Distancing myself

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Rory's POV

"What's wrong?" Dad asks me.

"I found the location of the leak." I say fear lacing my voice.

"Where is it Mare?" Tris asks me.

"It came from the White House." I say still in shock.

"What?" Austin asks shocked.

"Seriously?" Mark asked bewildered.

"Yeah, I don't know who it is exactly but there's some info on this that shouldn't be known." I say to them.

"Like what?" Nate asks curiously.

"There's info on my family, there's also information on that mission that we were on showing where we were when we went MIA." I say.

"This has to do with that mission." Ben said adamantly.

"Maybe but there's more." I say my voice cracking.

"Mare like what?" Tris asks perplexed.

"According to this information my families death was not an accident." I say with tears.

"What?" Mark says shocked.

"I think this goes beyond what happened at that mission. I need to call the law firm and find out." I say and make my way to make the call.

I come back twenty minutes later.

"I found out some stuff, apparently my father went to my grandfather about a case that seemed off, this person was also insured by the Gilmore group and well Dad testified. This guy he testified against...... is the man I killed. He's the father of Chris." I say to them.

"Is there anything else?" Dad asks.

"Yeah this group was associated with terrorist, so my family turned them in. They paid with their lives. Now this mission is over for now. We'll keep working on it on our down time, find the leak and protect the family. Now we need to talk to the others." I say and walk out of the room and dad follows me.

"What's going through your mind?" He asks me.

"I don't think I should be near anyone. I think I need to keep my distance from everyone. They are in danger because they are associated with me." I say to him my voice thick with unshed tears.

Before he can say anything I start walking away.

"I need to go to the gym." I say firmly and continue walking towards the gym.

Obama's POV

I walk back in the room.

"What's wrong?" Tristan asks me.

"She must have found something else." I say to them.

"What do you mean?" Nate asks with a quirked eyebrow.

"She said your all in danger because of her, that maybe she doesn't think it's a good idea to be near any of us and that she should distance herself." I say to them.

"Where is she?" Austin asks firmly.

"The gym." I say and Austin takes off.

"Something else must be going on?" I say.

"There is." The Captain says.

"What is it?" Mark asks.

"According to this they want to use her to get to you." Captain Evans says.

"Use me for what?" I asks perplexed.

"According to this you have someone in custody that they want but it doesn't say who." Captain Evans says.

"We need to grab Rory and Austin and get to the safe house now." Tristan says and I nod and they walk out.

Rory's POV

I'm working in the gym and I see Austin enter. I just shake my head.

"Baby girl come on, you can't do this." Austin says to me.

"Austin I can't lose you all, I'm finally happy and someone wants to take it all away. To use me to get their own agenda. They shouldn't have to pay because of who I am. I'm a quadruple threat." I say pissed off.

"What do you mean?" Austin asks me right before I answer the guys walk in.

"I'm a navy seal with computer expertise, a Hayden, a Gilmore and the cherry on the cake I'm also the presidents daughter." I say and knock the punching bad off the ceiling. Damn I pack a mean punch when I want.

"Damn calm down let's go to the safe house." Tris says trying to calm me down .

All I could do was nod my head and we head out to make it to the safe house. I grab my phone and call.

"We're on our way" I say and hang up.

I'm lost in thoughts of what to do next. I'm at a loss. Scared to lose it all again. The pain I went through last time was hard.

This time it'll make it worse, I need to figure out what to do. First I need to find the leak and see what's going on and what their plan is.

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