for you to work in." Ozpin said "however all of the biomes and teams are randomly selected and pit against each other."

"Interesting, so what biomes wpuld be picked for us?" You query.

"Oh i believe its not necessary." Ozpin replied taking an offensive stance. "After all i am testing your combat ability."

"Ohhh" you gaped pulling out your force lance. "alright then. But are you sure of this?"

"Don't worry about me." Ozpin said "I
have more strength then you expect."

With that qoute you quickly shifted to a more defensive posture.

Ozpin raced forward with his cane in a upright position allowing you little time to evade his strike. Quickly you begind throwing off his rapid consecutive strikes with slight alterations of his cane's direction.

Pulling back the professor cracked a wide smile. "Your defences has improved."

"I have been experimenting." You said "but there is no clear way for me to defeat you."

"You put too much doubt on yourself." Ozpin said.

Cricling the area, you accessed the jump systems on your suit and begin a running the preprogrammed system, activating the blue orbs attached to your suit. As if on que Ozpin begin his attack, only to miss as you begin the jump sequence. Appearing a disappearing you started to confuse Ozpin causing him to hesitate. "Can'" you uttered each word fron every sucessful jumps.

Closing his eyes Ozpin concentrated before sticking out his cane, in which he managed to knock you out of your jump and deactivating the jump drive. "Aww damnit" you cursed

"How did you find out?" Gabriel asked amazed.

"You were mapping a 3 dimensional layout of the area and trying to find a weakness in my defenses, so naturally you would be in a standard pattern and from there, it was easy to determine your next dropping point." He grinned

"Ahh...thats brilliant." You noted.

"Alright, Mr Halsey its your turn. And learn a little from Mr Ronsten's mistake." Ozpin said.

"Aye sir." Gabriel said walking to the stadium.

"You have a new weapon I see." Ozpin said looking at the sharp short weapon on in his hands.

"Well the bladed one was too far gone." Gabriel sighed.

Activating the plasma blade attached to the assault weapon Gabriel charged forward and lashed out against Ozpin in a flurry of movements. Ozpin skillfully evaded the weapon in a superhuman pace before retaliating in kind. Noticing that Ozpin liked to use the blade of his weapon against him, he deactivated the containment field unleashing a wave of energized heat to surround him and forcing Ozpin back.

"Brillant move, Mr Halsey" Ozpin complemented before firing a icy shot from his cane, however the round was deflected by the heat surrounding Gabriel.

"Back in my world its called a leidenfrost effect, your bullet which is cooler then the heat surrounding me has an insulating vapor layer keeping that bullet from being melted and deflects it away from me." Gabriel grinned.

"That's brillant." You commented."unfortunately, without decent armour and shields you would collapse in 3...2...1." With the last of your words leaving your mouth Gabriel collapsed and fainted. "See?"

"I'm here, whats the emergency?" Aria said before looking at the collapsed Gabriel on the floor. "Oh for gods sake not again."

"Shortsighted as usual." You grinned "lets get him hydrated."

"I suppose we will have to continue this training session some other time?" Ozpin said.

"Indeed" you agreed "ill take him back."

"Oh Mr Ronsten one more thing." Ozpin said

"What is it?" You asked half heartedly

"A message from one of my friends, it read, The queen has pawns."

"Then I should probably watch myself shouldn't I?"

"That would be a wise course of action."

"Thank you professor." You said before turning back to the ship, carrying Gabriel with you.


Gabriel woke up in a sweat. "What happened?"

"You used your vastly intellectual brain to create a forcefield only for it to backfire." You said.

"Damn it." Gabriel cursed.

"Alright take a few days off Gabriel," you smiled. "And please, try to think more 3 dimensionally now."

"Fine, just leave me alone." Gabriel said.

"Well, i was like you" you grinned "but you'll learn."

Authors  Note:

Hello everyone, I hope everyone have been enjoying the story I've put out for you here, today I have come to a dilemma, we all know that penny and Pyrrha dies in the actual story, however i could not find a way to neutralise them both, so comment here whether or not i should kill them, why and how. I will consider the best of the answers to be included to Chapter 37 onwards in the way I see fit, I hope that you all enjoy the story so far and i will try my best to make this story interesting.

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