Betrayed by our own

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Rory's POV

I am in so much pain right now, I slowly open my eyes. I can see everyone is surrounding me and I groan in pain as I shift a little.

"Mare." Tris says smiling at me.

"Hey Tris." I say wincing in pain. Tris calls the nurse to give me something for the pain.

"How can I help you?" The nurse says politely entering the room.

"She needs water and pain meds." Tris say in a tone that says do it now.

After she leaves Captain Evans walks in.

"I need a moment to speak to Rory and the president alone." Captain Evans  tells us seriously. Everyone leaves and Dad has the door blocked by an agent.

"What's going on?" I ask seriously.

"Ror, you were right about him." Captain Evans  tells me.

"What's going on?" Obama asks perplexed.

"Mr president, Ror had suspicions about a member of her team. She came to me and informed me. By the time we got the intel back Rory was injured." Captain Evans  says.

"Who is it?" Dad asked curiously.

"The guys name is Chris Smith." I say.

"He was here giving us letters right before you came back to your room." Dad says to Captain Evans  and I.

"He didn't?" I say shocked.

"Yes he did." Dad says matter of factly.

"Well he has disappeared his stuff is gone and he's AWOL." Captain Evans  says.

"What do we do now?" I ask seriously.

"Mr president, I know she will take a job stateside but when the time comes we'll need her to take Chris out. She knows how he works and thinks." Captain Evans tells Dad.

"That will be fine, Princess you'll have to tell the others." Dad says looking at me.

"Can you bring Austin, Tris, Ben and Colin in?" I ask them.

"Why Colin?" Dad asked perplexed.

"As you know we're dating and he needs to know." I say. He nods and gets the guys for me.

As they come in they all have worried looks on their faces.

"What's going on Mare?" Tris asks concerned and I look at Dad and he nods.

"I don't know when but I will have a mission to do." I say.

"What?" They all yell.

" I have to take down the man who put me here." I say.

"You took him down." Austin says perplexed.

"Technically I did but not the true person behind it." I say.

"Ok what's going on?" Ben asks annoyed. I look at Colin an he's eerily quiet.

"Colin you ok?" I ask concerned.

"No, you said you were done. I don't want to lose you baby." Colin says tearfully.

"I know but only I can do this. I know how he works and trust me you guys will want me to take him out also." I say seething with anger.

"Who?" Austin asks with a eyebrow raised.

"Chris Smith." I say with venom lacing my voice.

"What?" Tris asks shocked.

"Why?" Austin questions perplexed.

"Rory has had her suspicions about him and she came to me. I told her not to tell anyone. By the time we got the intel back Rory was hurt and now he's AWOL." Captain Evans says.

"What intel?" Ben asks curiously.

"He's working for both sides. They knew we were coming, I was the target." I say sadly.

"Why?" Tris asks scared to know why she was the target.

"I killed his father." I say.

"What?" They shouted.

"The mission in which I saved Austin, Ben,Mark and the others. He was there, I killed his father protecting Mark." I say.

"Get Mark in here now." Tris ordered.

"Nate too." Austin adds and Ben goes and gets the guys.

"What's up?" Mark asks. We tell them what's going on and what will be done in the future.

"Please tell me your joking." Mark says shocked.

"Wish we were." Tris says shaking his head.

"When I do this I want the men in this room as my team. I trust them with my life." I say firmly.

"That can be done." Captain Evans says.

"I'm sure Nate's Captain won't have an issue with this at all. Ben also will be staying stateside. He wants to be with you three." Dad says pointing to us.

"Colin are you ok with this?" Tris asked him.

"Yeah I am. After what I just heard she needs to do this and I understand. Just promise you'll all come back." Colin asked us and we all nod.

"Before you start at the White House, I've already talked to the president. When your all healed you have a small mission to do. Then when we locate Chris is when you'll all be called in." Captain Evans says to us. We all nod.

This is going to be a tough mission for us all. The time will come where we will have to take him down. For now we'll keep the others out of the loop until the job is done. I hope it will be done sooner rather than later.

As time passes no one will know what Chris will do. When the time comes I'll be able to close that chapter of my life.

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