The Smallest Taste

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


"Oh thank goodness, I found you!" Tara cried out, hugging Nick with a death-like grip. "That thing had been chasing me for too long." She turned her gaze to (f/n) and looked puzzled for a moment. "You ... you're Laura's friend. What are ..."

"We don't have time," Nick and (f/n) said at the same time. The two glanced at each other before they brushed the exact timing aside. Nick made the motion for (f/n) to explain as he helped Tara and himself back to their feet.

"There are no locks on the kitchen door and the door leading to the kitchen from here. The creature is going to be in here soon. Our best bet is to wait until we hear him get closer before we exit back out this door," she advised, pointing with her right thumb to the just locked door.

"I agree. We don't want to open the door only to get stabbed by it," Nick voiced as Tara nodded. Her dark brown eyes hurriedly looked to the connecting door between the kitchen and freezer. She covered her nose as well while she moved closer to the locked door.

"What's the plan after that?" Tara questioned in a whisper, her eyes never changing their point of focus.

"We need to locate the creature's stash. We'll probably find some lock picking gear there as well as more supplies. We need those if we're going to make it out of here alive. Hopefully, we'll run into Laura and Brent on the way. If not, we'll have to leave them behind." His gaze turned to (f/n). "Unless you want to stay behind for Laura."

"We'll leave the gate unlocked for her, but I agree that we can't wait. I don't desire to go without her, but I don't wish to die either. I'm hoping the same as you, though." (F/n) watched the connecting door too and waited for the sound of soft footsteps. That creature probably could've killed them all already, but it was playing its own sick game. The thought made her stomach turn; she didn't want to end up like one of those skeletons.

What seemed like too short of a time, they all heard the creature's footfalls. (F/n) turned and unlocked the freezer door. Speedily, she rammed herself against it as the creaking door alerted the being. They all ran, and footsteps behind them grew faster. In their mad sprint for life, consultation of the map was long forgotten. For all they knew, they could be running in a circle that would lead them face to face with the creature again. After all, the quickened footfalls of the being had grown soft again. None of them glanced backwards, though; they knew better.

Their pace did slow down but by only a little. Nick pulled out the map from his jacket and tried to figure out where they were. He shined his flashlight on multiple points before a frustrated sigh left his mouth. Stopping completely, he traced back his steps to the where the kitchen was. Tara and (f/n) halted some distance away from him but not by too much. They didn't need to get separated.

His pen, from inside his jacket, replaced his flashlight and he drew in a few markings. Putting the writing utensil away, he held his flashlight once more. He glanced to the two females. "We're getting close to the back stairs that led down to this level. I doubt that the creature's stash is on the main level, though. So, we shouldn't head back up yet." Tara made a worried groan and looked like she would sprint off. "We all want to escape this maze Tara, but standing in front of a locked gate won't benefit any of us." Nick started to move again as did the other two.

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