Waking up

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Rory's POV.

I wake up in a hospital bed, God I'm sore all over. I feel like crap. Like I got hit by a truck or something. A nurse walks in.

"How are you doing?" She asks me.

"Sore and thirsty." I reply hoarsely.

"I have some pain meds here for you and I'll pour you some water." The nurse says to me as she pours me a cup and puts a straw in it. I simply nod my head and take the cup of water I'm offered, I give her a small smile and drink it down. Right before the nurse leaves there's a knock on my door.

"My baby" I hear a woman yell as I turn to see who it is and I smile.

"How are you princess?" Obama asks as he approaches the other side of the bed from Michelle.

"Sore" I say honestly.

"We're going to have a talk later, you understand me young lady" He told me seriously and I just nod and smile.

When I look back over towards the door and I see three faces I haven't seen in a years.

"Finn, Colin, Logan? What are you doing here?" I asked confused.

" Well love it seems that you saved my brother Nate." Finn exclaims with happiness.

"It was no big deal." I say because to me it isn't, I enjoy doing it.

The guys scoff at my reply.

"No big deal. Are you crazy? What you did it was brave and amazing. I'm in total awe of you." Colin says to me with a somewhat pained look on his face.

"Ace whatever happened to you being a reporter?" Logan asks me confused.

"I love what I do. I love serving my country. I don't and never will regret my decision to join the military. I'm good at what I do this is my new dream and to answer your question. Go ask your father." I ranted to him in true Gilmore fashion.

"What do you mean go ask my father?" He questions confused.

"You don't know?" Tristan asks in disbelief.

"No now what are you talking about?" Logan says getting visibly angry.

"Your father stopped my writing career. It's all good this is what I was meant to do." I say happily.

"We should let you get your rest" Finn says softly as he goes to exit the room.

"Tell your brother I said hi" I say to Finn as they all walk out the door.

"Wow talk about a blast from the past." I say laughing but stop because it hurts a lot.

"You ok?" Obama asks me as he places a hand on my arm.

"Yeah just hurts when I laugh" I answer him. We all talk for a while and then Obama asks to speak to me alone.

"What's going on?" I ask him curious as to what he is going to say to me.

"I've already talked to Tristan and Austin and now I'm talking to you." He answers.

"About what?" I ask unsure of where this is going.

"I can't do this anymore. I understand what your doing and why you are doing it. I know you love your job but your family and I want to keep you close and safe. I want you to become a secret agent. Protect us, protect your family. Our family. What do you say?" He asks me.

"Of course. I'm only 29 and it's time I put down roots and the doctor already told me that I can't take anymore injuries like this." I say.

"Tristan will be doing the same as you along with Austin." He tells me.

"Wow really?" I ask.

"Yes the three of you have been through everything and they want to take this next step with you."He says to me and pulls me into a hug.

"I'm so glad your still here. When I got that call from Tristan it nearly killed me. You my dear are family. Your a daughter to me." He says smiling widely.

" I've talked to the captains of the men and you are getting a Medal of Honor for your bravery and sacrifice. Someone also wants to talk to you." He says as he walks towards the door.

"We're ready for you now" He says.

We hope you are enjoying the story we know the chapters might be a little short but the will get longer stick with us.

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