The Breeziest Shiver

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Dark blues narrowed, and Haley lifted up her head. Crimson dripped down her chin, and tear stains covered her cheeks. There was an odd smell in the room, but it was beginning to fade. (F/n)'s eyes briefly glanced from Haley to her broken wrists. The swollen skin there needed ice, but she doubted that the creature would give her any.

(E/c) eyes looked to the container on the table. Red dominated the inside, and she shifted her gaze back to Haley. Her dark blue eyes contained loathing in them, and her fingers clenched lightly. Haley sucked on her lower lip to hold back a cry of pain.

The creature, however, ignored Haley completely. He continued towards the front door, but (f/n) noted a grin on his lips. She glanced back to Haley and her lips. Most likely, he was happy that Haley couldn't speak. (F/n) shared a similar feeling.

If Haley's lips weren't bleeding so much, she probably would've had insult after insult thrown her way, though; that probably would've caused the creature to perform a more drastic measure on Haley. That was something that she didn't desire to witness. The implication of the container on the table was enough.

Opening the door, the creature paused and examined his partner's form. A cold breeze blew into the cabin, but it wasn't strong enough to blow out the fire. It only chilled Haley and her. Instinctively, (f/n) pressed herself more against the creature. Her right shoulder protested, but the rest of her body demanded it. The creature, though, grinned, but that didn't last long. He had forgotten something important for her.

When he turned away from the door and closed it again, (f/n) wondered what he was planning. She peered up to him and saw that his focus was on Haley. Part of her suspected that he would torture Haley in front of her, but that wouldn't make sense with what he had said earlier in the day. Confused, she watched as he set her on the table and approached Haley. Had he changed his plans?

Crouching in front of Haley, the creature reached for her feet. "What size are you?" he asked, which puzzled both girls. His eyes stared back to his partner's. "Well?"

(F/n) glanced to her bare feet before she made the connection. Wearing Haley's shoes wasn't exactly something that she wished for, but she couldn't be picky. Besides, Haley was sitting right next to the fire. "(F/s)."

Taking off one of the younger teen's boots, the creature examined the bottom. "They're a size bigger, but that'll have to do. I can't have your feet freezing out there." He giggled and met her gaze. "Well, I could. Then, you most definitely wouldn't be able to walk." Haley almost looked like she was laughing, but the older teen barely paid her attention.

"I ... thou-thought ..."

Giggling even more, the creature stood up with the boot. "Yes, I'm going to take care of you." He walked over to her and giggled. "I'm your protector, but," he leaned down towards her height, and she moved back as best as she could, "don't you think that I could protect you better if you can't walk? Then, all I have to do is carry you around. That'll make it even harder for your plan to succeed since I'll always be near you. In fact, I could even break your feet."

Infectious Intent (M. Yandere x F. Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang