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Colin's POV

"That's us. I'm her husband." I say as my voice cracks.

"She is in stable but critical condition. One of the bullets hit her rib and it snapped off and punctured her lung. She needs to be on a breathing tube right now to assist her breathing. She was having a difficult time breathing. She has internal bleeding and we repaired that. She has slipped into a coma and is currently in the ICU. Right now she is fighting for her and her baby's life." The doctor says.

"Baby?" Michelle asked shocked.

"Yes ma'am we did an ultrasound. Your daughter is three months pregnant. The baby is healthy and on schedule."
He says as he looks at the shock on our faces.

"You didn't know did you?" The doctor asked with a eyebrow raise.

"No we didn't." I said barely above a whisper.

My wife's pregnant. She's fighting for her life's dreams our baby's life. She's making me a dad.

"When can we see her?" Tristan asked noticing Colin was still in shock.

"Soon the nurse will be down shorty to come and get you. I must warn you though she will look fragile." He says and walks away.

Moments later a nurse comes and escorts us to Rory's room. The moment we walk in we all gasp at what we saw.

She was attached to so many machines. I immediately make my way to the bed next to her and grab her hand and kiss it.

Before I can say anything someone else does. "What's that noise?" Tristan asked curiously.

The president puts his arm around Tristan's shoulder. "That my boy is your niece or nephews heartbeat." He said smiling.

We all listened in awe. I put my hand on her belly and started to cry. Not only could she have lost her life but our  baby's life as well.

My dad comes up next to me. "Don't blame yourself for what happened. It's not your fault. Before they left to rescue you and Steph we talked. She loves you so much and nothing would've stopped her from getting to you." He said with tears.

"Mare blames herself for you being taken." Tristan says sadly.

I look at tristan shocked "Why would she blame herself?" I asked still in shock.

"This was about her. She rejected him and killed his father. He knew to get to her he would need to go after one of us." Mark said to me.

"Mare gave your dad a letter. Just in case she didn't make it but I think you need it now. Andrew give him the letter from his mom." Tristan says softly.

What the hell? If she didn't make it. God I don't know what I would do if I lost her. I can't think like that. I need to think that she will pull through this.

"Here son." My Dad said handing me the letter. I slowly opened it and started to read.

My dearest Colin

Your finally married. I wish I could have been there but I was in spirit and in your hearts. She must be one hell of a woman to capture your heart. I wish I could have met her. She must be an amazing strong woman. She must be a fighter strong and brilliant to capture you heart. Now my boy here's some advice. I know that the woman you choose has to be strong and a fighter just like you. Whatever happens the love you two share can get you through anything that's in your way. Don't lose hope just be there for each other and you'll have an amazing marriage. One day you'll have kids love them with all your heart. Make sure they know if I was there I would've spoiled them. Your wife knows what I left for you. When the time is right she'll show you. Be strong brave and love my boy. You got each other to go through the good and bad times. I love you always.

Love mom

I fold it back up and cried. "You ok?" Ben asked concerned.

"Yeah. Just my mom giving me some advice." I say with a little chuckle.

"What kind of advice?" Nate asked with a eyebrow raised.

"No matter what that our love is strong and we can conquer anything in our way." I say with a small smile.

"She's right. I've never seen Rory this happy." Michelle says with a small smile gracing her face.

"The only time I saw her with a smile like that was when she was talking about college." Tristan says with a smirk.

"What do you mean?" I asked perplexed.

"She talked about all of you guys. When she talked about you she had a sparkle in her eye. I don't know if she ever knew it but she was in love with you then." Austin said with a smile.

"Oh she knew it. She wrote me and said she loved me in college." I say with a smile.

The next two months had passed and Rory was still in a coma.

It was now September  and Rory was now five months pregnant our baby was due February third.

I was able to see our baby. They did a ultrasound to check and see how the baby was doing. We all had tears in our eyes.

We wait patiently for her to return to us. I'm counting the days until she's with me and us again.

Rory's POV

All I can feel is pain. I hear machines all around me and a whoosh whoosh whoosh noise. I don't know what that is. I feel someone squeeze my hand.
I slowly open my eyes and look around.

What will Rory do? She's now five months pregnant and has a belly. Only time will tell if she will have lingering injuries from her brutal fight with Chris.

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