Im coming

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Finn, Colin, Nate, Robert and Logan all look at me confused wondering how the hell I knew Mark.

I look over to Austin and him and Ben came towards me. They both grab my hands.

"It's ok baby girl" Austin says and I nod and look at the guys.

"I know Mark because I saved him several years ago." I say simply.

"Mare was this when?" Tristan started but couldn't finish.

"Yeah man, I was in the unit with him." Ben said.

"What's going on?" Logan asked confused.

"Call Mark and put him on speaker. He'll tell you himself." Austin said. I squeeze their hands harder.

I look back over at Logan and see him pull his phone out, we hear it ringing.

"Logan, where are you? My sister said that Nate was rescued." The mystery man said.

"Yeah he was but that's not why I'm calling" Logan said.

"What's going on man?" The mystery man asks curiously.

"Mark I was just told you were saved years ago" Logan says wearily.

"Umm who told you that?" Mark asked uncertainly.

"Mark, it's Ben remember me?" Ben asked.

"Ben how are you man? How's the new team? How's my girl?" Mark asks.

"Your girl?" Logan asks angrily

"Yeah man the woman who saved me. We kept in contact." Mark says and you could hear the smile in his voice.

"Mark, I don't know if Steph told you but apparently the girl who saved you umm" Logan said not knowing how to say this.

"Ben what the hell is going on? Is she alright?" Mark asks worry lacing his voice.

I motion for Ben to grab Logan's phone. He goes and comes back and hands it to me.

"Hey Hot Shot" I say.

"Baby girl are you ok? What's going on?" Mark continues to ask worried.

"I'm fine now" I say

" What happened?"Mark asks.

"I'm in the hospital" I say and am cut off straight away.

"Why the hell are you there? What the fuck happened?" Mark says angrily and I sigh

"I got injured during a mission. I had to have emergency surgery then my sutures ruptured when I landed in DC and needed further surgery." I say.

"Well I'm coming to see you so you better have the big man you call Dad to give the ok" Mark says seriously.

"Mark I'll make sure you make it through, it'll be good to see you again." Dad says grinning widely.

"Mr President sir, I didn't know you were there" Mark says shocked.

"I've told you many times to call me Barak or Obama and of course I'm here where else would I be my daughter has been hurt." Dad says.

"True if I knew, I would've been there to. If it wasn't for her I wouldn't be here anymore. I'll see you soon" Mark says and hangs up. I hand Logan back his phone.

"Damn woman how many men have you saved?" Nate asks whistling.

"Don't know. Don't really think about it. I go in and I do what I have to do." I say. Nate makes his way over to me.

"Well now you have one more man that will be by your side whenever you need me. We're friends now and family of uniform." Nate says hugging me.

" How long have you been in?" Finn asks curious.

"Since I was 23 after the trail I couldn't get a job. So I enlisted went for the seals and shortly after got my own team and here we are." I say.

"That day I saw you in the desert I swear it must've been a mirage" Tristan says reminiscing.

"Yeah it was until I jumped on you." I say laughing.

"You jumped him luv?" Finn asks suggestively taking it the wrong way.

"It was down time and I saw him and I ran to him and wrapped my legs around him hugging him tightly." I say.

"Best day of my life, Mare was back in my life " Tristan says happily.

"Why do you call her Mare?" Colin asks.

"We went to Chilton together and when I first saw her I thought sweet innocent the Virgin Mary and I fell hard for her. But I screwed up and got shipped away to military school." Tristan says.

"Did you two date?" Logan asks with a eyebrow raised.

"No when we got closer it was a brotherly sisterly relationship. We were on different teams at the time but we kept in touch and then she went MIA and my world fell apart." Tristan answered him with his voice full of sadness.

"What do you mean she went MIA?" Finn asked.

I looked at everyone maybe it's time to give them some details of what happened. Only Ben and Austin know what truly happened there. What will the others say and think of what I tell them. I know they will be hurt for what I went through.

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