Job Offer

401 16 1

Rory's POV

Tristan goes and gets the door as we bring more food to the table. I head to the kitchen and grab the bottles of wine and corkscrew and Sarah grabs a bottle of wine and my drink.

We head to the dining room and see that Honor Josh and Elias has arrived.
"Hey guys." I say.

"Look at you. Your pregnant." Elias says pulling me into a hug.

"How are you?" I asked him.

"I'm good. Now tell us why is your life in danger?" Elias asked seriously we all sit and everyone tells them what has happened.

They are utterly shocked they couldn't believe this. "So his biological mother is from Hartford?" Honor asked.

"Yeah we have his DNA but we haven't found a match yet." I say sighing.

"I can't believe you were in a coma. Your ok now right?" Josh asked concerned.

"My son and I are both healthy." I say with a smile.

"We're all moving here to be close to her." Andrew says smiling at me.

"Oh which reminds me I have the paperwork for us to sign to merge our law firms. It'll take about a month to finalize. Well have Hayden or McCea added to the existing buildings." I say smiling at him.

"Well sign later tonight sweetheart." He says winking at me.

"Dad are you going to want a house right next door or down the street?" Colin asked.

"What do you mean? There's houses empty on this block?" Elias asked curious and hopeful at the same time.

"It's seems Rory own this entire block. There's about twenty houses and only five are occupied." Nate says smiling at me.

"Not for long." I say.

"Why do you say that?" Honor asked.

"Finn/ Juliet an Nate / Rosemary an Andrew an Mark travis an Shane and whoever else are all moving in. They are going to pick a house tomorrow. Well go shopping for the house maternity clothes cause I only have a few outfits and the nursery." I say.

"We'll go with you." Josh says smiling at me.

"Can I ask you a question Honor and Josh?" I ask them.

"Sure." They say together.

"Do you want to continue to live in Hartford?" I ask.

"Not really. We want to get away from my parents. Josh has a job there at a firm but is looking else where." She says. Colin winks at me and I smile.

"What if you could move out of there and move here?" Colin asked.

"How so?" Josh asked curious.

"Colin and I are both lawyers. I am the Hayden and Gilmore heiress. We're combining our firms. What if we offered you a job?" I asked Josh.

"I would take it." Josh says and Honor nods.

"Done." I say.

"What do you mean done?" Honor asked confused.

"I'm offering Josh a job. He can move here and help our firm with Andrew Colin and I." I say with a smirk.

"Where are you going to live around here?" Logan asked.

"It is possible to live in a house on this block?" Honor asked hopeful.

"It can be done." Colin says.

"Colin does the golf cart have gas in it?" I asked.

"Yeah babe it does." He says.

"Why do you have a golf cart?" Elias asked.

"Well there's a pool picnic area and a playground in the neighborhood. Also each house is equipped with a pool and hot tub." Colin says.

After dinner was done I winked at Juliet. "Oh Finny." I purr at him.

"Yes love." He asked me.

"You ready to get all hot and bothered?" I purr seductively fanning myself. Finn sat there mouth agape.

"What's the matter Finny don't think you can handle it?" I ask breathlessly.

Everyone is trying to stifle their laughter as his eyes bulge out. "It's ok. Colin can handle it. Right baby?" I say seductively.

"I definitely can." He says and kisses me.

"I've never seen Finn so speechless in my entire life." Amelia says laughing hysterically.

"I have on many occasions." Juliet says laughing.

"Especially in college." Rosemary says.

"Remember that school girl outfit she wore?" Steph asked.

"Mare you still have it?" Tristan asked shocked.

"Yes I have several sets. How do you think your wife got one?" I asked with a smirk.

"Mary you didn't?" He said shocked.

"Oh I did I even hemmed it up some." I say laughing at Tristan's expression.

"That expression is priceless." Sarah say laughing and high fiving me.

"Colin can you and the boys grabs the trays of creme brûlée? Who ever wants to see me use a blow torch come to the kitchen." I say.

I hear a chair knock over. I look over at the table and see that it was Finn's chair and we all laughed.

Everyone was in the kitchen apparently they all wanted to see this. "Sarah you add the sugar I'll torch." I say.

"Do it like you showed me?" She asked nervously.

"I'll show you again ok? You don't need to be nervous." I say smiling at her and she nods.

"Why did you make so many?" Finnegan asked curiously.

"We like to eat it as a snack and I like having it around." I say with a smirk.

I grab the first one add sugar and move the bowl around to make sure the sugar covers it all. "That's easy." Sarah says and I laugh.

"So Finny you never answered my question." I purr at him.

"What question was that love?" Finn asked curiously and Juliet comes next to him.

"You ready to get all hot and bothered?" Juliet says seductively.

"Mate your wife's a bad influence." Finn whines.

"So Finny are you?" I asked him with a wink.

He remained speechless eyes bulging mouth agape. "Fine don't answer. What about you baby you ready?" I asked Colin.

"Let's go do this." He says. I light the torch up and start working.

"Now that looks better than before." Finnegan says hungrily.

"Wait until you try it" Sarah says smiling.

We handed them out one by one and they ate it as we continued. They all enjoyed it.

After dessert we cleaned the kitchen up and all went our separate ways we had a long day together. Colin and I went straight to bed and passed out.

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