Who did this?

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Colin's POV

Rory grabbed her phone and answered it.


"Yes Sir."

"Thank you."

"I'll see you soon bye"

She hangs up the phone and looks at all of us. "The results are in." She says seriously. Showing no emotion on her face.

"What is it?" Honor asked seriously.

"It's a match. Chris Smith is Shira's biological son." She says. Her voice cracking at the end.

"What?" Logan asked shocked.

"Are they sure?" Finnegan asked seriously.

"They ran the sample twice. Shira Huntzberger has three children." She says.

"She's more evil than we thought." Logan says with disgust.

"We have no proof yet that she knew. No one can say anything." Dad says and everyone nods.

"If it is Shira she will pay." Elias says adamantly with anger.

Rory's POV

I can't believe that it was a match. I thought it would rule her out. I guess Shira really isn't who she appears to be.

"Do you think she could be involved?" Marcus asked concerned.

"When Chris stabbed me he told me that this was for hurting her sons. That I don't belong to Colin. She thinks I belong with Logan." I say with unshed tears as I get up from the table and leave the room.

Colin's POV

"What is she talking about?" Josh asked confused.

"When Colin and Steph was taken Rory fought Chris. He told her some things." Tristan started.

"What things?" Elias asked concerned.

"That she did not belong with Colin. She belongs to her son. Now we know that it's Shira so she thinks she's supposed to be with Logan." Austin says logically.

"Come on Logan even you said it." Nate says loudly.

"Logan what are they talking about?" Honor asked curiously.

"You know how you guys put me in my place last time?" He says to them. I see Mark leave the table.

"Yes." They say together.

"Basically I let mom get to me saying that she really didn't want Colin. That she belonged to me. I'm sorry for what I've done but if mom has involvement with this I'll make sure she pays for what she did." Logan say seething in anger.

"She will pay. You know if she's involved Rory's the one that's going to arrest her?" Her Dad asked the others.

"Wow. Really?" Logan asked shocked.

"Yes." Tristan says smirking.

"Can we be there if it happens?"  Elias asked smirking.

"Oh oh me to." Honor said excitedly.

"If you want you can. I'm pretty sure Rory will make sure it happens in public." I say smirking.

"Let's go see love and check on her." Finn says with worry for his sister.

We check the room where we brought the bags and stopped when we heard Rory and Mark talking.

"Rory do you think she's involved?" Mark asked concerned.

"Mark I'm having flashbacks." She says with tears.

"Flashbacks?" He asked worried.

"To being there both times. The last time I'm remembering more of what he said." She said tearfully.

"What did he say to you baby girl?" He asked pulling her close.

"Colin wasn't supposed to make it. I was. He told me that Colin was supposed to die but changed his mothers plan. Mark she was going to make me a widow." She says breaking down.

I couldn't believe this I turn and look at the others and see the shock on their faces.

"Come here Angel." Mark says holding Rory tight.

We walked in I had tears in my eyes and the moment Rory saw me she ran to my arms. She cried her eyes out.

It broke my heart that she's feeling this pain. "It's alright baby I'm here. I love you so much." I say lovingly.

"I love you to baby." She says emotionally and holds on tighter.

I pick her up bridal style and go and sit on the bed. Logan sits next to us. "My mom really is more involved than we know huh?" Logan asked.

"Yeah. She is. She wants me with you." Rory says.

"Rory I love you but as a sister. We never belonged together. I've realized that now. I have no romantic feelings for you and haven't in years." Logan says.

"We need proof of her involvement." Elias says.

"I know and I bet you anything it's on that flash drive." She says.

"If you arrest her we want to be there when you take her down." Honor says excited.

"Why are you so excited?" Rory asked with a eyebrow raised.

"Come on I knew she was bad for years. Now you get to knock her off her pedestal. I'm pretty sure everyone here wants to see that." Honor says smirking.

We all laugh then Rory turns to Logan "Now show me what you got today." She says smirking.

Logan goes through the bags and places the ones he got on the bed.

"How many did you get?" Elias asked amused.

"Like twenty bags I think?" Logan says

Rory's POV

Colin stands up and places me on the bed and sits next to me. Logan hands me a bag and I start to open it. There was blankets light ones burps cloths pacifiers and bottles in the first bag.

Logan hands me another and I pulled a onesie out and started to laugh. "What's so funny?" Tristan asked.

I turned the onesie over so they could see. "Mommy's dirty little secret." Nate says.

"That's funny." Steph says. I pull out another.

"Guys read this." I say and turn it over.

"Don't worry about Dad. Moms the fighter she's military." Sarah reads aloud.

"That's true they need to worry about you." Tristan says winking at me.

We all went through the bags and organized everything.

Tomorrow all the furniture was going to be delivered for all the houses. So we would spend the next few days setting them up. Then this weekend I'll look at the intel and see if I find anything useful.

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