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Tristan's POV

"What's going on?" Nate asks concerned.

"Where is she going?" Austin questions with a weak voice.

"I'm getting answers." I say adamantly  as I stand and I rush to where they went. I follow them to the area where she went and I see her doctor.

"What happened?" I ask the doctor point blank.

"Sir, I can't tell you your not family." He tells me.

"I am family and you better tell me now or I will get the president and tell him you will not tell me what's going on with his daughter." I say threatening him.

He tells me what happened and what needs to be done. I can't believe this is happening, he assured me that a new top notch surgeon will be doing the surgery. I walk back to the others with tears going down my cheeks.

"Tris?" Michelle says cautiously.

"What's wrong with Angel?" Mark says his voice weak and worried.

"Tristan talk to us man." Austin says scared grabbing my shoulders shaking me out of my state of shock.

"She needs emergency surgery." I say with fear.

"Why?" They all ask me. Fear going through all of them.

"From what the doctor said the surgeon that did the surgery on her messed up and her sutures opened again. They are opening a investigation on him, they have the top surgeon in the country here." I say through tears.

"What do you mean messed up?" Obama asks angrily.

"Apparently the doctor was under heavy medication and drinking during the surgery and they didn't find out until right before Mare coded." I say as my voice cracked.

"That bastard." Michelle yells angrily.

"He'll never work again." Obama said adamantly.

"What are her chances?" Colin asked with fear. I can hear it in his voice.

"As of right now it doesn't look good. But he has high hopes that if she pulls through she'll recover, she's a strong woman. She'll pull through." I say firmly.

"Oh god"  Finn said with tears in his eyes.

" I need air" I say and leave the room.

As I reach outside I breakdown. I realize the guys followed me.

"It's happening again, isn't it?" I say through tears.

"She pulled through last time and she'll do it again." Austin said trying to assure me.

"What do you mean it's happening again?" Colin asked confused and worried.

Mark looks at me and I nod.

"As you know she saved my life right?" Mark asked them.

"Yes" Logan says and the other guys nod.

"What you don't know is technically she saved it twice." Mark says through tears.

"What do you mean she saved your life twice?" Finn asked seriously.

"First was when we were escaping. The second time was as we were leaving, men came she and Austin took them out. One was coming towards me, she put herself in front of me. She almost died saving my life then." Mark said through tears and I can hear them all gasp.

"She lost so much blood, she fell into a coma." Ben said sadly.

"She had emergency surgery, she coded several times in surgery and in recovery." Austin said his voice thick with pain.

"I cant lose her, she's my world I love her." I say through tears.

"We all do man, she's family. She'll pull through she always does." Austin says giving us all hope.

"Let's head back in. It's been a few hours since she went in surgery." Nate tells us. I simply nod and we make our way back in.

I walk up to the others.

"Any news yet?" I ask full of pain and worry.

"Nothing yet." Michelle says through  her tears. Austin goes to Michelle and engulfs her in a hug.

As were waiting another team member came in.

"Chris what are you doing here?" I ask him with a eyebrow raised.

I was shocked that he was even here. He was a new member and a cocky SOB at that. Who thought he was bad ass and better than everyone else.

"I came to give you these." He says looking smug handing me some envelopes and I see what he hands me. That bastard, I grab him and slam him against the wall.

Who does he think he is? None of us would do what he's doing right now. Cold hearted bastard I tell you.

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