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Rory's POV

We walk in with the others looking at me.

"Are you alright?" Mom asked with tears.

"What happened?" Colin ask as he pulls me into him and strokes my cheek. I turn to his hand and kiss his palm.

"Let's sit and find out what's going on." Dad says and we all sit and start to eat.

"I was working on my computer and found some information. It's turns out secret service agent Brian Mills is the leak." I say angrily.

"What?" Tristan asked shocked.

"How?" Austin questions dumbfounded.

"Turns out Brian owed some bad people a lot of money and in order to not pay off the debt he was the leak. I don't know what information exactly that he has leaked to them." I say.

"How do you know it's him?" Dad asked with a eyebrow raised.

"Well between the photos and the video and tape recordings you can hear what's going on. He agreed to be their mole." I say.

"How much exactly did he lose?" Colin asked curious.

"Over one hundred thousand dollars." I say to them and they all stare at me in shock.

They couldn't believe what they had just heard, It was so unreal. That's why I have very few that I trust with my life and the life of my family. We continue to talk about the event happening the following week.

Colin asked to talk to my parents privately and I kissed him goodbye and said I would see him tonight at home. I headed to the interrogation room, I walk in and sit across from Brian and cross my arms.

"Do you know why your here?" I asked him point blank, I made sure I showed no emotions.

"Yes" He says defeated.

"Why is that?" I ask getting straight to the point.

"I was the leak." He says ashamed.

"Why would you do it? Why would you lose it all for gambling?" I ask him looking him straight in the eyes.

"It was stupid, I know." He says embarrassed.

"What information did you give out?" I ask standing up and put my hands on the table to lean towards him.

"They only wanted information on you." He says.

"Why me? What was the last thing you told them?" I ask getting angry.

"I don't know why. All they ever wanted to know was about you no one else. The last info they got was that you were happy with your boyfriend and it seemed serious." He says to me.

"You do know your going away for a long time?" I say to him and walk out the door. I'm met by Tristan and Austin.

"Do you believe him?" Austin asked cautiously.

"I believe what he said yes. If he's lying everything will be on the information we have." I say to them.

"Why only you? It's weird." Tris says wondering what the hell is going on.

"I don't know. Luckily my house is equipped with everything including a panic room. So if anything happens I know Colin will be safe." I say.

Unbeknownst to us Dad walks up and he heard everything.

"Princess you need to go home and talk to Colin, tell him what's going on. That he needs to be careful just in case." Dad says and hugs and kisses my cheek goodbye.

I call Colin and tell him to meet me at home it's important. I make my way to the office and grab my stuff and head home for the day.

It's already four-thirty I was in the interrogation room for a while. I get home before Colin and start to cook dinner, halfway through Colin walks in.

"Hey baby, you want some wine?" I ask smiling at him.

"Sure, so what was so important?" Colin asked nervously.

"Have a seat while the food simmers." I tell him as I hand him his glass of wine. He leans in and kisses me softly.

"I need you to do something for me." I tell him seriously.

"What is it?" He asks concerned.

" I need you to learn how to shoot a gun and I need you to be more careful." I ask as my eyes become misty.

"Of course I can but can I ask why?" He asked worry lacing his voice.

"The leak told me the only information they wanted was about me. The last information he gave them was that I have a boyfriend who I was serious about." I break down after I tell him.

"Oh baby." He says and holds me tight and kisses my forehead.

"I can't lose you, I love you too much. I can't picture my life without you, you mean the world to me." I say into his chest as my sobs start to subside.

"I feel the same way Ror, I can't imagine my life without you." He says passionately. He pulls me onto his lap.

He wipes the tears from my eyes and leans in to kiss me, he licks my lower lip asking for entrance which I willingly oblige. My arms wrap around his neck and his hands are on my waist and the back of my neck. We hear a ding and pull apart from our embrace.

"I guess dinners done." He says huskily.

"We'll continue this later." I say and wink at him. I kiss him softly and make my way to the stove. I turn back and wink at him. I put a little more sway to my hips and I can hear him groan.

We've found the leak, that's one thing that I don't need to worry about. What else will I find? Will we handle what's coming our way? Will we sacrifice all that we hold dear? Only time will tell. I do know this there will be pain and someone might get hurt. Secrets are all around us, I will just need to uncover them.

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