The Bluest Shopper

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Arriving at the grocery store, she released a long sigh. It would keep her away from the house, but she worried about certain food items. Anything red seemed to set her off. Thankfully, she had dealt with her monthly nuisance last week when she had been recovering some. Otherwise, that would've been a nightmare for her. Just the thought of that occurring at the present time sent a chill up her spine.

Getting out of her car, she grabbed her purse before she locked the door and headed over. There didn't seem to be too many cars in the parking lot, so she wouldn't have to worry about concerning anyone as much. She scanned over the list again and decided that she would need a cart for everything. From the looks of it, her mother was going to be making some sort of chicken dish with vegetables.

Pushing the cart in, she hid her right hand in her coat and headed over to the produce section first since it was the closest. Throughout the whole trip, she would only take out her injured hand when she no one else was around. Arriving at the section, she saw that there was only one other person there, but they soon left onto another section of the store, so they didn't see her quickly grab some raspberries and toss them into the cart. She didn't even glance into the cart after she had put them in. Almost, she thought that she had heard Brent or Dean say something, but she brushed it aside as a powerful air conditioning system even though she was nowhere near a vent.

As she retrieved the rest of the produce items, she managed to calm herself down some to the point where it looked like she just needed to get somewhere quickly. Her behavior, though, changed when she headed to the meat section. She looked over the selection and saw the chicken. Involuntarily, though, her gaze diverted itself to the red meat.

Gulping, she told herself mentally that there were no humans in those packages. The recollection of what lied in her freezer didn't help. "Are you finding everything okay?" She jumped and looked to her right. It was a courtesy clerk who appeared to be new. At least, she hadn't seen them in the store before. Her startled expression, though, caused the clerk to give her a worried stare. "Are you feeling alright? You're (f/n) (l/n), right? You survived the tunnels?"

Trying to compose herself, she nodded before she attempted to speak, but she didn't get a word out. Instead, the clerk beat her to it. "Ah, well, just take it easy, then. The stories about that place are ... disturbing. And, with the creature on the loose ..." The clerk shivered before she smiled. "Just make sure to take care of yourself." Her more routine smile took over. "And, do you need help finding anything?"

(F/n) nodded in appreciation, but she wanted to shout that she could do no such thing. Well, she was attempting to by setting up her plan, but in the meantime her health wasn't exactly getting the care that it needed. "Thanks. I will." She returned the smile. "And, I'll be fine. Thank you, though." The clerk gave her a nod before she walked off to continue her sweeps.

The clerk's distraction had been enough to allow her to bag a chicken hurriedly. I wonder if she'll die, but my money is on Haley. Oh wait, I didn't get that reward money. (F/n) pushed the cart faster and reviewed the list again so that she wouldn't focus on him. Luckily, she wasn't seeing him, and she hoped that wouldn't change.

To her benefit, there were no more instances. If she saw something red, she would swiftly avert her gaze to some other object. Occasionally if she was feeling confident enough, she wouldn't, though. She had to push her mind's games away. Otherwise, she would only get worse. Thankfully, no one had seen her staring contest with a thing of red sprinkles.

Infectious Intent (M. Yandere x F. Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ