His real identity

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Rory's POV

Two months have passed and next month I will be marrying the man of my dreams, the love of my life.

I used to think it was Logan but we never had the connection that Colin and I have, nor did he fully understand me. I finally found my other half and I couldn't be happier.

I decided to work at home today, for the past few months we have been working on the intel we got. I was also looking at my families death. In all the paperwork I've been looking through at Gilmore group and Hayden law there was nothing out of the ordinary but it didn't make sense. If they testified or anything like that there would have been a paper trail, but there was none.

I also found out the person who told me when I called to verify the information was paid off. He didn't know who paid him he was just told that if I ask about my families death he would say that stuff.

Colin is in the game room with Tristan, Austin, Mark, Shane, Logan, Ben, Robert, Nate, and Finn. The girls went out to shop while I've been working for hours on this intel.

I finally stumble onto something and I couldn't believe it, those bastards.

"What the fuck?" I exclaim as I grab my laptop and put it in the case. I walk to where the guys are.

"Sorry to interrupt Shane, Nate, Mark, Ben, Tristan and Austin we need to go now." I order them.

"What's going on babe?" Colin asks concerned.

"I'll tell you later but for now we need to go." I say walking out the door to my SUV. The men following hot on my heels.

As soon as we get to the car I call Dad.

"I found something we're on our way in." I say and hang up.

The guys are quiet and too afraid to ask what is going on. They knew that soon enough they would know. When they find out they'll be just as shocked and pissed. When we arrive we are escorted into the conference room.

"Ok, what's going on?" Tris asks annoyed his patience wearing thin.

"You know the intel we got?" I ask the group.

"Yeah what about it?" Austin asks utterly confused.

"How it said my families death wasn't an accident?" I say to them.

"Yeah what did you find?" Nate asks concerned.

"It's just that it was an accident." I say calmly.

"What? I'm confused now." Mark says.

"I've been looking over records for my families business. There's no paper trail of any kind at all. So I went back to the intel and I realized that it was all fake. Also the person that verified the information told me he was paid off to do so. The pictures and everything were doctored. Someone wants me to think that it wasn't an accident to distract me but I don't know why yet." I answer.

"Are you serious?" Dad asks me.

"I wish, I've also been looking over Chris's files. There's no mention of his mother so I have his DNA in the system looking for a match. I also found out why Chris doesn't like me." I say to them.

"What have you found out?" Shane asks seriously and leans forward.

"I've gone up in ranks and he hasn't, I'm the top of everything. I'm better at being a sniper and everything and he barely made it through seal school. I've also found out that the man I killed wasn't his biological father either it was his adoptive father." I say.

"What happened to his adoptive mother?" Tris asked.

"She died during childbirth, apparently they were told they couldn't have a child. I've also asked my contacts at the CIA and the FBI if they had any information on his adoptive father." I say.

"What did they tell you?" Dad asked.

"He was a stand up citizen until his wife died then he became an extremist. He moved him and his son back to Iraq, then he falsified Chris's school records saying he was in the US attending school his whole life. He was up until high school, do you want to know where he went to school here for college?" I ask them.

"Where?" Austin asks.

"Yale." I answer.

"You went to school with him?" Nate questions shocked.

"Yes me and the boys did and apparently I was friends with him." I say.

"What do you mean?" Dad asks.

"Back then I knew him as Marty but he changed his looks and his name." I reply.

"This is unreal." Shane says utterly shocked.

"He used to have a crush on me in school. I dated Logan and he stopped being my friend. Since it's Marty he also has a issue with the guys. I'm guessing at one point he just snapped." I say.

"How could he do this to you?" Tris asks engulfing me in a hug.

"He knew how much my family meant to me. There's something else going on but I don't know what it is yet, but I'll find out soon enough. We all will." I state adamantly to them. They all nod in agreement.

We then talk about what will happen next. We will have to tell the guys what's going on. I don't know how they will take the news that one of our friends has done this to us.

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