Moving out of the ICU

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Rory's POV

I looked around and everyone was asleep. I can see I'm on a breathing tube and I can't talk.

I slowly lifted my hand and ruffled up Colin's hair. He moves a little but doesn't wake. I shake him gently and squeeze his hand.

He slowly wakes up and he looks up at me sleepily. "Ror." He says barely whispering and all I could do was nod.

He pressed the call button and a nurse rushed in. "Get the doctor she's awake." He exclaims. The nurse ran out quickly.

When Colin was talking to the nurse everyone was starting to stir. "Colin what's going on?" Tristan asked his voice thick with sleep.

"Rory's awake." He exclaimed with happy tears.

Everyone made their way to me all with tears in their eyes. "Welcome back princess." Dad says smiling with tears in his eyes.

Before anyone else can say anything a doctor came in.

"Rory we're going to take the tube out." The doctor said and I nodded.

He removed the tube and I coughed a little as he handed me some water. My throat hurt and it was hard to talk.

"Col." I say in a raspy voice.

"I'm here baby. Thank you for coming back to me. To all of us." He says joyfully.

"Rory there's somethings we need to tell you." The doctor said and I nodded.

He procedded to tell me my injuries and how I'm pregnant. I was completely shocked. "How far along am I?" I asked softly.

"Baby your twenty weeks pregnant." My mom said tearfully. I simply nod I look down at my stomach and see I was showing. I couldn't believe it.

"We're going to perform another ultrasound. From the looks of your tests and everything else we can move you out of the ICU." The doctor said and I nodded.

He left the room and I would be transferred to a new room soon. I look at Tristan and my men "Please tell me I took that bastard out?" I said with anger.

"Yeah Mare you took him out." Tristan says and I sigh in relief.

"You saved Steph and I." Colin says choked up.

"I had to baby. If I lost you I would have." I started to say but couldn't finish.

"You would've what?" Andrew asked curiously.

"She would have ran. Be a seal again. Make the pain go away." Austin said sadly with tears.

"She would've blamed herself." Ben said.

"Princess did you know you were pregnant?" Dad asked.

"No I didn't." I say honestly.

"Dad gave me the letter my mom wrote to me." Colin says softly.

"Let me guess you were still blaming yourself. Your mothers letter and words helped you?" I asked with a smirk.

"Yeah it did. She also told me when the time was right you also had something else from her." He said softly with tears.

"Where's my gorilla girl?" I asked curiously.

"Gorilla girl?" Mark asked with a eyebrow raise.

"Steph she'll tell you the story or Colin Finn Logan and Robert can." I say and when I say Logan my mind flashed to Logan and what he did.

"We need to find out how Logan knew Colin was gone." I say adamantly.

"We got some intel baby girl. Did you get any?" Ben asked.

"I remember now. Yeah I did. When I took him down I checked his pockets when I was ordering the men to get Steph and Colin out. It's a flash drive." I say.

"Where is it?" Tristan asked.

"I put it in my pocket it must still must be there." I say.

"No one looks at it but her." The Captain orders everyone.

"When he stabbed me the first time he whispered something in my ear." I say with tears.

"What was it? What did he say?" Finn asked curious.

"He said 'This is for rejecting her sons. I am no better. I will pay for what I did.' We need to find out who his biological mother is." I say.

"What the hell?" Robert yelled angrily.

"We need to cut down Hartford families. Ones who has sons." I say adamantly.

"Why do you say that?" Tristan asked curious with a eyebrow raised.

"He said her sons. She must already have one son or more already." I say.

"Don't worry Tristan everyone in this room has been cleared" The Captain says.

"What do you mean?" Andrew asked with a eyebrow raised.

"We ran DNA for everyone here. Through military personal. You all were cleared." The Captain said.

"Who ever is it they have no relation to the military except for Chris." I say with anger.

"I wonder who is it?" Colin amused out loud.

"Dad with your permission. If his mother is involved with this I want to arrest her." I say firmly.

"You will get the honor to do that." Dad says smirking at me.

After he finished the sentence a nurse and orderlies walked in. "Time to take you to your new room." She says.

As they rolled me away and my family was behind me following every step of the way.

Once in my new room I was told the ultrasound would happen within the hour. I couldn't wait to see the baby that Colin and I created. The love we have created a new life and I couldn't be happier.

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