Siblings (2)

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Everyone stood still at Sya’s last words.  No one uttered another sentence as they let her words sink in.  Their hearts beating wildly at the chance of freedom.  At the hope of finding a way out of the hell hole they’ve all were born into and have lived so far.  

Sya’s words were taboo and yet, she said them so confidently and with so much hatred that they could feel it down to their own soul that she meant what she said.  She was going to sink the cursed island along with their Demon Father.  Anyone who stood in her way would go down with him.  

“If…” Resta began to say, but his voice cracked under hesitation and excitement.  “If… you really mean what you say.   How can we believe you?  You are our First Princess.  You have the love and attention of our Demon Father.  Why should we believe that you want the same thing we do?”   

“Believe me or not.  That is up to you. Help me or not.  That is also up to you.  But have you not heard the saying, that a golden cage is still a cage in the end?”  Sya’s voice echoed back to them.  

“Are you not afraid that one of us will betray you and tell our Demon Father of your plans?”  Resta asked back.  He was still in his fighting stance as his eyes scanned the room over and over, trying to find Sya.  Not a shadow could be seen.  Not even her spiritual qi presence could be felt.  It made him feel uneasy.  

“Hahahaha!”  Sya laughed evilly.  “Those who betray me, will see the end of my sword.  Sibling or not, it won’t be the first time I kill someone and it won’t be my last. I look forward to a challenge!”  

“You’re crazy!”  Cheeri shouted.  Her whole body started shaking with fear.   She had never felt this scared before.  Only her Demon Father could make her panic this badly.  Because of this, she tried to avoid him as much as she could.  Never being too weak or too strong to catch his attention.  She was only another one of his spawns, hidden within the crowd.  “You’re absolutely crazy!”  

“Cheeri!”  Damio warned her.  Her carelessness could cause her own downfall and cause them harm in return.  “Calm yourself!”  

Cheeri’s Shade Hunters tighten their circle around Cheeri.  Afraid that she’ll be the first one to be attacked by Sya.  

Everyone held their breaths and waited for Sya’s next move.  But to everyone’s surprise, there was none.  Not even a retaliation or warning for Cheeri’s disrespect. Instead, they were greeted with silence.  

For a long time they stood there, their guards up and their weapons drawn.  Their attention alert and their nerves weary of any movement.  But nothing happened.  

“I think she left.”  Wateri said as he put his daggers away.  

Everyone slowly, but surely also put their weapons away and looked at each other in disbelief.  Could they really trust her?  Could she be strong enough to go against their Demon Father and sink the island along with him?  Could they risk everything for their freedom?  

“Everyone has the right to choose what they want to do.”  Resta said to his siblings.  “I for one, will support Sya.  I would rather fight and try to be free, then live the rest of my life not knowing which sibling I have to kill so I might wake up another day... to do the same thing the next day.”     

They all stared at each other and made a unified agreement.  They will help their unknown sister and risk everything for their freedom.  

That night everyone returned to their courtyard with a light of hope that burned slow and low within their hearts.  Sya ignited their hopes, their dreams and their courage.  What may come tomorrow no longer made them dread the dawn of the morning.  Instead they looked forward to it instead.  

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