The Lengthiest Distress

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Something soft greeted her skin. (F/n) shifted her head a little, rubbing into it more. Her fingers clutched at it, and her bare arms felt it over them. (H/c) locks fanned around her face and covered her closed eyes a little. Breathing steady, she opened her eyes.

Afternoon light peeked through the gaps in her curtains. A small smile graced her lips at the simple sight. Her eyes turned to her bed, and she cuddled into the sheets a little. (F/n)'s back moved in the process, and she winced. Still waking up, she didn't register last night's event yet.

Instead, she didn't consider it to be anything serious. The smile stayed on her lips as she was peaceful. Her head turned more into the pillow, and her eyes almost closed again. They stopped, however, when she felt something brush across her forehead gently.

Her present mental state told her that it was just her mother waking her up. She had slept until afternoon, but that was when she heard a giggle. The serenity of the moment crumbled. (F/n)'s eyes shot open, and her hands gripped the pillow all the more. Breath catching in her throat, she refused to look above her.

Memories of last night rushed through her. She recalled how she had only been able to keep her conscious state for five of his inflictions upon her back. Her tongue glided over her bottom lip, and she winced at the sensitive skin. The taste of metal lingered in her mouth, and she remembered how she had bit his hand on the fourth and fifth time. Sickness tugged at her stomach, but her desire not to move was stronger.

The nausea morphed into discomfort. His hand had pressed into her teeth more on both accounts. It had been evident that he had been enjoying the bites. Her disgust returned when she recollected the nearly inaudible moan that had escaped him. A knot formed in her stomach, and the taste of blood didn't help.

She swallowed some of her saliva and forced the urge to vomit away. Her hands dug into the pillow more as though she could burrow into safety. (F/n) noted that the bandages on her right hand had been removed. Brushing her fingers lightly against her palm, she felt the stitches and winced, though; she could tell that her hand was healing nicely.

"I know that you're awake, (f/n)." Another giggle met her ears, and she was dragged out of her thoughts. Fingers touched her left cheek and stayed there. "I saw that lovely smile of yours." She remained still. His hand glided along her cheek: up and down, up and down. "It reminded me of that pink carnation." The creature's hand paused before one of his fingers twirled around a lock of her hair.

"It was so beautiful ... so fragile." Her heart felt like it would explode from fear. "It could be crushed so easily." His finger pulled back. "It really suits you." She heard him step away before he sighed. "But, I probably won't see it again anytime soon. How disappointing."

Steadily, she switched her gaze to him. His right hand was in his hoodie pocket, and his back was turned to her. He leaned against the wall and stared towards the curtains. The creature's sunglasses weren't on. A large yawn exited him. It was high-pitched, but it didn't sound like anything cute.

He faced her, and she wished to shrink back into the sheets. Her eyes met his, and she noticed how tired he looked. There were dark bags under his eyes, and he released another yawn. His left hand covered his mouth. Lowering his hand, he explained, "I didn't get any sleep. I tried to sleep last night, but I couldn't fall asleep. My body wasn't used to it." Annoyance crossed his expression.

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