Getting intel

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Rory's POV

I make the call to Dad and he answers on the second ring.

"Princess, what's going on?" Dad asks concerned.

"Dad there's a leak, they've known I was your daughter for years. All of our family is in danger. I'm calling him to gather his team and to collect them all and bring them to the safe house." I inform him.

"Alright, I'll be careful. We'll have a investigation started." He says and he hangs up. I make the next call.

"Hey babe, how are you?" Colin asks me.

"Listen very carefully Colin, put me on speaker with Logan and Finn now." I tell him seriously.

"Luv what's going on?" Finn asks concerned.

"Listen I have someone coming to collect you soon. They will get all of our families and put them in a safe house. We're all in danger." I say to them.

"What do you mean we're all in danger?" Logan asked panicked.

"There is photos of  all of our families, Colin remember the code word I gave you?" I asked him.

"Yeah baby I remember, why?" He asked me cautiously.

"They will use it when they collect you. When we debrief then we will come to the safe house." I tell him sweetly.

"Ok baby be safe, I love you." He says concerned.

"Love you too." I say and hang up, I make my next call.

"I need you to collect them. " I order him.

"All of them?" He asks me.

"Yes get them all, bring them to the safe house. Use the code word we have, send out the team." I order him.

"Done, I'll contact you when it's done." He says.

I hang up the phone and I walk to the others and inform them of what's going on.

"Who exactly is being brought to the safe house?" Nate asks worry lacing his voice.

"Your parents, Finn, Colin, his Dad, Logan, Steph, Robert, Juliet, Sarah and Rosemary." I tell them.

"I'm glad they will all be safe." Mark says and the other guys nodded in agreement. I walk over to the Captain.

"I'm going to start working on these and see what can be done." I say.

I walk to my laptop and get to work and soon I'm lost in what I'm doing and I don't even realize we've landed.

"Mare we've landed." He informs me. I nod and pack up my stuff.

We leave the plane with our gear in our hands. We make our way to the SUV's. We get in and make our way to the base. We get to the base and make our way to the meeting room as Dad is going to meet us there.

"Mare your hurt." Tris says and I look down.

"It's a little scrap." I say and shrug it off. He has them get a doctor to take care of it as I get my items set up and my phone begins to ring.

"Hello." I say.

"It's done." He tells me.

"Thanks Trevor, let me talk to Colin." I say and wait for Colin to get on the phone.

"Hello?" Colin asks.

"Hey babe, how are you guys?" I ask him worriedly.

"They're worried they don't know what's going on. Just the small details you gave me." He tells me worry lacing his voice.

"Tell them they're safe now and that we will explain when we get there." I say to put them at ease I hope.

"We trust you baby, we'll wait for you. I love you." Colin says lovingly.

"I love you too baby, bye." I say sweetly and hang up.

"How are they?" Nate asks concerned.

"They're worried." I say to them.

"I'm here to stitch you up." The Doctor  says. I nod as he gets to work on my arm.

"Let's get this started." The Captain says.

Tris works on what we've found while I work on my laptop and get to work on locating where some of this info came from.

Within an hour I start making a breakthrough of where it was located.

Twenty minutes later they are discussing what could be done. I make it through and locate the source.

"Oh god." I say out loud.

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