Mark has arrived

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"Exactly as I said she went missing, what was it like a month?" Tristan asked looking at us.

"I remember the day I heard she was MIA. It broke my heart then I had to tell Michelle." Dad says sadly.

"The girls were devastated also, wondering if they were ever going to see their  sister again."Mom says lost in the memory with tears falling down her cheeks.

"Yeah we were MIA for a month." Austin says confirming the time frame.

"What you were there also?" Finn asks puzzled.

"It was Ben, Austin, Mark, a few other guys and me." I say.

"Mark was there to?" Colin asks shocked.

"I remember that, that was years ago. Steph and her family were beside themselves, then one day they got the call that he was rescued. I didn't know it was you." Logan says lost in thought.

After his comment the door opened.

"Everyone out she needs her rest now, I have some pain meds for you." The nurse tells me kindly as everyone leaves the room.

Tristan's POV

We all head to the private waiting room.

"Austin, Ben can I talk to you?" I ask them.

"Sure man" They both reply, we move away from the others so they don't hear us.

"What's up man?" Austin asks.

"You know she's probably going to tell them of the incident." I say seriously.

"Yeah I know but we'll be by her side when she does." Ben says adamantly.

"It was brutal man, if it wasn't for her none of us would have survived." Austin says thinking back to that time.

"I know, you all told me what happened and her more so." I say and they both nod and we head back to the others. I look over at Colin.

"Colin, right?" I ask him.

"Yes" He says.

"When I first saw you, you had a look of pain when you saw Rory. Why is that?" I ask bluntly with a raised eyebrow.

"I have been in love with her since college. Out of respect for Logan and their relationship plus she was happy, I was not going to interfere. Now that she's back and I have declared my feelings to her, I won't let her go again." He answers passionately.

"You hurt her you'll have to deal with us, you understand me." I say threateningly pointing to Ben, Austin and myself.

"I understand and I would ever hurt her." He tells me firmly. We have food delivered so we can all eat.

Right before we're all done eating Mark comes walking in.

"Tristan, Austin, Ben." Mark says making his way to us.

"How's my girl?" Mark asks when he gets to us.

"She's sleeping man." Austin says.

"What happened?"Mark asks concerned and we tell him all that happened and how she was hurt and how when we got off the plane and how she went down and here we are.

" Man, she must be having major flashbacks." Mark says without thinking.

I grab his arm and nod at Austin and Ben to follow me.

"Yeah, she's having that nightmare again." I say to him.

"They came in through a secret passage just like before." Ben says.

"Here's the weird part, we all looked at the walls to verify there was no way in. When we saw there wasn't we freed the hostages." Austin continues.

"We were down to our last hostage and the next thing I know Mare's hurt." I say sadly.

"We checked where they came in again and it's not like any secret passage I've ever seen before. No one would be able to tell it was there. It was very well hidden." Ben muses aloud and we move back to the others.

"Mark why didn't you tell me she was with you when you went MIA and that she saved you?" Logan asks angrily.

"Logan it was before you got together with Steph and it wasn't your business, it was mine. The only person I talked to about this was Nate." Mark snaps back at him.

"Nate you knew?" Finn asks perplexed at the chain of events unfolding.

"I never knew her name, he always called her Angel. She's the one who saved you?" Nate asked him utterly

"Yeah she's my Angel." Mark says happily.

"Well she's the one that saved me man, if it wasn't for her I wouldn't be here." Nate said.

"Don't talk like that." Amelia admonishes him but before I can say anything doctors and nurses rush to Rory's room.

"Mare?" I scream and I fall to my knees.

"This can't be happening." I say through tears.

Michelle comes to me and engulfs me in a hug. Both of us crying for the girl we love.

As we look at the others the doctors are rushing her out of her room in a hurry.

"Oh god" Mark says his voice laced with unshed tears.

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