The Best Help

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

At the top of the pile, (f/n) peered back one more time. Still, he wasn't there. The creature had to be nearby. Or, he might've headed to the gate already. Her stomach turned at that thought. She could picture him standing there with a grin plastered on his lips. If only there was another exit out of the tunnels, they could run to the other one, but he would probably still beat them to it. Either way, chances of their escape were becoming slimmer.

About to start her way down, she caught movement out of the corners of her eyes. She looked towards the air vent entrance and saw the cover being steadily removed. Tara was closest to the entrance, but she didn't want to shout. The creature would probably attack immediately, then. Not knowing what else to do, (f/n) shoved Tara forward. Thankfully, she only slid down the pile and didn't fall off of it.

The woman was about to yell at (f/n) until her eyes caught hold of the air vent. Swiftly, she continued her climb down, but (f/n) didn't have enough time to. A hand latched onto her right wrist and tugged her over. (F/n) pulled out her flashlight and shone it in the creature's direction. She was released, but his hand took her flashlight. Both disappeared back into the vents.

Nick was halfway between Tara and her and waited for her to come. "Hurry, (f/n)! It'll come back." She nodded and followed after them. (F/n) fell flat on her midsection, however, as her right leg was pulled backwards. Her hands latched onto a piece of rubble, and she cursed loudly. Heart pounding, she felt the creature tug harder, so she grasped the rock more.

Tara was already at the bottom of the pile while Nick was starting to come back towards her. "Nick, are you crazy?! Get back here and leave her. She's a goner. We need to go!" Tara shouted, already distancing herself from the area. (F/n) would've scowled at the woman, but she had herself busy. The creature had assured her that she would be the last to die, but she didn't want to die at all, and she didn't plan on getting captured by the thing again.

Another hand latched around her left leg. She screamed as nails cut into her skin, and she was losing her grip on the rock. "Then, go on without us. We'll catch up!" Nick yelled back and tossed the key to her. Tara caught it and carried on without them while he grabbed (f/n)'s hands. His eyes caught hold of the creature's gaze, and he almost froze out of fear. A grin covered the creature's lips before a chuckle left them.

One of Nick's hands let go of (f/n), and he turned on his flashlight. The beams struck the creature's eyes directly, and a loud hiss erupted from him. Its grip on her legs loosened somewhat, Nick tugged her hard, and she was free from the creature. Hurriedly, they descended down the path while the creature retreated back into the vents. Nick helped her down the pile, and they could see Tara down the left path.

When her feet landed on the ground, (f/n) almost fell forward due to her left leg. Nick held her up and balanced her. "Will you be able to run?"

"I don't know. I might be able to." She glanced back up at the vent entrance, and the cover was back on. "Why did you help me?" she asked, turning back to him. They started to walk after Tara, and she forced her left leg to deal with it.

"I lost Laura and now Brent, but you warned us not to enter these tunnels. We did, and you had to come here to rescue your best friend. She's dead now, and I feel responsible for you. Out of all of us, you're the one who shouldn't be in this mess. I owe it to Laura to get you out of here." He chuckled for a moment. "Besides, you're the one with the car keys."

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